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The Peng Challenge Thread (By Popular Demand)

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Uhh Joe? I think Stuka has gotten too close to that Sun he claims he is beyond. You know the bas-tard, tell 'im to fly right or somefink.

Look you here Vomit ... it's not your place as a lowly SSN to be taking your betters to task. Granted it's Stuka and he's not much your better but he is a Seniour Knight of the CessPool and as such is deserving of ... well not much really but whatever it is he's deserving of it ... such as it is.


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Look you here Vomit ... it's not your place as a lowly SSN to be taking your betters to task. Granted it's Stuka and he's not much your better but he is a Seniour Knight of the CessPool and as such is deserving of ... well not much really but whatever it is he's deserving of it ... such as it is.


Hmmph. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the cesspool this morning, eh? What's a matter Joe? Panties too tight?

Sheesh... you wankers are no fun at all. And by the by Joe, I am not, nor have I ever been a Submersible Ship Nuclear. Just sayin'...

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Hmmph. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the cesspool this morning, eh? What's a matter Joe? Panties too tight?

Sheesh... you wankers are no fun at all. And by the by Joe, I am not, nor have I ever been a Submersible Ship Nuclear. Just sayin'...

It is my job here, young Vomit, to maintain the sacred traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread. As such I must, from time to time, gently remind the Scum Sucking Newbies (SSN) who wander in that we have rules ... some of them are even written.

And one of those rules which I may or may not have just made up, is that SSNs should show the proper degree of respect to established Seniour Knights of the CessPool.

Do it not, and every one of you will die today ... opps, channeling Braveheart again ... if you don't do that then you'll be unmercifully mocked which will likely cause your mother/wife/landlord to come down to the basement and knock on your door to inquire as to the cause of your crying ... again.


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And that to took you way to long ... you probably spent fifteen minutes to "craft" that reply and you still screwed it up.

Australians ... there should be a bounty.


Yeah, my bad. I'll just go and check the "Care-Factor-Meter".....



Nah, batteries must be flat. Or somefink.


p.s. Has the Bard gone on another drunk? I was hoping for an update on his life, you know, like the Bold and the Beautiful.... you can miss that show for months on end and pick up the plot in 5 minutes.

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Shhh... I hear Boo has a "thing" for scented magic markers. You know, like strawberry, lilac, and for his bad days- dung.


Mrs. Miggins: Oh, hardly any of us common people are allowed to vote!

Blackadder: ...and a damn good thing too! Give the likes of Baldrick the right to vote and we'll be back to stoning, cavorting with druids and dung for dinner!!

Baldrick: Oh... I'm 'aving dung for dinner tonight!


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My markers are all scented with the normal volatile organic compounds used in the manufacture of indelible markers, you swine.

And a little toluene. Just for zest.

Oh- so you're just sniffing them to get high then, eh? No wonder your arguments lack that certain... how shall I put it- intelligence? No wonder Joe berated your lackluster opening to this stupendous thread.

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Oh- so you're just sniffing them to get high then, eh? No wonder your arguments lack that certain... how shall I put it- intelligence? No wonder Joe berated your lackluster opening to this stupendous thread.

Pshaw berates EVERY opening to EVERY incarnation of the MBT (Don't Tread On Me... Or Else I'll Give You Such A Slap!)!

Which you would know if you were more than just a mere... outreboarder!

I'll bet your family crest contains a banjo. Doesn't it! DOESN'T IT!!!

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Tepid... Costard?

Is there any other kind?

Just out of curiosity, since, in our present game, your big, bad 150mm gun can't reach my men, will you continue to shell your own men?

I find it a curious pastime.

This same gun, would this be the one that just wiped one of your squads off the face of the earth? I'm fairly hopeful about your tank, granted, but he can't be too happy about having six inch shells landing anywhere near him. Anyway, my guys were so panicked they did the right thing - they ran and survived: their intimations of mortality were most truly represented by the machine of the great game. Your guys just accept their doom, as ever Boo's forces do.

Don't do it friend Boo, or I shall be forced to post the results.

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This same gun, would this be the one that just wiped one of your squads off the face of the earth?

I don't know, as you haven't returned the last file. As far as I know at this time none of my squads have been wiped out by your big scary gun. But I don't know. Because, as I've already said, you have not returned the latest file. Are you hoarding it? Do you watch it over and over while quietly giggling to yourself?

You are indeed loathsome, you know.

I'm fairly hopeful about your tank, granted, but he can't be too happy about having six inch shells landing anywhere near him.

Which tank? As far as I know, neither one of them is anywhere near being within LOS of your big, scary gun. As far as I know, the only thing that IS in LOS to your big, scary gun is your guys. Mine have been hunkering down ever since you started firing it off on turn three. They were like, "That's right... it's Costard. He always buys a big, scary gun. What IS it with him, anyways? Something happen to him when he was a kid? Any coffee going?"

Anyway, my guys were so panicked they did the right thing


- they ran and survived: their intimations of mortality were most truly represented by the machine of the great game. Your guys just accept their doom, as ever Boo's forces do.

What? You've been lobbing HE and smoke over the heads of my guys for the last 30-some turns. We're a bit deafened, but that's about it. Unless, after 4/5ths of the game is over, your myopic FO has finally managed to find the correct range? Is that what's happened? I ask because I don't know because you haven't returned the last file, you prancing procrastinator.

Don't do it friend Boo, or I shall be forced to post the results.

Don't do what? Quit being cryptic. It's annoying.

Post the results? Gee... you win, I lose.

And the audience gasps in horror.

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