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Some Peng Challenge Threads are more interesting than others

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But this probably won't be one of them!

No time to list a bunch of Rules which no one ever reads and Joe always seems to find fault with! He wants Rules a certain way, then he can come in here and write them hisself, the lazy sod!

And I speak with the self-recognized power of an Olde One! You can tell because I'm ending each sentence with an exclamation point! (Also known in journalistic circles as a Screamer!)

And Slagpile Oz, I have yet to see much bile spewing, biting sarcasm or challenging on your part! Step to it, lad!

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But this probably won't be one of them!

No time to list a bunch of Rules which no one ever reads and Joe always seems to find fault with! He wants Rules a certain way, then he can come in here and write them hisself, the lazy sod!

And I speak with the self-recognized power of an Olde One! You can tell because I'm ending each sentence with an exclamation point! (Also known in journalistic circles as a Screamer!)

And Slagpile Oz, I have yet to see much bile spewing, biting sarcasm or challenging on your part! Step to it, lad!

Hmm, O.F.J., yourself and a no-account SSN all mentioned in one post. I am seeing a pattern here, screamer nOOB.

No doubt the Good Lady Rose is slapping you for not doing your chores, you naughty boy, and hence your attempt to cover for your ineptitude and incompetence by declaring yourself to be an Olde One (spelt, not bolded). I bet she's not impressed by that either... better get back to those chores.


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This thread that has some Peng in'nit, and NO rules whatsoever (although there's something mentioned, but my guess is that it flew away with speed of sound or vanished in the air like a brainfart) screams for an intervention from someone.. like me.

Boo, start a new one if it starts to feel like the last one is dying? DYING I said DYING!

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Hmm, O.F.J., yourself and a no-account SSN all mentioned in one post. I am seeing a pattern here, screamer nOOB.

I am not at all surprised that the concept of being able to think of more than one thing at a time confounds you. But then, I'm not surprised that the concept of thinking confounds you.

No doubt the Good Lady Rose is slapping you for not doing your chores, you naughty boy, and hence your attempt to cover for your ineptitude and incompetence by declaring yourself to be an Olde One (spelt, not bolded). I bet she's not impressed by that either... better get back to those chores.


Chores, Sirrah? My, what a bucolic life you must lead out in the Outback.

I... have a "Honeydew List". "Honeydew this and Honeydew that".

Young Spazmodius! I think it would be the height of spiffiness if you were to challenge Slagpile Oz to a game of CM. Do it with as much bile and venom as you can. And provide us with periodic reports on your various levels of incompetence, sneaksiness and moral depravity.

A fight between a Finn and an Aussie could be... amusing.

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No rules ... not even an attempt at rules, not that any previous attempt at rules were compendious enough but at least you made the effort.

Now you're just mailing it in lad, just mailing it in.

And you wonder why I rail against the very concept of making you an Olde One.


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No rules ... not even an attempt at rules, not that any previous attempt at rules were compendious enough but at least you made the effort.

Now you're just mailing it in lad, just mailing it in.

And you wonder why I rail against the very concept of making you an Olde One.



Originally Posted by Boo Radley

No time to list a bunch of Rules which no one ever reads and Joe always seems to find fault with! He wants Rules a certain way, then he can come in here and write them hisself, the lazy sod!

(Walks up to Joe and shouts in his ear:)


Nope. It's like I feared. Not a single synapse is firing anymore.

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(Walks up to Joe and shouts in his ear:)


Nope. It's like I feared. Not a single synapse is firing anymore.

Actually the correct original terminology was apparently:

All ye, all ye 'outs' in free *
... you frankly didn't even come close not that any of us are surprised, including the SSNs who have been around for a whole two weeks.

But let's be honest here Boo Radley, if I sent you rules to include in the initial post of a new thread ... would you use them? You know you wouldn't, you'd ignore them ... most likely because you couldn't understand them.

Therefore I see no value in providing them to you.


* From the OFFICIAL Reference Work of the Peng Challenge Thread, Wikipedia.

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Again, Joe, your inability to understand even a simple sentence is downright magical at times.

How you get "... sent you rules to include in the initial post..." from "...then he can come in here and write them hisself..." is truly impressive.

If you were a Goobernational I could always attribute it to a breakdown in translation, but as you're merely from Texas (so it almost, but not quite, applies), I can only assume it's because of your neutron star-like mental density.

But any time you wish to send me rules of which you approve, please do so. It may take me time to discover a comparable Rosetta stone so I can translate them into basic, comprehensible English, but if it makes you happy...

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Again, Joe, your inability to understand even a simple sentence is downright magical at times.

How you get "... sent you rules to include in the initial post..." from "...then he can come in here and write them hisself..." is truly impressive.

If you were a Goobernational I could always attribute it to a breakdown in translation, but as you're merely from Texas (so it almost, but not quite, applies), I can only assume it's because of your neutron star-like mental density.

But any time you wish to send me rules of which you approve, please do so. It may take me time to discover a comparable Rosetta stone so I can translate them into basic, comprehensible English, but if it makes you happy...

Wait a minute, you expected ME, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, to start the thread for you?

Apparently you've forgotten Subsection 15 of the Official Justicariate Policies and Procedures Handbook which states in no uncertain terms ...

It shall be the duty of the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread to begin threads in the absence of the Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread. Said threads shall be accompanied by the rules of the thread as set forth in Subsection 17/ Paragraphs "a" through "gemstone."

As you'll no doubt recall, unless your long term memory is acting up again, I added the "gemstone" paragraph identification at your specific request in order that you wouldn't hold your breath until you turned blue.

There are times I regret that decision on my part ...


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Young Spazmodius! I think it would be the height of spiffiness if you were to challenge Slagpile Oz to a game of CM. Do it with as much bile and venom as you can. And provide us with periodic reports on your various levels of incompetence, sneaksiness and moral depravity.

A fight between a Finn and an Aussie could be... amusing.

No but yeah but no but yeah but no but..

I've got one QB already going and it's somewhat boring.

You see, my pixeltruppen are taking their sweet time to haul their asses to their designated point-of-attack. I think it's already turn 14 and there hasn't been much of a ruckus for the time being.

Of course I could say: "I've been thinking out thoroughly my next turn" ..for the last twelve turns...

I doubt that this fan or member of Newcastle United FC or piemag zo has time to put away from his ranting.

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Wait a minute, you expected ME, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, to start the thread for you?

Apparently you've forgotten Subsection 15 of the Official Justicariate Policies and Procedures Handbook which states in no uncertain terms ...

As you'll no doubt recall, unless your long term memory is acting up again, I added the "gemstone" paragraph identification at your specific request in order that you wouldn't hold your breath until you turned blue.

There are times I regret that decision on my part ...


Point of order? When using the term "absence", are you referring to your being physically absent, or just mentally absent, because if it is the latter, then we should probably put out a "This Space for Rent" sign. Besides, you were here, so no rules were violated.

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Point of order? When using the term "absence", are you referring to your being physically absent, or just mentally absent, because if it is the latter, then we should probably put out a "This Space for Rent" sign. Besides, you were here, so no rules were violated.
But I had not officially taken the reins back from your slack and trembling fingers so the tiller was still in your control and the Peng Challenge Thread was losing altitude.

Besides there were NO rules published so how would one know if any had been violated?


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<looks about>

I sense a disturbance in the Force . . . somewhere, someone may have need of my services . . .

Evicting a little old lady from her home? No, this is a little more subtle . . .

Defending a serial rapist on the basis fo a legal technicality? No, this is different, somehow . . . I sense more . . . despair . . .

<rubs hands together eagerly>

In any event, it appears there will soon be a dollar to make off the backs of those unable to defend themselves . . . .


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<looks about>

I sense a disturbance in the Force . . . somewhere, someone may have need of my services . . .

Evicting a little old lady from her home? No, this is a little more subtle . . .

Defending a serial rapist on the basis fo a legal technicality? No, this is different, somehow . . . I sense more . . . despair . . .

<rubs hands together eagerly>

In any event, it appears there will soon be a dollar to make off the backs of those unable to defend themselves . . . .


And it will be a perfect match ... those unable to defend themselves defended by someone unable to defend them.


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But I had not officially taken the reins back from your slack and trembling fingers so the tiller was still in your control and the Peng Challenge Thread was losing altitude.

Besides there were NO rules published so how would one know if any had been violated?


"Tiller"? "Altitude"?

I think I may have discovered why you stink at IL-2 and Rise of Blight.

Oh, and I'm STILL waiting for you to officially take back the reins of control from the first time you scampered off.

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Originally Posted by Michael Emrys in Another Thread

It's not really necessary to actually know anything. A good two-thirds of the posts here are completely vacuous and without any informational content. A little bombast and pomposity and you're in business. At least it's always worked for me.


Well, at least he finally admitted it.

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"Tiller"? "Altitude"?

I think I may have discovered why you stink at IL-2 and Rise of Blight.

Oh, and I'm STILL waiting for you to officially take back the reins of control from the first time you scampered off.

That was different, it was an assumed return, this return required official notification.

Which I now give ... turn in your bullet lad!


Until the next time that is ... which should be in about a week.


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I thought this thread needed a bump .. .But no it needs rules and as it happens I have discovered one for you Pengists

*From Terry's Rules of Book Signing

3) I don't sign parts of the body, even if they're still attached.

And Terry Pratchett should be recognised for spotting evil and how progress had sorted it:

*Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon...

A Public Service drive-by posting

Of course I resisted the temptation to say anything about a Pubic Service - which may be more fun.

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A picture of Joe with his first tube of lipstick.


It was coral ... I understand you're still going with plain old red ... and I have to tell you that the fishnets don't become you ... the stockings that is, if we could get you in a fishnet at about 40 feet down in the Bearing Sea it would become you very well indeed.


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