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Rather sterile graphics....

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He has no link to PC, or anything else except his Mom's basement (and her corpse may be decaying in the attic).

I sometimes pine for the pre-blogosphere days when misanthropic loons wrote their Manifestos by typewriter in Montana shacks and had to murder university professors to get their ravings published.


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It reads like he watched Sergei's 2000/2011 old/new game comparison and thought the first half of the clip was CM:BN.

Exactly, hence the reference to the gay play mobil soldiers as well and lack of craters fro mortars (plenty of those in the 3rd AAR)

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I think PCO will do quite well actually,hats off to them on a good job. CM:BN on the other hand simply raises the bar to another level. The infantry model in PCO is again abstracted similar to the original combat mission series,the new CM:BN simply blows it away.

Was the first poster a fan of PCO? I'd tend to doubt it,if he's that critical of the new combat mission graphics he'll feel as bad or worse about PCO.

Are there members of the Matrix boards that bash CM? Most probably,they tend to be fairly free in posting like battlefront. Similarly there are members here who just have to vent their spleen at matrix as well. I like both companies,have many of their games and want them both to do well and produce more games!

Will the guys running matrix be playing CM:BN? Most certainly! They love good games same as the rest of us.

You are right Smithers. I should have thought more carefully when posting my response earlier. I have become very impaitent with a small group of BF haters that I assume sometimes any negative post here is attributed to them. My bad.

For what it is worth, I do think PCO is going to be a very good game and my hats off to the volunteers who made the current upgrade for it. They have done enormous work on a game which was so flawed in so many ways. I do intend to get PCO and enjoy it for what it brings to my wargaming table.

My apologies to the PCO volunteers out there I have offended.

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It might be a PCO troll but unfortunately this game does attract the Nazi fan boy type.

I once played one in a PBEM long time ago. His emails were interesting to say the least. He was full of theories and conspiracies why the Allies were the bad guys and the Nazis were the good guys. I didn't really get mad at him and become offensive. I tried to argue with him but I found out soon enough that was a dead end street. So I chalked it all up to deluded brainwashed noise. I never played him again.

It was funny too as he picked SS formations with lots of Tigers and Panthers and everything was crack or elite. Typical

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Whenever I read a post like the one in the OP I immediatly look at the post count and am never suprised to see a low one.

Not stating that new members don't have something to contribute - BUT - when the OP is troll meat then the post count is gonna be low.

Nitwits like our little Hitlerjugend Günzel for Kanzler have nothing constructive to offer - except the inherent entertainment value that ensues as all of you pile on.

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Yeah, I think it unfair and unseemly to jump on to PCO or PCO testers and certainly to do it on account of this asshat. Bless them, I hope PCO does well too.


Though I plan on spending most of my time with CMBN, I am also excited about PCO - mainly because I am more interested in the Eastern Front than I am the Normandy Campaign.

Think we should be thankful both games are availabe. And yea, the OP sure seems to be a real loser.

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I think PCO will do quite well actually,hats off to them on a good job. CM:BN on the other hand simply raises the bar to another level. The infantry model in PCO is again abstracted similar to the original combat mission series,the new CM:BN simply blows it away.

Was the first poster a fan of PCO? I'd tend to doubt it,if he's that critical of the new combat mission graphics he'll feel as bad or worse about PCO.

Are there members of the Matrix boards that bash CM? Most probably,they tend to be fairly free in posting like battlefront. Similarly there are members here who just have to vent their spleen at matrix as well. I like both companies,have many of their games and want them both to do well and produce more games!

Will the guys running matrix be playing CM:BN? Most certainly! They love good games same as the rest of us.

I've just been over there looking at PCO as I didn't really know that much about it. Looks more like a competitor for CMBB than anything else. I probably wouldn't buy it as I don't think I could go back to something other than 1:1 representation and between this, WiTP and Command Ops: Battles from the Bulge I think I'll have enough WW2 titles on the go but it certainly looks interesting.

The boards over there are the same as everywhere else: a mix of fans, reasonable individuals, casual visitors and utter cranks. Same as here I suppose. The difference is we try and keep our utter cranks in a certain thread...;)

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Didn't say its not historical. I'm just saying its typical that a person like that would pick those units. I have a feeling all his games were like ours.

I was just busting as I'll bet you are correct in your observation that the OP has a Deutchland Uber Alles mentality. I had it too, when I was 12.

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I suspect the Günzel the OP wants to be Kanzler is this one:

Defence Minister Peter Struck fired Brigadier General Reinhard Guenzel for apparently praising MP Martin Hohmann.

Mr Hohmann has caused a national row with comments comparing the actions of Jews in the 1917 Russian revolution with those of the Nazis.

General Guenzel is said to have written to Mr Hohmann, praising his "courage".

Mr Struck insisted that General Guenzel's views were not widespread in the armed forces.

"This is about a lone, confused general who agreed with an even more confused statement made by a conservative member of parliament," he said.


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Jesus release the damn demo already! Save us from the crazed posters! It's a public service at this point.

As soon as the demo gets released we can get released from this crazy closed loop of clicking on the homepage every few hors and visiting the forums 35 times a day and whining and complaining and chattering like little old ladies. Play the demo until our fingers bleed until the magic email arrives and the world's good place. Not that I don't like you all, but man, just give me the damn demo already. :D

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What US state is BF situated in? I only want to know, so i know what time it is there.

Depends on how you define their location. Some of them live in US east coast, one lives in Spain, another one in Brazil and poor Dan in Australia, half of his time comatose from all the spider bites.

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Well, ironically as I was reading this my iTunes randomly selected Ministry's A**CLOWNS to play while I finished reading. If that wasn't a divine hint about what I should do...

I checked back at Günzel for Kanzler posts, sig line, and forum ID. Appears to be a neo-Nazi. Since we don't require his assistance to reeducate us poor brainwashed ignoramuses I banned him. Let's continue to live in our fantasy world uninterrupted. It's more fun to live a life where Hitler was a bad guy, despite the overwhelming evidence that he was just a soft and cuddly, but misunderstood, figure of history.


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