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Did a tiny quick battle and at the end my lone crack panther had accounted for 100% of all casualties I think, haha, about 10 enemy vehicles and 63 personnel. There was one point just before the end where I had the camera by the tank and it drove past this single American with his hands in the air, it was classic, unfortunately the awesomeness of the moment was too much and I hit the screenshot key too late :(

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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate.

I thought of posting that when I saw this thread yesterday but decided no for someone else surely will.

Didn't expect it to take this long though.

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I was totally awed by the scene: a panther tank storms down a village street looking for trouble. I had already killed off most of the accompanying infantry so the panther crew must have had a deathwish.

I had two bazooka teams hiding behind buildings on either side of the street and two infantry squads nearby. All four elements had arcs of fire that restricted them to firing down the street at an enemy that had already passed them by, so as to hit only the rear aspect of the target.

The panther fell perfectly into the trap. As it passed the houses concealing the two bazooka teams, the bazooka men rose in unison but one got off the killing shot, a hit to the turret side (the turret was deployed 90 degrees off the axis of advance, seeking out my men.)

As soon as the bazooka round hit, the panther lurches forward to a grinding halt. There is a long second of silence, then the hatches fly open and the crew bails...into a sh!tstorm of fire from mere feet away. There were so many tracers going in so many directions it was incredible that none of my own men were hit by ricochets or crossfire.

Watching this game up close and personal is truly incredible. The amount of detail present and fast action with no video glitches, even with everything set on "better" or "best" (I have a laptop, BTW) is just phenomenal. It is like watching a war movie, only better because I am the "director" if you will.

If we are witness to this sort of video and computing fidelity now, I can only wonder what will be available in 5-10-15 years. But right now, it is making a one-time-kid-playing-with-toy-soldiers, a very, very happy geezer grog. :D

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Watching this game up close and personal is truly incredible. The amount of detail present and fast action with no video glitches, even with everything set on "better" or "best" (I have a laptop, BTW) is just phenomenal. It is like watching a war movie, only better because I am the "director" if you will.

If we are witness to this sort of video and computing fidelity now, I can only wonder what will be available in 5-10-15 years. But right now, it is making a one-time-kid-playing-with-toy-soldiers, a very, very happy geezer grog. :D

My thoughts exactly, Gunner. My liesure time is truly set for the rest of my life!:D

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A tank is destroyed, 4 crew members bail out. One of them surrenders, 3 run away and escape alive.

A soldier shoots at an enemy soldier that was not moving, but laying in ground right next to him. The shot misses at distance of one meter. Then the "marksman" runs away and after about 10 meters dies from enemy bullet.

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I keep finding myself in awe by the "across the bocage" battle where opposing squads or half squads start squaring off only a few meters away, having just "surprised" each other. In that vein, I've found a very effective technique is to tie down enemy infantry across one side of a field (i.e., firing across bocage) and then flanking through another side of the bocage. You virtually catch the enemy in the open. Maybe this is a well worn technique but it's new to me.

I'm also impressed by the terrain/landscape. I'm used the to game engine from CMSF but the lush green trees, hedges and grass is new and fantastic. I was impressed in the demo, but I just played "It's a New Dawn" which takes place in an overgrown orchard at night. It's a beautiful map (and a shame that I need to display on the trunks to issue orders).


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I'm also impressed by the terrain/landscape. I'm used the to game engine from CMSF but the lush green trees, hedges and grass is new and fantastic. I was impressed in the demo, but I just played "It's a New Dawn" which takes place in an overgrown orchard at night. It's a beautiful map (and a shame that I need to display on the trunks to issue orders).


The fun of WEGO. I can do whatever I want during command phase and watch it however I want in playback. RTS has some real benefits, but I just feel I miss too much of the immersion.

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Massive scope, seen so many great things in this game already and have only played two QB's, starting to get the feel of it and I see that it is a very different beast to cm1, overal I am delighted with the new game, well done BF.

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First turn of the first mission in one of the campaigns. I sent a pair of scouts through a gap in the bocage delimiting the deployment zone. Within five seconds they are spotted from all the way across the map, and (what I assumed was) a pak round comes flying toward them, to detonate in the bocage behind one of the scouts. In replaying the turn from all sorts of angles to find where the shot came from, I noticed it appeared to go right through the (unharmed) scout. Wtf?

Looking closer, I realized the round went right through the guy's legs, right between his knees. Needless to say, he dropped straight to the ground, shaking -- scared but lucky bastard!

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First turn of the first mission in one of the campaigns. I sent a pair of scouts through a gap in the bocage delimiting the deployment zone. Within five seconds they are spotted from all the way across the map, and (what I assumed was) a pak round comes flying toward them, to detonate in the bocage behind one of the scouts. In replaying the turn from all sorts of angles to find where the shot came from, I noticed it appeared to go right through the (unharmed) scout. Wtf?

Looking closer, I realized the round went right through the guy's legs, right between his knees. Needless to say, he dropped straight to the ground, shaking -- scared but lucky bastard!

Is he still capable of fathering pixelchildren?

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First turn of the first mission in one of the campaigns. I sent a pair of scouts through a gap in the bocage delimiting the deployment zone. Within five seconds they are spotted from all the way across the map, and (what I assumed was) a pak round comes flying toward them, to detonate in the bocage behind one of the scouts. In replaying the turn from all sorts of angles to find where the shot came from, I noticed it appeared to go right through the (unharmed) scout. Wtf?

Looking closer, I realized the round went right through the guy's legs, right between his knees. Needless to say, he dropped straight to the ground, shaking -- scared but lucky bastard!

Did his base turn yellow?

My base would turn yellow.

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I had issued move orders to a Sherman and m10 to either side of a village of a meeting engagement qb, deployed two guns in a lazy position well away from any useful firing position just to test it, left the rest of my units in the DZ ....and walked away. My only interest was seeing how attached units to one hq worked in QBs.

I came back 15 minutes later to my two tanks smiting Germans that had encircled them. I didn't even notice the tiger and half track burning.

I played the m10 for 10 ish more minutes as the Sherman had mg ammo and was doing fine, and the m10 was silent due to being buttoned and no he ammo. Ended up using all the ap ammo, one hit a squad charging it 10m away..the survivors bent the knee.

All told those two tanks killed 105 inf, 4 missing, 1 HT and one Tiger. Most in those first 15. Was pretty cool to come back to that.

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Pbem battle I'm playing at the moment. Sherman appears around a corner and begins duelling with an AT gun. Sherman fires 2 rounds short and the AT gun fires 2 rounds high.

TC unbuttons and starts to have a go with the turret MG ( .50 cal ? ) - probably trying to suppress the AT crew more.

AT gun fires again and again it's high. But TC disappears with an "Argh !"

Yep, round wasn't that high. Took his head off.


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Two things come to mind, a tanker taking a dip in the heat of battle and the levitating landser.

Wish I could have taken screens of each, but for some reason, when I try to paste a game capture into Photoshop, all I get is a blank (black, because that's my foreground color) screen.

Anyhow, the first was after a tank crew bailed from a burning Sherman in my first go-round with the demo tutorial. The crew ran towards the farm, got into a skirmish with the Germans there and the sole American survivor ran off to the creek. He started across and dove completely "underwater"... he never resurfaced. He wasn't shot, but I believe he was driven to ground by falling mortar rounds nearby. I imagine he was wounded or killed while lying on the stream bed as an airburst went off directly overhead just after he submerged.

The second happened just yesterday and I'm guessing, with 5/21 having been the day of judgement, that the levitation was either (a) divine intervention, or (B) demonic possession. I was running through the third battle of the tutorial campaign and the Americans had just stormed the trench. The German was hit in the back just as he leapt from the trench. He fell backwards and suspended in mid air a foot or so above the top of the trench... He stayed that way for the last minute and a half of the game.

Aside from the occasional visual quirk, the game is spectacular. The more I get used to the CMx2 interface, the more I love it. I only played CMSF a handful of times, and then just to acquaint myself with differences from CMx1. I spent more time messing around with the map editor.

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Two things come to mind, a tanker taking a dip in the heat of battle and the levitating landser.

On th Huzzar! map there is a small bridge over a dry gully. Just out of curiosity I tried to see if my dogfaces could move under the bridge. I ended up with some weird visuals of GIs wandering through the bridge supports. I understand from some previous BFC posts that bridges were some of the more difficult items to model so I wasn't shocked, but it was rather funny.

Meanwhile my landser AT teams continue to surprise me at how effective they are. I know a lot of folks have complained about their firing small arms and giving away their position, but I am finding that those instances have helped me. Invariably the tank buttons up and apparently loses some visibility. Before they can react the AT gunner usually nails em and then the team almost always guns down the crew as they exit.

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Pbem battle I'm playing at the moment. Sherman appears around a corner and begins duelling with an AT gun. Sherman fires 2 rounds short and the AT gun fires 2 rounds high.

TC unbuttons and starts to have a go with the turret MG ( .50 cal ? ) - probably trying to suppress the AT crew more.

AT gun fires again and again it's high. But TC disappears with an "Argh !"

Yep, round wasn't that high. Took his head off.


Outrageous! Extremely unrealistic...did the disembodied head say "Argh!" as it flew by? Game is obviously broken. Demand a refund.

:D :D :D

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It was 10 years ago. She may have been hot back in the day.

I glimpsed some pix of her in the National Enquirer while standing in line at the market. From a decade old a bikini shot, you'd say she was never a beauty but did exude a good-natured bosomy appeal.

A precise physical opposite of Maria. Which, one supposes, was the point.

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Outrageous! Extremely unrealistic...did the disembodied head say "Argh!" as it flew by? Game is obviously broken. Demand a refund.

:D :D :D

Actually, I imagined it was the rest of the crew saying "Argh !"

If you think about the implications ... well, it doesn't bear thinking about :(

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On a lighter note - in one of my Pbem games which is just beginning, it turns out that while using the (T)argetting tool to determine Los for my plucky dug-in defenders, I inadvertently clicked on a patch of ground ... and didn't notice.

So as the battle begins and the enemy have yet to be seen, I hear firing and after hunting around the map, find this unit determinedly "befehl ist befehl !" hurting the ground near them :)

Immediately made me think of that scene in Band of Brothers where they creep up on a German MG at the crossroads in the night and it's firing blindly into the darkness and they're all wondering "What's he shooting at ?"

Hehe, this game has everything - even muppets.

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On th Huzzar! map there is a small bridge over a dry gully. Just out of curiosity I tried to see if my dogfaces could move under the bridge. I ended up with some weird visuals of GIs wandering through the bridge supports. I understand from some previous BFC posts that bridges were some of the more difficult items to model so I wasn't shocked, but it was rather funny.

Meanwhile my landser AT teams continue to surprise me at how effective they are. I know a lot of folks have complained about their firing small arms and giving away their position, but I am finding that those instances have helped me. Invariably the tank buttons up and apparently loses some visibility. Before they can react the AT gunner usually nails em and then the team almost always guns down the crew as they exit.

I saw a vehicle "drop through" a bridge in the the Bloody Gulch Battle of Panzer Marsch campaign. It was going fine, paused in the middle and then it is underneath the bridge, well sort of the turret is poking out of the concrete and the rest is on the ground.

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*In a QB I had an M20 AC hunting over a small rise along the road toward a village. Behind him, low in the gully with no LOS at all over the rise sat a Sherman-75. An enemy Tiger rolled into the village and the M20 had only just spotted him when he fired. The shell missed the M20, flew past its wheels and took out my completely defilade Sherman in the gully. Arrgggh! The now 3-man crew panicked and fled to the corner of the map. About 8 minutes later I moved the reduced crew back into its abandoned tank. I then moved him up and he took out another Tiger from the flank before succumbing to a third Tiger. Guess it just wasn't his day.

* In another QB my PzIVH holed a Sherman-75 completely through-and-through (in through the upper right hull at about 30 degrees, and out the other side). The 75mm round had lost so much momentum that when it exited the tank it flew slower than a schreck round. I've seen deflections, and even - in CMSF - an Abrams holing two side-by-side BMPs, but I've never seen a tank round moving that slowly through the air.

- Chris

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