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What will the bloody Americans have after all this whining and complaining?

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First it's the "60mm mortar is too deadly, too accurate" it’s killing all our conscripts with their MG34 and MG42's.

Second it was the Sherman tank crews assaulting across open ground and capturing objectives, which I am sure were defended by SS Superman armed to the teeth with MG's and potato mashers.

Lastly, the Americans have too much artillery, "Oh the 105's have too many rounds".

Everyone seems to accept the fact when a German squad, crew or weapon achieves exceptional results in combat. When it’s the poor Dogfaces who do the same, everyone cries foul. Next it will be the over penetration of the .45 ACP ammunition or the too high sustained ROF of the M1 Carbine!

The accuracy and direct fire capability of the 60mm is well documented. This was a weapon where the Americans had a distinct advantage of the Germans. I have yet to witness the Banzai charges of the Sherman tank crews. I suspect if they assault a poorly defended location with a squad that is out of command and exhausted or panicked, the crew might have a fair chance at success. Now for the artillery. Remember the Americans were lavishly supplied and artillery was no exception. Lots of rounds and lots of tubes. Artillery is the God of War and the Americans historically had lots of rounds to throw down range.

So if you fancy playing Herman, disperse your infantry and run when the spotting rounds show up. Have a reserve in command and good standing to mop any errant tank crews.


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The Sherman banzai teams are an actual bug, under AI scripts they carry out them same attack orders even when their tank is knocked out. So they'll run across open ground and attack a German platoon in cover as if they still had their tank. Usually resulting in them getting cut down for trying to play tank with a .45.

But I agree, it seems the UberGerman mentality is strong with a good chunk of wargamers. To many it seems the Germans are supposed to be unstoppable badasses (except for the part where they lost...) and the Americans tactically inept cannon fodder. It does get a little tiring.

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The 60mm was awesome in CM:BO. But you couldn't fire it indirectly and the AI targeted mortars above all else. So borg spotting meant death for the little guys.

And remember, the little buggers only have 3 min of firing in them. Although unlike in CM:BO, they can still be used as infantry.

I'm surprised no one's complained about what anti-infantry death machines Shermans are. Piles of HE ammunition, multiple MGs, and a very fast turret.

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My tank crews (German or American) have not fared so well. I understand the programming issue as to why they attack and yes historically it is inaccurate, but if Steve, Charles and the gang felt trying to correct it would just create more issues than it would help, I'll just chalk it up to desperation on the part of the AI. It certainly hasn't had much impact on the game for me.

I am learning to be a lot more wary of artillery in general. In Closing the gap I took out both Panthers with artillery while my armor sat behind the ridge waiting for an opportunity. Once the Panthers were gone it was all over for the Germans, between my artillery and armor they never stood a chance. Historically I think that situation is pretty accurate. A human player however wouldn't sit still while artillery rounds walked there way up to your most precious item. :-P Lesson for both I think is, if you want to avoid the artillery- close with the enemy.

I will say this for the landser, they put up a darned good fight in Bocage and have the weapons for it, great handheld AT and lots of MGs. If you can set up some good lateral lines like a sunken road to reinforce positions it can be deadly for the Amis.

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