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To let people get out your anti-me feelings...vent..vent :) Just keeping up the tradition.

Who kills babies and then shoots their parents? ME

Who lives to burn,and burns to live?? Yep,that's right.. ME

Who is always on the opposing side of everyone else? ME

See a trend developing here?

Who is apparently the most hated poster on here, despite only being back a few months?


So, take your shots...enjoy this thread.

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I'd say you're completely wrong and totally misguided about this.

I would like to think so, but note the evidence..

Every single thread I post is met with closed-mindedness, with an incredibly anti-American, or perhaps anti-American Army vitriol, people rapidly jump to assumptions about my beliefs, all of which have been wrong. There is no willingness to debate, only an attitude that somehow I am less educated or less experienced than the responders. I have a Masters Degree, I have many years of field experience, I am not some ignorant idiot as seems to be the assumption by people who in general I have mostly respected up until now.

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Possibly this is all true. More likely, you've got tickets on yourself.

Anti-Ron doesn't mean anti-american, and every time I hear Anti-American I know its being used by someone not prepared to pay me the respect of comprehending my argument. How do I know this? Proof by inspection.

Anti-Ron doesn't mean anti-US Army. You'll find that few people here are prepared to value the institution and its history in the same way they value your presence on these boards.

Your debating style is mostly what brings you down: you won't entertain the defeat of your position as a possibility (an admirable trait for a fighting soldier, to a point). Don't invest your ego in an argument, or be prepared to see it blown away with the argument if you turn out wrong. When it happens (and if you can honestly tell me that you're never wrong I will honestly tell you that you're wrong) - don't whinge about the pain you feel. Welcome to the club. Savour the experience and add it to your store.

Respect is a two-way street, Ron. This board has some very, very intelligent people contributing to it and they all have experience at least equal to their years on this planet. Your willingness to provide material for the boards is very welcome, but if you think we're going to just roll over and accept your version of the world... well, how would, how do you react when that same expectation is levelled at you?

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: )

I think its against forum policy to attack other posters by name but I am not sure about suicidal postings!

Abneo -

1. I really don't think you are always wrong, after all you have agreed with me some times!.

2. Also I think is an area of intellectula honesty so what people say should be what they believe.

3. If people do get personal then it is normally because they cannot argue adequately - or they are from the Antipodes : )

4. Anti-US. Well certainly not anti-US actual fighting personnel, Against American cultural imperialism you betcha. Corrupted systems and government yep.

PS- sometimes I even agree with you!

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I would like to think so, but note the evidence..

Every single thread I post is met with closed-mindedness, with an incredibly anti-American, or perhaps anti-American Army vitriol, people rapidly jump to assumptions about my beliefs, all of which have been wrong. There is no willingness to debate, only an attitude that somehow I am less educated or less experienced than the responders. I have a Masters Degree, I have many years of field experience, I am not some ignorant idiot as seems to be the assumption by people who in general I have mostly respected up until now.

You see by disagreeing with the fact that everybody disagreed with you I was creating a Catch-22 logic loop.

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Who kills babies and then shoots their parents? ME

Who lives to burn,and burns to live?? Yep,that's right.. ME

Who is always on the opposing side of everyone else? ME

The way I see it you pretty much have to shoot the parents after you kill their babies, otherwise the parents will probably find some way to shoot you eventually. People can be unreasonable at times.

If being the lone ranger in these hostile lands is getting you down you could always head over to Gyrene's, where most non-Australians migrated to after the big purge years ago.

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Possibly this is all true. More likely, you've got tickets on yourself.

Anti-Ron doesn't mean anti-american, and every time I hear Anti-American I know its being used by someone not prepared to pay me the respect of comprehending my argument. How do I know this? Proof by inspection.

Anti-Ron doesn't mean anti-US Army. You'll find that few people here are prepared to value the institution and its history in the same way they value your presence on these boards.

Your debating style is mostly what brings you down: you won't entertain the defeat of your position as a possibility (an admirable trait for a fighting soldier, to a point). Don't invest your ego in an argument, or be prepared to see it blown away with the argument if you turn out wrong. When it happens (and if you can honestly tell me that you're never wrong I will honestly tell you that you're wrong) - don't whinge about the pain you feel. Welcome to the club. Savour the experience and add it to your store.

Respect is a two-way street, Ron. This board has some very, very intelligent people contributing to it and they all have experience at least equal to their years on this planet. Your willingness to provide material for the boards is very welcome, but if you think we're going to just roll over and accept your version of the world... well, how would, how do you react when that same expectation is levelled at you?

No problem here at all being wrong, my problem is that others seem to use one thing to argue their "rightness" and then when that same thing, argues against them, it is suddenly wrong, except when it goes back to their side.

That said,many of "my positions" here are more "devil's advocate" because I enjoy a thoughtful debate, but those "thoughtful"debates usually are met on the other side(sometimes a side I actually agree with,just want to discuss an issue,and SOMEBODY must be on the other side) by hateful,arrogant,ignorant commentary.

And as for the anti American Army sentiment here, it is noted that even in your first post to me on this board, you mostly came across as a gentleman, but still hid inside your message, the following paragraph,which comes across as snide,if I look at it innocently, or anti- if I look at it more "pragmatically"


I think one of the problems we have, as civilians, is knowing where we can expect a true argument to be coming from the mouth of an arguer - in this case, subbie needs to know that he isn't just a paid thug (Jon, what's the value of a volunteer?). He isn't. The end. OK, how do we formulate an argument that caters for this necessity? It is true that (if he survives, not always a given in his chosen line of work) his personal viewpoint will change. With time, and hopefully in times of peace, and to an understanding that is different, BUT STILL ALLOWS HIM HIS DIGNITY IF NOT HIS PRIDE. But the value of his sacrifice needs to be lauded - it is a theme that has graced our civilisation in legend and deed longer than the written word has been around.

The sentence capitalized, in particular, seems to be an assumption on your part that what is being done to free millions of people is in fact dishonorable. I resent that.

But all of that said, the rest of what you write here, I actually agree with. Just keep in mind that because someone enjoys debate, does not even mean they disagree with you. And if our ideas truly ARE worth anything, they should be able to stand up to a debate, rather than just "all the Aussies gather and defeat the yank" type of mentality here.

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The way I see it you pretty much have to shoot the parents after you kill their babies, otherwise the parents will probably find some way to shoot you eventually. People can be unreasonable at times.

If being the lone ranger in these hostile lands is getting you down you could always head over to Gyrene's, where most non-Australians migrated to after the big purge years ago.

Thanks for the offer, and for the research that I became too tired to finish.

There was an old maxim in the German army before "the German Army always attacks", I still view that as a central life precedent also, and refuse to run away here. :)

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you kill babies and shoot their parents, and burn a bunch of stuff? references to threads I'm unaware of i suppose.

but really if you don't do or support these things then people are idiots for insisting that you do.

being a devils advocate is noteworthy and functional to a point, as it helps the other side (even if it i s aside you agree with) flesh out there argument and or point. of course the "devil" has to be mindful of when a valid point is made as well. (IMHO)

most hated poster? was there a vote taken? :P

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you kill babies and shoot their parents, and burn a bunch of stuff? references to threads I'm unaware of i suppose.

but really if you don't do or support these things then people are idiots for insisting that you do.

being a devils advocate is noteworthy and functional to a point, as it helps the other side (even if it i s aside you agree with) flesh out there argument and or point. of course the "devil" has to be mindful of when a valid point is made as well. (IMHO)

most hated poster? was there a vote taken? :P

No, just giving some extra fuel to the people on the board who insist on demonizing every post I make, on blindly assuming I am either a neocon, a religious zealot, a fox news listener, or all the other idiotic things they assume of me without a clue of reality :)

I do, I think, at least, also give credit to valid opposition "scores" , and will always listen, and have myself learned alot , even from people I was disagreeing with.

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On the killing of christ....

Seemed like a good thing to do at the time I guess..(wow, I will REALLY go to hell for saying that...)

Gotta disagree with you on that one.....from a logical- xian pov of course....which I can imagine even if I dont' believe it.

Someone had to do it or x-ianity would not - COULD not - exist - I never got why they all blame the jews for the act when it was what created their religon - they should have been thanking them!

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Yeah, well spotted Ron. I'm not really a nice person, but I do try to seem that way. Apparently it makes my life easier. On the other hand, it could be that I value dignity much more than pride, figuring it to be concommitant with respect and therefore useful in maintaining relationships. Pride can be a personal or organisational myth, but it doesn't serve in anything more than an analysis of the past. Rarely does it lend clarity to the analysis.

I've had a think about what I wrote above (well above) and I think I missed some important points (and am just plain wrong about others). The fact that you are a serving member of the USA means that you are subject to quite a few conditions that we civilians find very difficult to relate to: you're indoctrinated to understand that you are required to invest a position with not only your ego, but your life. So then an ignorant oik comes along and tells you what you should be... You're indoctrinated to accept information presented to you by certain sources as valid: it couldn't be any other way in an organisation where people's lives are going to be lost in pursuit of the mission. It is quite likely you have the integrity to maintain a secondary psyche to deal with civilians, but when the information streams available to the participants in the argument are so divergant as to be seen as deliberately engineered to be that way, the respect within the relationship must necessarily suffer. The problems you're experiencing with your relating to other members of this board are a microcosm of the problems facing our society around the globe: and they are all man-made problems.

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On the killing of christ....

Gotta disagree with you on that one.....from a logical- xian pov of course....which I can imagine even if I dont' believe it.

Someone had to do it or x-ianity would not - COULD not - exist - I never got why they all blame the jews for the act when it was what created their religon - they should have been thanking them!

That's actually quite true, and never thought from that angle before,which is amazing to me, as I had thought of EVERY angle on it(well, except..this one) It is the same as I had thought before of certain people who make their living "fixing" problems (including myself) where, with no war...where will I be? Probably a very annoying attorney or something...but you are right, each belief almost NEEDS a villain, else the belief itself is worth nothing.

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