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Some Peng Challenge Threads are more interesting than others

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I say you are too generous by 7/8ths

Says the man whose very name proclaims that he's a scout (the only good scout is a dead scout) ... and let's be honest, there's no way ng cavscout could do the "complicated" math involved to calculate what 7/8ths of one half would be.


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A "dottle" is what you call the burnt out plug of tobacco you knock out of a pipe when you're done smoking.

But a burnt out plug can also be called a Joe Shaw.

As much as it pains me I must give Boo Radley his bullet back and put him in charge of the CessPool for the next week.

I'm going somewhere scenic ... unfortunately it's for work but what can you do.


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What, they've got you breaking rocks at the Grand Canyon? As distinct from breaking wind here?


Not EVERYONE does manual labor for their daily bread Michael, some of use the brain that Gawd gave us and the wit we've developed to make the world a better place ... or at least to get our daily Egg McMuffin.


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Stikky has some farking HUGE assault guns defending his flags and he's sooooooo sure of himself that he's just put them right out in the open, saucy as you please! He probably feels that my puny 75mm Shermies pose absolutely no threat to his big, honkin' guns with their soooperior armor.

Well... I guess that means I'll have to cheat.

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Which in your case is...none at all.


Are you not feeling well Michael? I ask because that was particularly weak. Mind you we don't expect glittering prose from you every time, which is good because we have yet to see even one instance of such, but the above was just mailed in.

Did you get a new app for your iphone, you know, that free one called "Insults 1.0?"


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Cue NooB the rampant edge hugger!

When I do it, it's "edge hugging".

When you do it, it's "righteous, in your face, sooperior outflanking manhoovers on 'roids, Beotch!11!!111one!", which once again shows us the evil aftermath of what happens when one cops too many hits off the tail pipe of their truck.

It's like that old commercial where they show this egg and say, "Hey kids, this is your brain", and then drop it in a frying pan (Which always made me hungry) and say, "And this is your brain on drugs". But if it'd been your brain they were talking about, they would have first showed the guy holding... well... nothing actually, and then for the drug part, they'd show a train wreck, various scenes from the awful movie "Robot Monster", ten seconds of an old TV test pattern, the Keystone Kops, a cattle stampede, and Mr. Bean dancing. All to the musical accompaniment of a slide whistle played by a tone deaf lemur.

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Stikky has some farking HUGE assault guns defending his flags and he's sooooooo sure of himself that he's just put them right out in the open, saucy as you please! He probably feels that my puny 75mm Shermies pose absolutely no threat to his big, honkin' guns with their soooperior armor.

Well... I guess that means I'll have to cheat.

20 cm of sloped armour can't be wrong! Next time I'm getting JagdTigers...

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you the aussie Charlie Sheen with your Violent Torpedo of Dingoes?

Maybe...sort of...I dunno...what are you talking about? Is that a thingy reference? You know how Joe Xhia likes those...certainly Emrys gets a twinkle in his eye if a low brow inference can be made.

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My machine is pwned. Bad joss to you all - you still get to see the stuff I write (the pwnership is imperfect and subject to whims I do not understand). Hiram can't spell violet, Boo is the best, Stuka (or those parts of him that he most prizes, tho' they be so miniscule) will end up as the entree at some god-approved wedding of cannibal camel clanners. Foul ol' Joe takes his R&R more frequently these days - is he suffering? We hope so.

Boo, I see you took a leaf from the playbook and promoted yourself to Olde One. If you will suffer the critcism, your repartee vis-a-vis the mewling of the SSN lacked, hmm, tang. No spice on the tongue, no frisson of the inner ear, no challenge to the mental capacity of your beloved readers ('cept Stukes, poor guy, he can barely parse "I am") it was as bland as the stimulus.

I suggest (if you live in godzone) you get down to Dan's and get a bottle of Tariquet VSOP - damn fine stuff for the money. If you can't stand the French, get a bottle of Ardbeg (the price has gone beyond my means, or conscionable ability to pay, so it doesn't matter if I promote it). Happy Jesus killing anniversary everyone - chocolate is proof.

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