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BFC, Log-In's malfunctioning!

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Something odd is going in with the log-in function. For example, it frequently fails to recognize a valid user name and PW combination, only to suddenly accept it after multiple tries. Am also finding that if a search takes me to the Archives, I'm now mysteriously no longer logged in once there and when I return to the Forums. I think, too, the system may may be logging me out when I'm away from the site.

I suspect that if it's doing this to me, I probably have equally disgruntled company.


John Kettler

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John, there is a known redirect bug in this version of vB which, after logging in, redirects you back to the login page. Perhaps that's what bugging you? (no pun intended)

It is possible that the system "logs you out" after some time. Usually this has to do with your "cookies". If you erase them, you lose your login status.

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"Paranoia will destroy ya!"

Stalin's Organist,

Complaining or jealous?


Pray, let me assist you! http://projectcamelot.org/base_new_berlin.html Recommend you start with the Nexus magazine article "Britain's Secret War in Antarctica" (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/tierra_hueca/esp_tierra_hueca_13.htm) which you should find fairly approachable and easy to follow, since it's in English! Then try Antarctica: A Nazi Base by Jim Marrs http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/antarctica/antartica24.htm also in English His writing forms the first part, and I believe the rest is additional material, some of which is quite remarkable. Be sure to check out the Neu Schwabenland maps and compare same with Operation High Jump's route.


John Kettler

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  • 2 weeks later...


Suggest you read the "Britain's Secret War in Antarctica" article and do some actual research on the German Antarctic Expedition. Further suggest you research what Admiral Byrd said in several major South American papers on the way back to the States following Operation High Jump (in which serious losses were incurred), where he was silenced. The individual who supposedly was in the Antarctic base in that controversial account as a child, could very well have had one or more mind modifications applied or drugs provided to protect security. This is quite common among people who've worked work black programs. See particularly Project Orion here. http://artificialtelepathy.blogspot.com/2006/06/telepathy-and-technology-of-mind.html Hoagland and Bara in DARK MISSION note with interest that NASA astronauts who've been to the Moon can tell you in great detail what they saw and did, but to a man can't describe how they felt. The most amazing experience in their entire lives yet not a single emotion! NASA, BTW, contrary to what the public's told, is part of DOD. See DARK MISSION for the proof.

Michael Emrys,

The more sensitive a topic is, the greater the ambiguity in the data, especially with teams who do nothing but create disinformation, while other teams attack the reputations and sometimes the persons of those who get too close to the truth. In a letter to then President Reagan, a covert group called Justice for Military Personnel said this "We regret the anonymity of this letter, but we have no other choice because the CIA has a clear policy of eliminating any insiders who may expose the UFO cover-up. http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message487366/pg1 Likewise, in his sworn statement Operation Majority, Bill Cooper said "MURDER: The documents stated that many military and government

personnel had been terminated (murdered; executed without due process

of law) when they had attempted to reveal the secret of the aliens, the

JASON SOCIETY and MJ-12. [NOTE: Any adult human being who lives in

today's society and who still does not believe that "Our Government"

would commit cold-blooded murder in order to preserve their idea of an

acceptable "status quo"....that person should be placed in a secured,

well-padded cell and not allowed to play with pointed or sharp objects.

He/she is both intellectually and morally Brain Dead. As an example,

does any sane person really believe that Karen Silkwood died in an auto

"accident" ? =CSW]

Read the whole thing here. http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/cooper/operation_majority.htm

In case you think those are flukes, consider the words of the man dying of cancer who once ran Project Pounce, the Air force's UFO crash retrieval unit.

"After years of military and intelligence career-building by playing by the rules, Lt. Colonel Wilson in retirement displayed the highest patriotism of all, whistle-blowing on the corrupt MJ-12 parallel government. Now stricken with cancer, Steve Wilson assesses the price of his years in the "Black World" of the UFO Cover-Up. "I have no feelings, truthfully. My association with MAJI has left me dead inside. I feel myself still cold and calculating. I never let anyone get close to me. I feel like a human robot. I have killed mercilessly and lied for the good of the country, or so I believed at the time." http://www.drboylan.com/colbirb2.html


John Kettler

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Then try Antarctica: A Nazi Base by Jim Marrs http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/antarctica/antartica24.htm also in English His writing forms the first part, and I believe the rest is additional material, some of which is quite remarkable.

Remarkable is one word for it:

Opinion is sharply divided about the final fate of Neuschwabenland. Some argue that the Nazis abandoned their Antarctic sanctuary in the 1960s and moved to sites in the Andes. Another group claims that the Antarctic Reich still exists and has grown into "a civilization under the ice," home to about 3 million people of German and Ukrainian descent. It's supposed to be somewhere in the Mühlig-Hoffman Mountains, adjacent to the ruins of Kadath, a city founded by settlers from the lost continent of Atlantis.

The Redemptionists believe that Adolf Hitler escaped from Berlin in April 1945, traveled to southern Argentina in a U-boat, and from there traveled to Neuschwabenland in a Nazi flying saucer. Hitler supposedly lived in Antarctica until 1952, when he reportedly traveled to the moon and met with aliens from space.

These aliens took him to Aldebaran, 68 light-years from Earth. According to the legend, some day Hitler will return with an Aldebarani space armada.

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Originally Posted by John Kettler

Hoagland and Bara in DARK MISSION note with interest that NASA astronauts who've been to the Moon can tell you in great detail what they saw and did, but to a man can't describe how they felt. The most amazing experience in their entire lives yet not a single emotion! NASA, BTW, contrary to what the public's told, is part of DOD. See DARK MISSION for the proof.

Seriously JK what meds are you currently taking?


The Apollo astronauts were, by their own admissions, profoundly moved and changed when they gazed upon Earth from their unique position in space.

"It changed my life," said Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 astronaut.

"You only see the boundaries of nature from there not those that are manmade," said Eugene Cernan of Apollos 10 and 17. "It is one of the deepest, most emotional experiences I have ever had."

Most of the men who went on the Apollo moon missions tell in this film (In the Shadow of the Moon - 2007) , of the moment while in space, viewing the galaxy from a perspective very few of us will ever see, they experienced the profound realization of their own insignificance, while comforted with a certainty of infinite connectivity with the very stuff of the universe. Contrast that with the "hero's parades" and instant celebrity into which they were violently thrust upon return to terra firma. Additionally, some of the astronauts confess the guilt they felt, knowing that many of the pilots and friends they had trained and served with, were being "shot at, shot down, and were fighting for their country" in Viet Nam.

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If you take the Hamlet quote "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" as a guide, you're off to a good start. Consider now the words of Ben Rich, Kelly Johnson's successor as head of the famous Skunk Works, which produced the U-2, SR-71, F-117 and a host of things we know nothing about.

Ben Rich...Quotes...

"The U. S. Air Force has just given us a contract to take E. T. back home."

"We also know how to travel to the stars."

"Anything you can imagine we already know how to do."

"If you've seen it in Star Trek or Star Wars, we've been there and done that."

"We have things in the Nevada desert that are alien to your way of thinking far beyond anything you see on Star Trek."

Read the rest here: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message848282/pg1

His autobiography, SKUNK WORKS, was under security review by the CIA for three years! After you read the piece, you'll understand why.

As to whether this is a game, I personally know/knew people who've been buzzed by a huge CH-53 at ten foot height while driving on a BLM public road near Area 51 (have seen the terrifying pics; came straight at black project researcher Norio Hayakawa and a vanload of passengers), another who's had multiple disinformation campaigns mounted against her by an OSI agent and lab samples from cattle mutilation research stolen (Emmy winning former science reporter Linda Moulton Howe), another who was shot in the back and murdered while ostensibly dealing with deputies to his front over a warrant (Milton William "Bill" Cooper of Operation Majority and author of BEHOLD A PALE HORSE), the last in a long train of black ops which cost him first a leg (forced over the side of a steep drop off by a big sedan and left to bleed to death; was rescued because someone saw what happened and got him help; was later visited in hospital by agents who asked if now he'd keep his mouth shut?) and ultimately his life, another who was visited by government agents and told to stop talking about scalar weapons, applied antigravity and something else (Tom Bearden), and I myself have been repeatedly threatened via E-mail in connection with a very hot UFO crash recovery involving a dozen murders of scientists to cover it up. So, no, this is not a game.

Careers have been ruined, people have been forcibly relocated, forcibly institutionalized, been deliberately driven mad or made to seem so, framed for heinous offenses, had both themselves and their loved ones threatened, and many have been murdered, as the dying retired colonel attested. Sometimes loved ones are collateral damage, as in the case of the UFO researcher whose girlfriend borrowed his car, which was then forced off the road, killing her instead of him. ISTR it was dark.


There is evidence for Hitler's survival after the war, and the "evidence" for his demise is far from conclusive. For example, recent DNA tests showed the Russian skull sample of "Hitler's bullet holed skull fragment" was female, a major oops! Here is a very good discussion "Fabricating the Death of Hitler" http://www.nexusmagazine.com/index.php?option=com_docman&task=cat_view&gid=27&Itemid=71&limitstart=10 Researcher of terrestrially sourced Nazi UFOs William Lyne says he saw Hitler and Eva at the World's Fair? in Texas in the 1960s, and one of my ex-alphabet soup agency contacts informs me that the American Nazi Party stopped celebrating Hitler's birthday in the early 1980s (forget year). Source was a member of the ANP. Things are nowhere nearly as cut and dried as some here would like to think. For a more entertaining read, I suggest the thrilling novel THE BERKUT, by Joseph Heywood.


John Kettler

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another who was shot in the back and murdered while ostensibly dealing with deputies to his front over a warrant (Milton William "Bill" Cooper of Operation Majority and author of BEHOLD A PALE HORSE),

If by "dealing with" you mean "blazing away at with a handgun and wounding after posting notices online threatening armed resistance to any officers attempting to serve warrants".

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Not one of your quotes specifically references being on the Moon while having the described experience. As for invoking my meds, they have nothing to do with it, but extra points for attempting to muddy the argument waters!


This guy was subjected to incredible harassment by any and all means, to include fast roping commandos into his yard as an intimidation tactic (direct report to me by him at UFO Expo West). From here, it's clear that President Clinton ordered a full court press mounted against Cooper in order to shut him up. http://www.burlingtonnews.net/cooper.html Vids. http://infoasammo.net/bill-cooper According to info obtained from LEOs who were there (Video 6 of this series), law enforcement premeditated Cooper's demise before executing the raid and that outside officials, not local ones, mounted the raid. Video 7 shows how Cooper was effectively damned in the media from the start of coverage of his death. The situation is nowhere nearly as cut and dried as you make it out to be.


John Kettler

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Not one of your quotes specifically references being on the Moon while having the described experience. As for invoking my meds, they have nothing to do with it, but extra points for attempting to muddy the argument waters!


This guy was subjected to incredible harassment by any and all means, to include fast roping commandos into his yard as an intimidation tactic (direct report to me by him at UFO Expo West). From here, it's clear that President Clinton ordered a full court press mounted against Cooper in order to shut him up. http://www.burlingtonnews.net/cooper.html Vids. http://infoasammo.net/bill-cooper According to info obtained from LEOs who were there (Video 6 of this series), law enforcement premeditated Cooper's demise before executing the raid and that outside officials, not local ones, mounted the raid. Video 7 shows how Cooper was effectively damned in the media from the start of coverage of his death. The situation is nowhere nearly as cut and dried as you make it out to be.


John Kettler

This part I agree with. I have seen intimidation tactics employed on people plenty of times. That still leaves open the door as to exactly WHY he was being attacked. The media is biased in their coverage, anyway..so it is not a wonder if they misrepresent "facts" regarding his case. However, even assuming the worst in those cases..yes, intimidation was used, yes, the media lied....it is still quite a stretch from there, to assuming it is because of something he knew regarding UFOs, etc.

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Kettler wrote: NASA astronauts who've been to the Moon can tell you in great detail what they saw and did, but to a man can't describe how they felt.

Kettler wrote: Not one of your quotes specifically references being on the Moon while having the described experience

I think you'll find Eugene Cernan in Apollo 10 went within 8 miles of the moon and Apollo 17 landed, unless you still think the missions were all a hoax. Unlike your panzers on Mars nonsense.


Bean said the question he is most often asked is what it felt like to walk on the moon. He recalls his exhilaration as he looked beyond and saw Earth as a small, bright, beautiful sphere. He felt a long way from the people and places he loved and felt that the experience was unreal, implausible even.

From those emotions he created his 1986 painting, "That's How It Felt to Walk on the Moon


James B. Irwin,

Some of the more interesting comments Jim included in his book, To Rule the Night, were: "When you lean far back and look up, you can see the earth like a beautiful, fragile Christmas tree ornament hanging against the blackness of space, It's as if you could reach out and hold it in your hand. That's a feeling, a perception, I had never anticipated. And I don't think it's blasphemous for me to say I felt I was seeing the earth with the eyes of God. I believe, looking back on it now, the good Lord did have His hand in it. For me to travel such a roundabout way, and finally end up in the space program, and then go to the moon—it's amazing it ever happened....the beauty of the mountains of the moon had moved me,...

...Jim continues: "August the second, 1971....I started running around the Lunar Module in circles, and I did some broad jumping. Just having a ball—you know, like a little kid. Even in the space suit, I could broad jump about ten feet, about three or four feet in the air. No telling how far I could have jumped if I hadn't had that suit on. It was the most relaxed time I had on the surface.

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Cooper was exposing a whole lot more than UFOs; would say what, but that might violate Forum Rules http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hour_of_the_Time I personally attended no less than three of his talks, and they were mind blowing and documented in depth. Watch the vids to see what I mean. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=william%20%20cooper&search=Search&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&spell=1


John Kettler

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