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Video AAR Peng Challenge Thread VS. Outreboard

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So much madness, so little time...

"Should Battlefront have challenged Peng before finishing the game?"

"Peng - superman or challenged mama's boy?"

"Limited Peng Challenge Edition puts *you* in the Steelcase box"

"Peng Challenges the Demo Refresh Monkeys to a Bagpipe vs. IS-2 duel"

"Any chance of an update on the update on the Peng Challenge Thread?"

(a) It needs to have "thread" in the title and (iii) It needs to be started by a Knight of the CessPool.


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If you need further elaboration there are all sorts of videos on the less discriminating tubes on the interwebs that you might enlightening.


And isn't this the most enlightning sentence from you in millenium? No doubt you have many bookmarks linked to "those" websites and have subscriptions to a lot as well. (Your sentence construction well, isn't constructed - no editing at all on my part).

Meanwhile, you being a [shudder]Banker,[/shudder] and therefore are a large part of the Aussie Dollar's rise to greatness and the demise of the greenback. No doubt at all. Forward to World Domination!

Now about "those" links.....


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(a) It needs to have "thread" in the title and (iii) It needs to be started by a Knight of the CessPool.

Joe, Joe, Joe... can I call you Joe? I am a Knight of the CessPool. Granted, my recent walkabout was a little extended, but having been "squired" by Dalem who can blame me, eh?

Just think of me as standing here in the pool, MacArthur-like, up to my bloody knees in the stuff, and intoning "I have returned" to the assembled cameras. And let's not mention that nasty business on Corregidor... SOMEONE had to stay behind and absorb all those bullets, and you were the perfect candidate. Besides, it gave you lots of time to practice your landings, and Berli knows, you certainly need it.


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Joe, Joe, Joe... can I call you Joe? I am a Knight of the CessPool. Granted, my recent walkabout was a little extended, but having been "squired" by Dalem who can blame me, eh?

Just think of me as standing here in the pool, MacArthur-like, up to my bloody knees in the stuff, and intoning "I have returned" to the assembled cameras. And let's not mention that nasty business on Corregidor... SOMEONE had to stay behind and absorb all those bullets, and you were the perfect candidate. Besides, it gave you lots of time to practice your landings, and Berli knows, you certainly need it.


(xyz) I didn't say you weren't a Knight of the CessPool ('} I have no evidence that you were ever made a Knight of the CessPool [sothere] I have no problem thinking of you as MacArthur ... as long as we specify that it was the MacArthur who was fired in disgrace.


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Screw all that bollocks! I'm an Olde One and tonight I'm on the Bacardi (all the bourbon is gone) and you know what? Its not so bad...can't remember the last time I had Bacardi...

;scuse me while I gi fetch another 'lil drinkie...

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('} I have no evidence that you were ever made a Knight of the CessPool [sothere] I have no problem thinking of you as MacArthur ... as long as we specify that it was the MacArthur who was fired in disgrace.

Can this be the same Joe Shaw who said

Haven't felt this positive about SSNs since Pondscum showed up


As to young Pondscum I must admit to a certain feeling of admiration for the lad.
You fickle, fickle man. All those "landings" have clearly been too much for you.


But if it's evidence you're looking for, ah well that's different. Evidence we have, and by your own hand:

I withdraw my question and grant that you do indeed qualify as a Knight of the CessPool and I hereby and forthwith acknowledge you as such

And as for MacArthur being "fired in disgrace", a calumny sir, a calumny! I prefer to think of that phase as "the MacArthur who wanted to nuke 'em all till they glowed". Pesky Johny Korean getting uppity? Nuke 'em. Chinese crossing the border? NUKE 'EM. President not looney enough for you? NUKE 'EM TILL THEY GLOW.

I'm an Olde One and tonight I'm on the Bacardi


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The results of an incompetently led, Boo Radley flag rush into a nicely prepared artillery ambush. Oh the joy!

"10 Unidentified Vehicles Destroyed"

They were empty trucks which had been sitting there awhile.

But if you find that at all exciting, well, You Go, Girl!!!1!!11ONE!!


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"10 Unidentified Vehicles Destroyed"

They were empty trucks which had been sitting there awhile.

But if you find that at all exciting, well, You Go, Girl!!!1!!11ONE!!


He's a loser and an Okie, the next best thing to a GooberNational, just ignore him.

We all are ... at least as long as he continues to taunt us with his "Beta Tester" status.

As to Pondscum ... if'n you don't have screenshots I didn't say it ... and those aren't screenshots and I'd NEVER say that about you.

I'll grant you the Knighthood ... with deep reservations.


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He's a loser and an Okie, the next best thing to a GooberNational, just ignore him.

We all are ... at least as long as he continues to taunt us with his "Beta Tester" status.

As to Pondscum ... if'n you don't have screenshots I didn't say it ... and those aren't screenshots and I'd NEVER say that about you.

I'll grant you the Knighthood ... with deep reservations.


Stuka ain't an Okie. He's not a Beta Tester, either. And jealousy doth become the Justicar.

I'd provide you with a screenshot of the incredible scenario I played tonight -- full of bocage quaint French villages and paratroops and 'splodey things and dead bodies and burning Shermans and such, but, alas, the NonDisclosure Agreement I signed before starting the Beta Testing prohibits me from doing so. Let me just say that it is a MARVELOUS game, and that it will be wasted on scum like you.

Moron? Says the man that claims he was 'too busy' to accept BFC's alleged offer to him to Beta Test the product.

Moron, indeed.


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if'n you don't have screenshots I didn't say it ... and those aren't screenshots and I'd NEVER say that about you.

You unutterable nong, I included links to your very posts. Have all these "hard landings" addled your brain? Pointy-pointy-clicky-clicky, that's the spirit!


Granted, there may have been some... truncation... of your exact quotes, but ye gods man, you blather on so much the editing was for the good of all humanity.



They were empty trucks which had been sitting there awhile.

"I like throwing away victory points uselessly". Always a good tactic. Keep it up, keep it up, with brilliantly incisive thinking like that you might even be able to squeeze out a loss.

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You unutterable nong, I included links to your very posts.


Mr. Picky would note that this link doesn't proclaim you a knight; rather, it says that you must prove that you completed 5 games with a Serf or other denizen of the 'Pool before you are eligible for Knighthood. It requests that you provide such evidence.

So, did you? Provide the evidence, that is? Or are you the world's longest running SSN?


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You unutterable nong, I included links to your very posts. Have all these "hard landings" addled your brain? Pointy-pointy-clicky-clicky, that's the spirit!


Granted, there may have been some... truncation... of your exact quotes, but ye gods man, you blather on so much the editing was for the good of all humanity.



"I like throwing away victory points uselessly". Always a good tactic. Keep it up, keep it up, with brilliantly incisive thinking like that you might even be able to squeeze out a loss.

Good lord lad that was nearly ten years ago.

But upon rereading it I certainly did MY part in keeping you on tenterhooks ... but my hopes that you would just give up and quit weren't realized.

Pity ...


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Mr. Picky would note that this link doesn't proclaim you a knight; rather, it says that you must prove that you completed 5 games with a Serf or other denizen of the 'Pool before you are eligible for Knighthood. It requests that you provide such evidence.

So, did you? Provide the evidence, that is? Or are you the world's longest running SSN?


As usual your attention wandered ... it's in there, regrettably it's in there {sigh}.


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I marvel that you have either the unbelievable stubbornness to dig those up, or (more probably), had the links tattooed to your forehead to commemorate the day you were admitted to the knighthood. I'm sure the tatoo has served the excellent dual purpose as a contraceptive as well, so there won't be any more little pondscum running around the cesspool unless you're capable of fission.

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Stuka relearns the lesson - cheap white spirits are bad, bad news. Spewing up his ring and suffering from the sort of headache that brings on the temptation of oblivion... we can only hope he never learns and repeats the exercise next weekend. Silly man.

Decrepitudinous 'ol Joe is at it again, parceling out titles like the candy he uses to lure the unwary (and only those without the use of any of their senses could possibly be unwary of the 'pshaw). Watch out Sir Guellen, Joe believes you might be a tasty little cabbage!

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You do? Then have at it lad! You should ALWAYS do whatever you like to do. As often as possible. In full view of the police, if at all possible.

Go on. Don't be shy!

Speaking of which, how many flags did you manage to capture in our last game?

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I marvel that you have the unbelievable stubbornness to dig those up

And I marvel that you must be AT LEAST twelve years old (for I remember beating you like a rented mule 'lo these many years ago), and yet you still haven't mastered the concept of "search engine".

Still, you're clearly streets ahead of MrSpkr, who hasn't yet worked out "scrolling". Or indeed, reading comprehension. But then, he's MrSpkr, so being streets ahead of him just requires a slight drift in your usual drunken walk. Damned with faint praise and all that, eh?

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Speaking of which, how many flags did you manage to capture in our last game?

You mean the flags your honking huge 88 mm. Elephants were sitting on? The ones at the back of the extremely open with few hills and almost no cover map? The ones where you had clustered your overabundance of armor and very few troops in your extremely unbalanced and gamey, Rune-inspired set up?

Why none. Just as we both knew from the first turn.

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