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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Peng Challange

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Congratulations, Joe, that's the funniest thing you've ever posted in this forum. Even funnier than that crumb of praise you grudgingly lavished on Stuka and which of course he hungrily snapped up and repeated ad nauseum.


Jealousy ill becomes you ... of course breathing ill becomes you, you should stop.


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Not at all, it sprang immediately to mind. Do you have trouble forming coherent thoughts?

Only in regards to you. I consider it a natural defense.

And if thoughts of Shaw and Seanachai in dresses "spring immediately to mind (such as it is with you)", that really speaks volumes about you, you know?

Very thin volumes, of course. Comprised entirely of single syllable words. Misspelled. In Crayola.

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I see the Oddstraylians are still here, throwing extra "U"'s into words where they aren't welcome and smelling of Vegamite. I guess that is what comes of walking about upside down all day long.
Well they're adapted to it donchaknow ... normal people would have all the blood rushing to their brain ... but as is abundantly obvious Australians have no brain as we know it. Just another example of natural selection and evolution.


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'US'?? Who is this us?

There is you...and then there are the game playing members of the pool. Best you remember that Mr "I'm one of the cool kids aren't I? Aren't I?? Hey wait up guys, where are you all going? Can I come? * tags along* hey this is great, I'm with the cool kids...Ow, why are you all kicking me?"

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Well they're adapted to it donchaknow ... normal people would have all the blood rushing to their brain ... but as is abundantly obvious Australians have no brain as we know it. Just another example of natural selection and evolution.


Using the word "evolution" when referring to Ozzies, would imply that at some point they have or will "evolve". You are being kind Joe, not like you at all.

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Using the word "evolution" when referring to Ozzies, would imply that at some point they have or will "evolve". You are being kind Joe, not like you at all.
Now now Nidan1, the swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plover may seek warmer climes in winter ... no wait, that's something completely different ...

The lowliest of creatures evolved into forms better than they were and even the grandest of creatures ... Americans ... evolved from lower forms of life like the humble European. Now granted when you look at Australians you're pretty much convinced that there's a good case to be made for retrograde evolution, but it is possible that they might turn into something better ... an extinct form of life perhaps.


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Using the word "evolution" when referring to Ozzies, would imply that at some point they have or will "evolve". You are being kind Joe, not like you at all.

Joe has trouble recognizing his mistakes. But then again, he also has trouble recognizing his own reflection in a mirror.

So it's not all that surprising.

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He imagines it is part of his coming of age. Little does he realize that in the US 10 yo kids are already putting away six-packs every Friday night.


Yes, Emrys, yes. American beer, so much better than the crap we have here. (I'm surrounded by idjits...)

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