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Warning!Radiation from damaged Japanese reactors headed to U.S./Canada!

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Here's a link to several recent updates on the full blown nuclear crisis in Japan. http://boppinalong.finddiscussion.com/t1382-urgent-warning-fukushima-incident-was-a-meltdown-radiation-headed-to-us-and-canada-protect-yourselves#5800 Per CNN today, nuclear fallout cleanup specialists are headed to Japan from the U.S. That alone should tell you something's happened.


Judging by severe deep freeze, murderous headache despite pain meds, lit up back, intense sadness (not my own) and more, another devastating event is imminent. It will involve mass trauma and/or mass casualties. Wouldn't be surprised if it hit tomorrow. Don't know the where. Am also expecting a powerful eruption soon, based on extensive volcanic symptoms.


Good for you!


John Kettler

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Judging .. another devastating event is imminent. ... Wouldn't be surprised if it hit tomorrow. Don't know the where.

Pfft. What an amateur. I haven't missed a single significant earthquake in over 5 years.

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On the original topic here, just hope that people avoid taking the iodine pills from pure panic as these pills are known to have high risk of catastrophic results. They really are only meant as a last ditch effort against super high radiation levels. It looks like it is alot closer to a meltdown now, but most experts are saying that even should one occur, it is likely to, at least in the present situation, go out to sea where it will be dissipated.

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Bravo for offering that Japanese family a place to stay!

Thank you! Foreign language comprehension problem on my part, I suppose.

I have not heard any news from them. Guess they have bigger problems now than keeping their friends worldwide updated. I feel so sorry for them!

Best regards,


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On the original topic here, just hope that people avoid taking the iodine pills from pure panic as these pills are known to have high risk of catastrophic results. They really are only meant as a last ditch effort against super high radiation levels. It looks like it is alot closer to a meltdown now, but most experts are saying that even should one occur, it is likely to, at least in the present situation, go out to sea where it will be dissipated.

I'm curious how the U.S. government would measure the radiation in the air to tell whether or not it's a danger to US people. How could they possibly tell how much of it is blowing over here?

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I'm curious how the U.S. government would measure the radiation in the air to tell whether or not it's a danger to US people. How could they possibly tell how much of it is blowing over here?

Well, experts generally have been saying that the radiation would dissipate some thousands of miles off the US western seaboard, falling with rain into the Pacific. Would likely affect sealife, but it dissipates within some weeks, even there. Someone who actually knows this may say, but from school, I seem to remember that the radioactive particles are heavier/denser, than air so would not "float" very long,and as soon as water(rain,etc) touched them, they would fall with it.The danger from the Iodine tablets is generally perceived as worse, and it is only recommended to use them, if within 10 miles of the radiation. Most of my own news reading is on German newspapers, and they are actually quite "anti-nuclear" but even they have downplayed the hysteria as far as the likelihood of spreading, and the idea of "everyone take iodine" or whatever.

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I'm still waiting for a freaking huge lizard thing to do battle with a nuclear boosted giant squid in Tokyo Bay. With jet planes and tanks unable to do any damage to their thick skins weeping PURE unobtanium hydroperoxide.

Then I'll take notice.

It's not a giant squid. It's a giant flying/spinning turtle! (get your facts right!).

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The last report I saw on CNN said two reactors at the Fukushima Dai Ichi Plant were in trouble and that the radiation count at one had spiked to ~400 microSeivers before subsiding. Radiation was detected aboard the carrier U.S.S. George Washington 175 miles off the coast. A French IAEA nuclear expert rated the severity of the accident as "one point below Chernobyl." There's also similar stuff at the Onodaka Plant on the other side of Sendai. As for iodine pills, the local Sprouts is completely out of them, but it's still available in kelp formulations. Honshu continues to convulse, on a grand scale, with several megaton range (6 = 1 MT) aftershocks in the last two days alone, doubtless adding to the joys of rescuers and body retrievers working in snow!


John Kettler

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I'm curious how the U.S. government would measure the radiation in the air to tell whether or not it's a danger to US people. How could they possibly tell how much of it is blowing over here?

Basically with particle filters ('cos radiation resides in particles, not in "the air" per se (AFAIK)) and a geiger counter or some other equipment to measure the decay present in those particles.

Plus probably some means of identifying the exact materials - particularly isotopes - I think that's how they used to identify how well the PRC & USSR were going with their nucelar bombs once upon a tim - by identifying the isotopes released by atmospheric tests.

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I am glad this was posted, it shows that the hysteria is just that...hysteria..and for people to post it under the guise of an official agency is just idiotic. Thanks JonS

I am glad also that Australia, and the US FEMA, etc, are trying to get this hysteria under some control by distancing their respective agencies from these claims. The health damage if people began believing them, and ingesting large amounts of the potassium iodide tablets, would be far worse than any fallout damage.I have had to convince my own mother in Nevada not to take the pills.

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