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The Peng Challenge Thread (By Popular Demand)

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Oyez, Oyez, Oyez!

I'd like to welcome one and all to the Peng Challenge Thread (Normandy Division) and I'd just like to say that we're pleased as punch to be here!

Rules are thus:

No hanging your unmentionables on the bocage!

Treat no one with respect, except the Ladies, or thou shalt be thrashed!

You're in France, so don't talk about Freedom Fries!

Challenge someone to a game! That's why we're here!

Every now and then an Olde One will show up unannounced. Frisk him for alcohol. Sometimes it pays off.

Act as if you have a large pair, but don't offer to show them to us (Or do, we all can use a good larf every now and then)!

Remember these and keep them wholly!

Woohoo! Normandy, baby!!!

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Well, as Lord God and Supreme Being of the Peng Challenge Thread (I'm also considering adding Divine Savior to my title), I am empowered to reply that Steve—may his beard be long and curly—has more or less stated flat out that they expect a Mac version to be simultaneously released with the PC version. Now you can take that for what it's worth, but it is almost a direct quote...sort of.


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Well, as Lord God and Supreme Being of the Peng Challenge Thread (I'm also considering adding Divine Savior to my title), I am empowered to reply that Steve—may his beard be long and curly—has more or less stated flat out that they expect a Mac version to be simultaneously released with the PC version. Now you can take that for what it's worth, but it is almost a direct quote...sort of.


You rock! Thanks Michael. I take back some of the bad things i said about you in the last 11+ years. Of all the souls I've conversed with, yours was the least Old Foul Joeish


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Well ... at least there are rules ... not good rules mind you but rules.

Regrettably we don't seem to have managed to lose Michael in the shift ... and I see Hiram Sedai is back ... the joy is indescribable ... so I won't try.

But those failures aside here we are in a new Combat Mission forum with the first Peng Challenge Thread incarnation ... Steve can breath easy again, I'm sure he was on tenterhooks just waiting for us to make it official.


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At long last... the inaugural Normandy Peng Challenge.

Figured you pudknockers could use a injection of new olde blood. **sniff, sniff** Yes, yes, this joint can definitely use a makeover... or at least a thick layer of makeup.

Well ladies- how they hangin'? - and by the way Boo, just who the heck told you "we" were all "pleased as punch"?! You wouldn't know a pleasing punch if it bit you on the arse... twice.

Thank God Joe is around, I think this place will require his services as CessPool Drain Commissioner soon, mark my words.

I'm keepin' my good eye on the lot of you miserable wankers, not that you deserve it.

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Being incredibly dim might help

Oh I think it's safe to say that he is fully accomplished in that area.

@Sheer Nebulosity: Any of the existing games can be used if agreeable to both parties. But do try to get more sparkle into your posts. Otherwise, nobody will bother with you, except to ridicule and abuse you. (Well, we'll do that anyway, but you know what we mean.)


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Admittedly there were rules ... but now we see the consequences of INADEQUATE rules. Of course they were written by Boo Radley so I suppose like begets like.

One only has to review the posts of dan/cauliflower, smear and vomit to see that, without rules, they had no idea of what or how to post here. Now I grant you that, in all likelihood, they still wouldn't have posted very well. I imagine typing in a snuggie can't be too easy and having to constantly look up the proper spelling of "can" must be taxing for them.

Nonetheless a thread author must make the effort in the hopes that we might find a cubic zirconium in the rough ... look at Boo Radley, we found him, nurtured his latent ... extremely latent ... practically invisible talents and now he's a Knight of the CessPool and the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread. Granted his job performance verges on the stupendously incompetent but he does have the job.

We can hardly hope for such a success story every day, but perhaps we might find an improved version of Michael (not that it would be very difficult to improve on him) and wouldn't that be a victory for us.

So I urge all thread authors to spend a bit of time, make the effort and make the next incarnation an MBT to be proud of. While Ohio may be satisfied with simply mailing it in surely the rest of us can strive for more.

Yours in CessPudlianess,

Sir Joe Shaw, JFLPCT

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