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1938 Calm before the storm (ww1 engine)

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Hi Cantona,

Well its good to know I was not seeing things. I have been busy so I have not had the chance to try the 1.6 but I see the 1.7 is up so I will take that one for a spin when I get a chance in the coming days.

I see you have made an adjustment with Switzerland. I am not sure if I mentioned it in the past but every game I played they entered on the Axis side without any diplomatic investment. i am not sure if this is due to successful Axis advancement or not.

Anyway I am looking forward to trying 1.7



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1938 Calm before the storm (ww1 engine) v1.8


Lowered Germanys build limits for Special forces from 8 to 7 units

Changed condition positions and friendly positions for Reichskommiseriat Ostland & Ukraine

Increased USSR National Morale

Fixed country number in one German unit script

Lowered reaserch on many German unit scripts

Lowered reaserch on some German unit in production queue

Increased research cost for artillery for all countries and also rockets for Germany

Changed dates on some German unit scripts

Lowered strength on some German unit scripts

Increased research for USSR

Added 4 USSR unit scripts

Added sound links

Small changes on combat target data for artillery

Reduced max shells from 10 to 8 for artillery

Increased cost for some German decision scripts and also other small changes

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, i little update on v2.0. I have included many scripts from the official 1939 Storm of steel and are playtesting v2.0 but as long as Battlefront not has released any patch that solves the instant crashes i will continue working on v2.0 but as soon as the patch comes i upload v2.0. It will include many many changes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1938 Calm before the storm (ww1 engine) v2.0


Finally, here it comes. A big update of my mod. I have used many of the scripts from the official 1939 Storm of

steel, so now my Axis AI should be a bit more playable also. Please try it out.

Added name Lutzow to German build limits for cruisers

Changed name of German cruiser Lutzow to Deutschland

Changed cavalry to 2 strikes

Increased NM value of Oilwells to 30

Lowered MPP per strength piint from 5 to 4 for mines

Added Venice as secondary capital for Italy

Chnaged minor town of Uzice in Yugoslavia to mine

Added 5 mines to Ukraine

Added 7 oilwells to USSR

Added picture of Italian paratroopers

Increased experience and strength on 2 Abyssinian units

Added 2 Abyssinian partisans to the production queue

Added Italian Special forces to production queue

Added 1 USSR Battleship and 1 Destroyer to the map, also gave names to USSR ships

Lowered strength and gave names to Persian units

Added 1 Iraqi division and 1 garrison to the map

Increased research max level for infantry weapons to 3

Changed German tank bitmaps

Fixed some faulty unit bitmaps

Increased unit cost

Increased research cost

Lowered max chits assignable to 3 in research

Added UK HQ Smart to force pool

French tank and bomber pictures added

Added mine to Sweden at Falun

Added mines to the map at Samara, Kazan and Perm

Added one Engineer to USSR on the map

Removed 3 Polish partisans from the map

Added reserve capital for UK in Canada

Changed Belgium and Netherlands Allied major from UK to France

Lowered strength on Greek divisions

Removed some WW1 sounds

Fixed conflicting German unit names in production queue, unit scripts and on the map

Added more unit names to build limits

Increased German build limits to 18 garrisons and 22 divisions

Added 1 German garrison and 1 division to the map

Lowered UK mobilization with 4% and France with 2% at the start

Added 2 pictures (Skorzeny and Hatay State)

Aded Lake Tana and Lake Turkana to the map in East Africa

Added minor city Harar to Abyssinia, Meknes to Morroco, Moroto to Commonwealth, Nyandoma to USSR and Ghardaia

to Algier

Moved city of Nairobi and also updated the related unit and garrison scripts

Changed some terrain in Abyssinia

Added and changed roads and rails

Added and changed sound

Increased strength on Italian and Italian African air fleets, HQs, Cavalry and tank

Changed Bradford and Leeds from cities to minor cities

Added one Sub to German production queue 1939 November

Added 1 UK corps and 1 division to Northern Ieeland and also moved 1 garrison from there to Scotland

Changed Iraq Mobilization from neutral tom 10% Axis

Changed date on German ost africa units decision script and unit script

Added 20 decision scripts, 10 NM scripts and 20 matching pop-up scripts for Germany to steal gold reserves and

picture link

Added German decision script and matching supply scripts for Unternehmen Seeadler and Unternehmen Wal

Added Spanish decision script with matching unit script for Spanish Expeditionary Force in Russia

Changed variable condition on Gemran decision script and Mobilization_3 script for Sudetenland

Added decision script and matching unit script linked to amphibious script for Commonwealth attack on


Added UK decision script linked to offensive and unit script

Added 2 decision to UK unit script in Egypt

Added 2 decision script for Italy to send troops to USSR, with matching unit scripts

Added decision script for Germany for Waffen SS recruitment campaign and linked estisting unit and decision

scripts to it

Added decision script for Germany for Luftaffe expansion and linked existing script to it and also some new

Added German decision script to help Iraq coup attempt

Added 2 decision script for Italy to send troops to USSR, with matching unit scripts

Increased cost for decision scripts Reichskommiseriat Ostland and Ukraine

Added 2 decision scripts for Germany to create Reichskommiseriat Ukraine and Ostland

Replaced 2 French tanks in production queue with unit scripts related to German decision scripts

Added German decision script and 3 unit scripts for French Battleships transfered to Kriegsmarine

Added 3 Italian decision script and matching unit scripts

Added Italian decision script for annexing Cyprus and matching territory script , unit script and

Mobilization_3 script

Added 3 decision scripts and matching supply scripts for USSR oilfields

Added 2 decision scripts and matching supply scripts for USSR mines

Added USSR unit script if Germany does not honor the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact

Added 1 paratrooper and changed name on 1 AA in UK Egypt bound unit script

Added and changed units and gave names to them also and in Vichy French unit scripts

Changed division to speccial forces Foreign Legion in Syria unit script, increased strength on fighter also

Added fighter and added name and increased strength for division for Lebanon HQ in unit script

Increased strength and changed to full research on German unit script for 1 corps

Added Commonwealth Unit script for Belgian Expeditionary Forces to Egypt

Small changes in USSR unit scripts

Added 1 UK unit script (Engineers to Egypt)

Small change in 2 unit scripts

Changed Commonwealth unit script in Iraq

Added Commonwealth unit script in Iraq

Added UK unit script in Iraq

Added Italian unit script for Libya

Added German unit script for Kreta garrison division

Added one more battleship and cruiser to German Z-Plan and changed triggers for Z-plan unit scipts, picture and

pop-up script also added

Changed strength and research level on some German unit scripts

unit scripts that is replacing removed production queue units and one picture and pop-up script also

Changed date on some German unit scripts

Fixed country number in unit script

Replaced 2 French bombers in production queue with unit script

Changed Free France to build units anywhere

Changed date, increased strength on some units and also added a few units to USSR unit script for Siberian


Changed UK and French Norway Expedition Force unit scripts

Changed a few War Entry script for former Yugoslavian countries

Added Mobilization_1 script for USSR when Axis Dow Yugoslavia

Fixed several condition positions in resource scripts

Added German supply script to attack Belfast

Added belligerence script for Italiy to be at war with UK, Egypt and Commonwealth

Added Surrender_1 script for Germany to create Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland

Removed 2 tiles from Surrender_1 script for Germany to create Operationszone Alpenvorland

Added pop-up script for Irelands emergency declaration

Lowered trigger for French partisans from 8% to 5%

Mobilization_3 script added for Turkey to lean to the Allies linked to French decision script

Added 2 Moblization_3 script for UK and France connected to Fall Weiss

Added 6 pop-up scripts for Exile governments to be formed

Added pop-up for Hatay state with matching picture link

Added NM script for Stalins order "No step back!

Changed date on French Mobilization_3 script pact with Germany

Fixed wrong country number in Mobilization_3 script Sudentenland occupationAdded media links to Mobilization_3


Added 2 Mobilization_3 scripts for UK and France reaction of Saarland occupation

Added Mobilization_3 script for UK to bribe Spain

Fixed country slot in Surrender_2 script

Fixed country slots in War_Entry scripts

Changed display order in some pop-up scripts

Added 2 Garrison scripts for Germany (Siegfried line and Poland)

Changed some garrison scripts

Changed 1 pop-up script

Added UK NM script for US rifles

Lowered USSR actication if Molotov pact not honored

Fixed spelling in territory scripts

Added War entry script for France to join The Allies

Added 2 decision scripts for France and USSR to DOW Germany

Changed some War entry scripts & belligerence scripts related to above decision scripts

Fixed several faulty country numbers in War_entry scripts (Syria, Iran, Iraq)

Added media links to strength scripts

Added one war entry script for Iraq to join Axis

Changed one War entry script for Iraq to join Allies and one to join Axis

Changed variable condition in one UK decision script concerning Iraq

Added 2 territory scripts for UK to seize territory in Iraq

Changed one offensive script for UK to attack Baghdad

Added one offensive script for Commonwealth to attack Baghdad

Fixed faulty country number in garrison script

Small changes in diplomacy scripts

Removed 1 French partisan position

Changed supply scripts for USSR to destroy Kazan

Added 3 resource scripts for USSR

Changed US resource scripts

Added Italian resource script

Removed Yugoslavian partisans from mine of Uzice

Additions from 1939 Storm over Europe

Added mines

Switched logo for interface

Changed some German unit bitmaps

Added 44 pictures

Added pop-up scripts for Sikorski death, Belgium surrender, German blitzkrieg, Allies protests about winter

war, Skorzeny operation, SAS, Normandie liner sinks, Allies continue the fight, Free France formation and Lord

haw haw

Added 2 UK decision scripts and matching unit scripts for Polish corps in UK

Added 1 French decision script and matching unit scripts for Polish corps in France

Changed German decision script for volksturm

Added 1 German decision script for saving Mussolini

Added decision script for SOE and added or changed matching partisan scripts

Adedd decision script for UK home guard and added or changed matching unit scripts

Added decision script and matching surrender_1 scripts for UK to move government

Added 1 decision script and 7 matching convoy scripts for Allied convoys

Added 1 UK decision script and 3 matching supply scripts for attack of St.Nazaire

Added 1 US decision script and matching unit script for tanks to Egypt

Added 2 UK decision scripts for attack of Dakar and 2 matching Mobilization_3 scripts

Added 1 Italian decision script and matching unit scripts for aircraft carrier or battleship

Added 2 Commonwealth unit scripts (US Volunteer and RCAF Coastal)

Added 1 French unit script for Foreign Legion

Added 2 resource script for French industry

Added one German NM script for blitzkrieg, 3 USSR and 5 French NM scripts

Added USSR NM scripts for Morale boost due to Allied landings in France and US enters the war

Changed NM script for Singapore to fall

Added 4 USSR Supply scripts

Added 3 UK unit script (Polish destroyers & UK destroyers)

Added 1 Italian AI unit script

Added 8 German AI unit scripts

Changed convoy scripts

Added 1 US resource script

Added supply script for Copenhagen strike

Added strength & supply scripts for 1943 and 1944 warsaws risings

Added 9 UK Supply scripts related to SAS decision script

Added supply scripts for Allied spanish and Allied Italian partisans

Added 2 Global variables for Skorzeny attack and St.Nazarie attack

Replaced one existing Mobilization_3 script with one decision script and 3 matching mobilization_3 scripts for

Yugoslavia coup

Added 6 Mobilization_2 scripts for Turkey to become pro Axis

Added one UK supply script for Baghdad

Added one Mobilization_3 script for Syria to lean to Axis

Added 2 Italian AI amphibious scripts

Replaced US AI amphibious scripts

Replaced UK AI amphibious scripts

Added 1 German AI amphibious minor script

Replaced US AI amphibious minor scripts

Added French AI amphibious minor script

Replaced and added UK AI amphibious minor scripts

Replaced and added UK AI Fleet scripts

Replaced and added French AI Fleet scripts

Replaced and added US AI Fleet scripts

Replaced and added German AI Fleet scripts

Added Italian AI Fleet scripts

Added UK AI Fortification scripts

Added German AI Fortification scripts

Replaced and added UK AI garrison scripts

Added French garrison script

Added German garrison scripts

Added UK AI transport scripts (BEF)

Removed UK AI transport minor scripts (BEF)

Added UK AI transport scripts

Added Commonwealth AI transport scripts

Added US AI transport scripts

Added German AI transport script

Added Italian AI transport minor script

Added French AI transport minor scripts

Replaced and added German AI offensive scripts

Replaced and added Italian AI offensive scripts

Replaced and added UK AI offensive scripts

Added French AI offensive scripts

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I started it and it looks GREAT!!!!! However I am playing as the Germans and after I complete my turn it CTD 100% of the time on the allies turn. The error is failed secondary assignment segment violation?

Try uninstalling the game, cleaning out the game directories, doing a fresh install of the game and then reinstalling the mod. Some times game files get corrupted and cause strange errors. Hubert recommended I do this to solve a similar issue with SCGC and its version of this mod. Problem disappeared:cool:

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I deleted the campaign 2.0 and reinstalled it. I played a few turns as the allies and was fine. The instant I palyed as the germans and completed my first turn the CTD occurred during the allies turn three times running! I think I have discovered a Bug! :)

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1938 Calm before the storm (ww1 engine) v2.1


I wanted to make natural resources (mines/industries and oil) more valuable

Changed resources MPP worth (0 MPP for minor cities), to make oil and mines/industries more valuable

Added mine to Egypt

Added 7 oilfields and 1 industry to USA

Changed Graz from minor city to mine

Changed Piacenza from minor city to mine

Changed Thetford mines from minor city to mine

Changed Gagnon from minor city to mine

Added 2 oilfields to Persia

Added 2 oilfields to Saudi Arabia

Another big change is that the German resource script "Total war Mobilization" has been linked to a decision script so it will now fire 1943, instead of 1938, since i had the date at 1943 in the reosurce script believed it would fire then but the date is failsafe date so i added a decision script for it.

Added decision script to activate resource script for total war mobilization

Changed Swedish Mobilization to 20% Axis

Changed MPP cost for some German decision scripts

Specified Germany as Axis unit in position in Condition position for Axis in Spain for US to react in Mobliization_2 script

Fixed faulty country slot in German unit script

Fixed flag_sprites and military_flag_sprites (Demilitarized zone and neutral)

Small map change in Poland and added port of Gotenhafen

Changed some German cities to minor cities and other from minor cities to cities

Changed date in War Entry script for Iraq to become Allied

Added media links to War entry script and changed text

Changed trigger in War Entry script for Iraq to join Axis

Removed 1 double War Entry script

Added roads and rail

Added minor city of Jask in Persia

Moved cities in Persia

Added minor cities of Dammam and King Khalid in Saudi Arabia

Added German supply script for Brandenburger attack on Baghdad

Fixed spelling in decision scripts

Added 1 German decision script and 6 matching supply scripts for Unternehmen Zeppelin

Added 1 Persian strength 5 destroyer to the build limits and map

Changed German decision script and matching unit script for Legion Freies Indien

Changed name of German operation in Iraq to Sonderstab F and also HQ from Schorner to Felmy in unit script

Added German decision script and matching supply scripts for Unternehmen Bajadere

Changed Persia from neutral to 15% Axis

Added USSR 2 decision scripts and matching offensive scripts and unit scripts for Allied attack on Persia

Lowered Surrender_2 script to 25% for Persia to surrender to Allies 1941

Added USSR HQ Kozlov

Changed country of Free France unit script from UK to Free France

Changed country of Free France unit script from Free France to Commonwealth

Changed a few Allied units to AI

Added German decision script and matching convoy, Surrender_2 script and Mobilization_3 scripts

Changed name of Persia to Iran

Named Sheffield industry

Removed 1 mine in Wales and replaced 2 minor cities (Cardiff and Swansea) with Mines

Added a few missing tiles for Surrender_1 scripts for UK to move capital to Egypt (Thanks Wlape3)

Added 2 German unit scripts for SS divisions and deleted these divisions from the build limits

Change of position in German unit script due to the city was changed to mine

Small change of a few tiles in USA around Charleston (Thanks Wlape3)

Fixed variable conditions in decision script for stealing gold reserves and also adding 10 decision scripts and 10 pop-up scripts

Small change in Belligerence script for Anglo Egypt-Sudan towards Italy (Lowerered trigger from 10 to 5% and changed date to 1939 oktocber)

Added 1 corps and 1 cavalry to Italian Africas build limits and the corps was also added to production queue 1939 october

Increased MPP percentage for Swedish Iron Ore convoy to Germany

Added Iran and Argentinian Mobilization_3 scripts for Allies

Small adjustments in a few convoy scripts

Added 8 diplomacy advices for Germany (pop-ups and pictures)

Changed gold reserves pop-ups type from 1 to 0

Changed country owners of some pop-up scripts

Fixed spelling in pop-up scripts

Fixed spelling in Mobilization_3 scripts

Added decision scripts linked to Territory and Mobilization_3 scripts for Vienna awards and treaty of Craiova

Changed Romanias, Bulgarias and Hungarys Mobilization

Added pop-up script for Germany to recognize the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo

Changed some positions in German resource scripts

Added Norwegian Mobilization_3 script for Allies

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Has anyone out there won the East African Campaign as Axis?

Has anyone chosen the Z-Plan and had any success to report?

What do you think about other long term decision scripts ? (Like Atomic bomb, V-weapons, Waffen SS enlargement, etc.)

I was able to defeat Ethiopia once as the Italian but was usually to hampered by supplies and the poor logistical network to make much headway with the in theater troops. Usually, the AI kicks my butt there if I don't make Egypt a German priority.

Never tried the Z plan as Uboats were cheaper and more effective. I may try it next time though as the power of the Uboats has decreased substantially in the last two patches.

I really like the Waffen SS expansion option as it mirrors the real life events during the war. You don't get a whole lot of troops but it feels right.

The v-weapons and A bomb are interesting options. I have used A bombs in a late war situation and they seemed to work as intended. The V-Weapons were a little disappointing in their first iteration as they didn't have much range. In real life, the V-1 was around 160 miles and the V-2 was around 200 miles so this was probably accurate.:)

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very interesting work. thanks. same feedback starting from your questions. i played a axis campaign to start of Juin 41 and a allied to may 40.

1.East Africa there are same trouble here: I conquered all africa sub-sahara excluded Gibuti and Madacascar only with starting italian force: so yes.

the commonwealth attack: the AI put the two monster with 15 of strenght for a east africa offensive: as there is no way to defend i go for Kenia (no allied unit here) and without this units egypt is free for a Italian early offensive: i go in Cairo, conquering minor country, the same turn NZ monster unit arrive(no Dak only starting italian force). on the other side sending this two units in north africa, make Libya without hope

suggestion: put graziani from start in the north and change the later event send in to stay in AOI or be transfered to Lybia triggered by the conquest of Addis Abeba.

and the DAK triggered by the fall of tobruk (or better with a little probability to be triggered by the conquest of every city and automatic with the fall of Bengasi)

2.Navy: i keep u boat but samething must be revisited here: the BB with the two strike range and the anti-sub upgrade is the better ASW in the game and this is very strange. and even when the sub attack the normal is a BB victory.

3.Trans-Jordania: there is a Partisan that appear here at start of game: it is impossible for the UK to couple with it: they cannot be attacked

4.supply: there is a trouble for supply in the Sigfrido Line near Swiss: there is no way to keep the last four hexs supplied: maybe can be resolved making the main german city near active when war start?

5.France: there is the limit of 9999 PP saved, so in the production fase of the fall of the france the german keep nothing of normal production: the 3000 you give must be postponed one turn later, or changed in unit (captured material).

6: the morale number of UK must be higher: in 41, is at 50 without invasion, ^(or boosted when churchill in charge??)

7: (and last for now): i hate the no hope of defend France: what you think to put a event that if before a date the German is not south of the Marna ^(or a line of hexes) the France keep a morale boost? this give even a reason to hitler to speed up the offensive.

If sameone is interested in a e-mail game i'm here.

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Very enjoyable game, good to play. When I play the allies the diplomacy page is blank. If I hit a button up or down in it I get a "segmentation violation, failure to import country data." Any ideas?

This is becouse you tecnically become allied when the first nation became in war: you can start diplomacy without problem from that point

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