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Will the Rumblings of War tournament (Row) be Returning

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Hi there,

Wondering if it would be possible to join this fun tourney. I read that you need a reference or some such and I am afraid I do not have any... but at least I can confirm I have played similar tourneys in other sites, very much aware of Nabla stuff etc and I am a "serious" player... ahem. :D

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So noted your desire. You will go on the Official "waiting" list. The signup for the tournament (usually) works as follows:

--> Vets of RoW (i.e. those in good standing) will get first option to participate and/or reply to send-out invites. There is usually a 10-14 day "Grace Period" for RoW Vets to signup.

--> After the Grace Period the tourney will be opened up to those on the "Waiting List" and/or Newcomers, either via a formal email invite from me and/or a specific sign-up thread. Any ROW vets signing up on or after the initial grace period will not have priority over those on the "Waiting List" and newcomers.

--> Signup emails/posts will be processed in the order in which they are returned/received. As soon as we get 72 players, sign-ups are over. It is possible - though unlikely - that this could happen before the ROW veterans' sign-up period has expired.

--> Wait Listers/Newcomers are welcome to sign up before the 10-14 day Grace Period, but will not be assigned a player slot # until the Grace Period has expired, provided there are slots left.

--> Newcomers, that have never played in a Row tourney, probably will have to write a short letter why we should take them in for this tourney. Who knows, we might tarnish your 'good' name by publishing this letter when you go AWOL during the tourney for all to see on the Battlefront forum, when your seat gets filled by the next in-waiting player :D

The signup thread/post will be initiated by me, as usual with the immortal worlds of Wild Bill Wilder: "The guns are rumbling...the war is on" (Rumblings of War Tourney VI: SignUp)

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To recap: Standby/Waiting/Drop-In List






futon river crossing




Kurt Jäger

Lt. Smash




Plastic viking



Swamp_ (*)

von shrad


Yak Meister

(*) Finished Outerboard Tourney


The Vets in goos standing:

[hirr]Leto ***

76mm/Tom Reiter



Ace Pilot


Andrew Kulin/Ankulin ***



Berto ***

Bertram ***

Big Dog




Bil Hardenberger ***

Bimmer ***


Boris Balaban

Brent Pollock


Calibration/SteveS ***

Capt T ***


Cpl Carrot ***



dan/california ***


Dangerous Dave

Deadly 88



dieseltaylor ***


Elmar Bijlsma ***




flammenwerfer ***



Frenchy/Steve Dixon ***


George MC ***

Green Hornet

GreenAsJade ***


gunnersman ***

Heavy Drop



James Crowley ***



Jaws ***




John Bertles

John D Salt

John L

John O



Juha Ahoniemi ***


K.A. Miles

Kanonier Reichmann ***


Kevin Kinscherf


Kip Anderson




Londoner ***

Lt Bull


Melnibone ***

Mick Oz

Mike8g/Marcus Bloss



NG cavscout ***

Nidan1 ***

noob ***

Normal Dude ***

Other Means

Panzer Twat


PittPanther31/Charley Phogg





Renaud ***





Scheer ***

Scott B

Sergei ***


Sivodsi ***

Spanish Bombs ***



Steve McClaire

Stickypix(x)ie ***


StoneAge ***

Stryker/Kevin Grande ***


Ted ***

TexasToast ***

The Enigma

The_Capt ***


Tom Travisano

Treeburst155 ***


Victor Charlie

von Lucke

wadepm ***

Walpurgis Nacht

We Build We Fight ***

Wellsonian11/wellsonian ***



xerxes/Marc S

(***) Vets indicating interest in Row VI


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Howdy old foes and friends alike!

This is Heavy Drop with a temporary (hopefully) user name for this forum.

Just wanted to let you know that I am here and excited to see the old ROW crowd fired up again. I would definitely want to be included, in anyway needed, for any future ROW challenges.

And yes, I drank every drop of the wine, saluting Wine Cape with each pop of the cork!

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Page 9, Post 84:

I have internet now.

Make your time.

Apparently, this was not a plea to join the proposed tournament. How it could be construed otherwise I cannot say.

Therefore, allow me to improve upon my request as follows:


Beside which, I write the best AARs known to mankind (that no one ever reads...). Please make me to prove it.

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Hey Winecape. I may be too late but I would really be interested in playing in this. I played at Tournament House and was 3rd or 4th from being Top Dog there.I logged more games than anybody at the time. I played in the same tournament Swamp played in and came in 6th or 7th place, IIRC, it was a long time ago. Hopefully you can find room for an old vet. Thanks either way.

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Hi Winecape,

I put my name in the hat some time ago, but I understand that if you have never played in a ROW tourney before, you have to give an explanation of why you should be included.

Some things about me (Nemesis Lead--I am Highlander40 here because I can't remember my Nemesis Lead password on this website). I suppose that shameless bragging has to follow ;-) :

1) I was "top dog" on the Band of Brothers overall ranking in both the CMAK and CMBB categories from 2006 to 2009. In fact, I think I still hold the highest all-time Bobster scores on those rankings. I think my won-loss record was 28-2 with 1 tie or something like that.

2) I led the Gamesquad ladders in all categories until that ladder folded. I think I won 30, lost 1 or 2, and had 1 draw.

3) I am the only person that I know of who has a winning record vs. Walpurgis Nacht (we used to TCPIP play on Combat Mission.com) ;-)

4) Playing in this tourney is on my "bucket list." I have always wanted to do this, but I got into CM way too late for most of the tourneys!

5) I am a fast file returner and not a "bailer."

6) If you look at Gamesquad and Band of Brothers--you will see that I write very detailed AARs. I generally love writing and reading them.

7) If you put me in, I will send YOU some wine ;-)

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Hi there Winecape,

I don't know if you recall me, but I took part in (and finished second) in one of the first RoW tourneys (at least I think it was a RoW...I know it was a CM tourney that was set up on the Forum--just looked back at the archives, it was a Rugged Defense tourney...ah well, so much for my memory), and wound up doing two-player testing for Wild Bill Wilder for one of the subsequent tourneys.

I dropped off the scene because CM no longer was available on the Mac (well, that and I got a divorce! <grin>), but I was really excited to see CM:BN was coming out on for the Mac. If possible, I'd sure like to get in on any future tourney.


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Notes taken for those posting here regarding the invite list. Note: All Vets as well as newcomers will be formally invited to participate in RoW VI when due date arrives, despite showing their (Vets/no Vets) willingness/interest to play here on this forum.

We cannot assign anyone an automatic tourney slot based on their interest shown here by posting. You might be away, on holiday, sick, divorced and/or dead when due date arrives to kick-start the tournament. So in a way, nobody gets guaranteed a place until he receives an invite (detailing the tourney details and his commitment therein) and replies YES/NO in kind via his Battlefront Forum email.

Posting here just makes my workload easier: who should be send first invites in their respective Vets/Newcomer groups during the Vet grace period signup, and thereafter.

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For those interested in the NABLA scoring system for RoW, I have re-established contact with Dr. Jarmo Hurri, creator of the NABLA, and to refresh some questions asked, herewith:

"The problem with the Nabla system being discussed here is that it rewards those who win big playing the weaker side of an unbalanced scenario. A highly skilled player could get either the strong or a weak side of an unbalanced scenario; such a player would win anyway, but if he wins big playing the weaker side, then Nabla disproportionately rewards this player than one who wins big playing the stronger side."

Nabla's comment on this issue is as follows:

"Still assuming the old percentage scores, let's say the medians for a scenario are 80-20 (allied - axis). Then it is possible for an allied player to score 20 marks above the median, while it is possible for an axis player to score 80 marks above the median. Therefore a strong player playing axis side has an advantage over a strong player playing allied side, in particular if both are playing against a very weak player.

This is a good point. First I'd like to make the following observations.

1. If a 0-100 score [axis win] is obtained in such a scenario, it will increase the

mean absolute deviation of the scenario, which is used to normalize

the results, and hence the result will decrease the importance of the

win in the final overall scoring.

2. The nonlinear scoring curve also greatly reduces the importance of

such a large "victory" in a single game.

We could introduce an additional mechanism such that in a single scenario the maximum positive score is at most the absolute value of the minimum negative score. Not sure if it's needed, though, because of the reasons mentioned above, and not sure what would be the best way to mathematically implement the idea.

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Whoa, missed this thread along with most of the CMBN forums, been busy lately with... well you know Winecape. ;) I think I was in one of the ROWs briefly. I remember playing and losing the first battle to be eliminated. It was a bad start to my CMx1 tourney play. Although I could be confusing it with another tourney, it's been so long I forget.

Also made it to the final four of the King of the Hill tourney awhile back. IIRC the Mad Russian ran that big one. Good times!

Anyways, if there's still room I'd love to play. :)

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