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infantrymen vs tankers

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while we are waiting, I thought I would start an informal poll about what aspect of CMBN interests you the most: infantry combat or tank combat?

Although I of course like tank v tank battles as much as the next player, my favorite battles have been infantry focussed going back to CMx1.

CMSF with its 1:1 modelling did a very good job with infantry, but modern warfare has always been a combined arms affair. US/UK/NATO units are generally light on infantry and heavy on supporting AFVs/vehicles.

In CMBN however, infantry is very much at the forefront with large infantry units light on support.

So while some only feel safe going into battle surrounded by tons of steel and packing a big gun, I am most at home crawling around in the brush leading my platoon. :)

So sound off: infantryman or tanker?

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I simply love the infantry war, and can say that going to 1-1 representation was the best thing that could have happened with CM for me.

But then i also admire the tank modelling, suspensions rocking around and over slight depressions and elevations. Hmm, this makes me a combined arms man i think... :)

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Definitely armour, the fidelity of 1-1 infantry modelling is too far away from real life yet to accurately depict either infantry formations or IA drills. As I understand it 1-1 infantry is still abstracted.

Armour in CM-2 has come along in leaps and bounds and in my opinion is the truly shining factor in CM games.

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Definitely armour, the fidelity of 1-1 infantry modelling is too far away from real life yet to accurately depict either infantry formations or IA drills. As I understand it 1-1 infantry is still abstracted.

Armour in CM-2 has come along in leaps and bounds and in my opinion is the truly shining factor in CM games.

What part of it is abstracted? They get fudges to balance out AI limitations but other than that the same hit detection is used on infantry and vehicles.

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What part of it is abstracted? They get fudges to balance out AI limitations but other than that the same hit detection is used on infantry and vehicles.

That is part of a long running discussion with GSX and others about the accuracy of infantry/formation modeling in CMSF and how much of infantry combat is still abstracted (obviously less than in CMx1). Although some of his comments have merit in the context of modern combat, they are less relevant in the context of WW2 infantry combat. Squads can be split, so you can use proper covering fire/maneuver tactics. Infantry probably still bunches up too much, although that was more common in WW2.

In other words: ignore him. :D

(ps- GSX or Geordie and I go back a long time, all the way to CMBB PBEM games at the Blitz ;)).

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That is part of a long running discussion with GSX and others about the accuracy of infantry/formation modeling in CMSF and how much of infantry combat is still abstracted (obviously less than in CMx1). Although some of his comments have merit in the context of modern combat, they are less relevant in the context of WW2 infantry combat. Squads can be split, so you can use proper covering fire/maneuver tactics. Infantry probably still bunches up too much, although that was more common in WW2.

In other words: ignore him. :D

(ps- GSX or Geordie and I go back a long time, all the way to PBEM games at the Blitz ;)).

Sure I get that there infantry isn't nearly as smart as in real life, I was just wondering what mechanic in the game that applies to infantry is abstracted? Curious mind and all.

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my best - "oh my god I have to watch that over and over again" scenes have all been infantry, but I have also started paying attention more to armor now that I am getting used to it. Last night was playing BtB and watched from the german trenched mortar position as a Sherman attacked from the flank. Bow and Coax machine guns spitting rounds, turret swinging to catch any moving infantry, friggin awesome.

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As a fence-straddler I like combined arms but, if I had to choose, then infantry. Armor battles tend to be all-or-nothing. One second you are 40 tons of steel and guns, the next a flaming heap of metal filled with exploding ordnance.

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Been LONGING, LONGING, LOOOONGING for this moment since CMBO.

I can remember a really vicious fire fight I had in the ruins of some city map...most of the action centered around this one opening amidst all the buildings and rubble...it was a back and forth, back and forth between the Germs and US guys trying to capture the objective...by the end of it I counted 56 dead on my side (Am) in that one area...That was probably one of the most vicious fights I'd ever had in the game...but do the math...how much of that did I really get to see? And what? One casualty marker per 12 man squad? Now, with CMBN, man the carnage that picture would tell.

Today I watched the Germs and Amis lined up behind bocage, slug it out across the fields...exchanging fire, ducking, cowering, reloading, dropping from hits...what a sight, man. In another field, I split off a scout team watched them slip through a gap in the hedgerow and had them hunt across the tall grass until they went to ground after being fired on...they lay in the grass, unseen and crawled forward. I could've cut the tension with a knife waiting for that first gun shot...wondering if a dude was gonna drop.

So, yeah, mostly infantry...I like some armored cars thrown in sometimes or even one or two tanks for the challenge of trying to knock them out.


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Sure I get that there infantry isn't nearly as smart as in real life, I was just wondering what mechanic in the game that applies to infantry is abstracted? Curious mind and all.

AFAIR, in CMSF, the effect of artillery had been slightly toned down vs infantry to compensate for the fact that they would bunch up more than real life. I have not checked out if this is still the case in CMBN.

Although bullets/ordnance are tracked, infantry gets the benefit of micro-cover in various terrain. For example, in open terrain, it is assumed that motionless infantry would try to hide in depressions in the ground/behind rocks.

In modern squads, there are various formations which can be ordered. In CMBN, you can split your squad and generate similar formations, but it requires more micro-management than in RL.

All minor points as far as I am concerned. Others may disagree and are free to pipe in if I have forgotten anything.

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My favourite infantry moment from the demo has probably been getting a platoon into the ditch behind the village in Closing the Gap under the cover of smoke and then using them to assault the AT gun from close range and rush into the buildings from behind. Those turns were watched many times. :D

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