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CM Shock Force.exe has stopped working

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What security software do you have installed (anti-virus/anti-spyware/anti-malware/firewall/internet-security) ? I assume that you were successful in activating the license for the game, is that correct ? Or have you not seen the license dialog box for the game yet ?

Is this a Battlefront version of the game (which is the only version to use eLicense/"Runservice.exe") ?

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If it accepted the eLicense, then this is a strong indication that something is wrong with your install, as opposed to anything to do with DEP or security interfering. Did you install the patches correctly and e.g. in the right directories?

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I don't know how well the patches find the correct directories. I assume that they look at registry entries to find where the game has been installed to. If you browse to your Paradox installation (in Windows Explorer File Manager) can you launch CMSF from there ? I assume that your Paradox installation of CMSF is in the following directory:

\Program Files (x86)\Paradox Interactive\Combat Mission Shock Force

If you can launch that game, then what version is it, 1.20 ?

If the above does work to launch the game, then you may need to reapply the 1.21 and 1.31 patches and DOUBLE-CHECK the installation path. You will also have to make sure that you are only updating "CMSF" and not any modules, otherwise you will get prompted for license keys to the modules.

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So you have a Paradox distribution of CMSF and you have purchased the v. 1.21 Retail upgrade (Paradox) patch, is that correct ? You only have the base Paradox game and no modules, is that correct ?

This would be the installation routine for someone who has the Paradox retail disc version and no other modules, but they have purchased the 1.21 Battlefront/eLicense patch:

1. Install CMSF (Paradox).

2. Run CMSF and make sure it is working. You may be at version 1.0, 1.01, 1.08. I'm not sure how new some of the versions were that Paradox sold into retail.

3. Download and install the 1.10 patch ('Paradox Retail patch' section).

4. Run CMSF again and it should still work and you should now be at version 1.10 (bottom middle of main screen).

5. Now install the '1.21 Paradox Upgrade patch'.

6. When you launch CMSF it should now come up with a dialog box to license the game. If you have already successfully licensed the game, then it may go straight to the main menu and it should denote that you are at version 1.21.

7. Download and install the 1.31 patch. Make sure to select "CMSF" only and no other modules, since you don't have them. If you make a mistake here, then you should get prompted for additional license keys for the modules you select here when you start CMSF the next time. If this happens, then re-install the 1.31 patch and make the correct selections and it should fix this issue.

eLicense can be susceptible to security software and security settings within Windows. On the Windows side of things you may need to make changes to your DEP settings, possibly even before you have licensed the game. In this case it looks like you have already done that.

The next thing to watch out for is security software. This can include anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-malware, firewall and internet-security programs. Sometimes it is just an issue of adding a "trust/exception" for the executable files and/or directories for the programs. Other times you may need to temporarily disable the entire security program or certain features.

Regarding the "default directories", I'm not sure where Paradox initially installs the game to, but I somewhat doubt that the default installation directory is:

'C:\Combat Mission Shock Force'

Most likely it would be (though I'm not certain for Paradox):

'\Program Files (x86)\Paradox Interactive\Combat Mission Shock Force'

You may need to double check where your running copy of CMSF is (BEFORE applying the 1.21 patch) and make sure that the 1.21 patch and subsequent 1.31 patch install into that exact directory.

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So you are installing the 'Paradox Upgrade 1.21' patch, correct ? It is being installed into the correct directory, correct ?

If the above is correct, then exactly what happens after applying the 1.21 patch ? Does nothing at all come up ? Do you get an error message ? Do you see the license dialog box at all ? You mention once successfully licensing the game on the computer, if that is true, then you may not get another license activation dialog box since the game is already considered activated/licensed.

You have added the game executable and 'Runservice.exe' to your DEP settings, correct ?

What security software do you have installed ? You may need to add 'exceptions/trusts' for all of its features for the game executable and/or directories.

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So you are installing the 'Paradox Upgrade 1.21' patch, correct ? It is being installed into the correct directory, correct ?


If the above is correct, then exactly what happens after applying the 1.21 patch ? Does nothing at all come up ?

I get the error message saying CM Shock Force.exe has stopped working, plus these details:

Problem Event Name: BEX

Application Name: CM Shock Force.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4af14c9e

Fault Module Name: elicen40.dll

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 3d86b216

Exception Offset: 00025001

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Data: 00000008

OS Version: 6.1.7600.

Locale ID: 2057

Additional Information 1: 4c0d

Additional Information 2: 4c0d4d78887f76d971d5d00f1f20a433

Additional Information 3: 4c0d

Additional Information 4: 4c0d4d78887f76d971d5d00f1f20a433

Do you get an error message ? Do you see the license dialog box at all ? You mention once successfully licensing the game on the computer, if that is true, then you may not get another license activation dialog box since the game is already considered activated/licensed.

The first time I installed 1.21 I got the licensing dialogue.

You have added the game executable and 'Runservice.exe' to your DEP settings, correct ?


What security software do you have installed ? You may need to add 'exceptions/trusts' for all of its features for the game executable and/or directories.

Comodo Internet Security. Yes.

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Comodo Internet Security's "Defense+" feature interferes with eLicense. My experience has been to turn off "Defense+". To do that within the Comodo Internet Security control panel:

Defense+ > Defense+ Settings > checkmark 'Deactivate the Defense+ permanently (Requires a system restart)'.

Another user posted a way of keeping Defense+ active and adding other exceptions specifically for this, on the second page of this thread. I haven't personally tried it, but they made these changes to allow CMSF and eLicense to work:

Add BFC's Executables to Image Execution Control Exclusions

as well as trusted applications

(CIS > Defense+ > Defense+ Settings > Image Execution > Exclusions)

(CIS > Defense+ > Computer Security Policy )

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Are you using other security software (anti-virus/anti-spyware/anti-malware/firewall/internet-security) beyond Comodo ? I'm not sure there is a way to disable Comodo and NOT have it interfere. Did you disable Defense+ in the manner that was mentioned ? Any other 'temporary' disabling probably isn't going to work.

The error that you're getting indicates that something is interfering with eLicense. This is typically DEP or security software.

Are you launching CMSF by right-clicking and selecting "Run as administrator" from the popup menu ? This sometimes helps with getting games to run that may be in a 'protected' folder/directory. However I wouldn't think off-hand that it would resolve a '0xc0000005' error.

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I assume you're saying that the game still does not work for you, correct ?

I'm not sure if you can fully "disable/turn-off" Comodo. You may need to go in and actually change that particular setting for Defense+ to keep it from interfering.

Are you running any other security software other than Comodo (and the built-in Windows Firewall) ? eLicense can conflict with other security programs, which may need to be either configured to prevent their interference or possibly uninstalled in some cases.

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I'm sorry, I don't know what can be done at this point.

If you have:

1) Installed the games in the appropriate directories and installed the patches in those same directories.

2) Added the executables to DEP.

3) Made sure that the 'LicCtrl Service' ("Runservice.exe") is 'Started' in the 'Services' Administrative control panel.

4) Configured, turned off or uninstalled your anti-virus/security software to allow eLicense to run without interference.

5) Ran the program with "Run as administrator".

The error that you mention '0xc0000005' is one typically associated with interference with eLicense by DEP or security programs. Since you installed outside of a normally UAC protected directory ('C:\Combat Mission Shock Force'), then that should have alleviated some of the UAC issues and possibly the need to "Run as administrator".

When you activate an eLicense game for the first time, several files are copied silently at the conclusion of that process to the '\Windows' directory. They are 'Runservice.exe', 'mmfs.dll' and 'lcmmfu.cpl'. The '.cpl' file is a control panel that rarely works in current OSes. The other two files are necessary for eLicense to run. 'Runservice.exe' is actually the 'LicCtrl Service' listed in the Services control panel. This file should be started and running in memory in order for an eLicense game to work. With Runservice.exe/LicCtrl-Service, along with registry settings written at the time of activation, an eLicense game should work. If something interferes with the eLicense service, then the games will not run; often generating the '0xc0000005' error.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I have the same problem with my game, purchased in Gamersgate. I have followed all steps related with DEP and programs like antivirus, etc. but I cant launch CMSF when I install 1.21 to convert the game.

For the moment, I will keep version 1.20. I'm thinking about purchasing CMSF in BFT store, but such situations are a bit frustrating for legal owners of games.


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COMODO antivirus was the problem!

I have unistalled COMODO antivirus (to disabled it is not enough), unlicense CMSF and licensed again and now CMSF works fine. Its not necessary for me to change DEP default settings.



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With the Comodo product, we have seen problems with eLicense and Comodo's 'Defense+' feature. Usually disabling this setting (requiring a reboot) is all that is necessary. Some users have even been able to set exceptions for the Defense+ feature that has allowed eLicense games like CMSF to work.

CMBN uses a different copy-protection system that seems to have fewer problems with some security programs (though there's always some, somewhere that will cause issues).

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