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CM:BN Beta AAR/DAR Bois de Baugin US side

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Elvis, quick one regarding AI for units. Maybe it s been discussed already but not sure:

Infantry is now modelled individually, correct?. When taking cover on one side of a wall or a building, is there any issues with some units in a given squad remaining on the wrong side of the wall or staying outside the house, or is the AI smart enough to ensure all units of the squad behave similarly when the move order is given? When I saw one of your pics with all units on one side of the wall I wondered!

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Elvis, quick one regarding AI for units. Maybe it s been discussed already but not sure:

Infantry is now modelled individually, correct?. When taking cover on one side of a wall or a building, is there any issues with some units in a given squad remaining on the wrong side of the wall or staying outside the house, or is the AI smart enough to ensure all units of the squad behave similarly when the move order is given? When I saw one of your pics with all units on one side of the wall I wondered!

It wasn't a problem in CMSF, so I suspect it won't be in CMBN :).

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Elvis, quick one regarding AI for units. Maybe it s been discussed already but not sure:

Infantry is now modelled individually, correct?. When taking cover on one side of a wall or a building, is there any issues with some units in a given squad remaining on the wrong side of the wall or staying outside the house, or is the AI smart enough to ensure all units of the squad behave similarly when the move order is given? When I saw one of your pics with all units on one side of the wall I wondered!

When issuing movement orders to a wall, fence or side of a building in any CMx2 game there is an action spot that is a rectangle rather than the normal square. When I unit moves to that action spot they line up against it rather than around it.

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come on lad , when are we getting the next post in this gripping tale :)

Coming right up.

There are a LOT of pictures so I will have to spread it over a few posts. It may help continuity if comments were held until I finished. It takes a little time to set up all the screen shot links....

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So far the rush to the top of the hill looks brilliant. So good that I am bringing the other 3 Shermans up to join them. If I can set up looking down on the villa and have armor support this thing could be over before it starts. I am so clever.


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Uh oh!!!! I didn’t bring any potatoes that need mashing!!!


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Mr Clever may turn out to be Mr Dummy. All hell has broken loose. When this kind of madness starts most talk of plans go right out the window. What happens next is survival. Pure and simple damage control. The best way to convey this in an AAR is to show a few isolated exchanges and a couple of overhead shots of the carnage. The woods are very dense and the only way to give you an idea of the extent of damage is with the trees turned off. I am happy for the trees or things would have been worse…much worse.

I’ll start by continuing the scene above…


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Oh that’s gonna leave a mark.


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It seems as my squads advanced from the woods edge when reaching the top of the hill toward the interior of woods the Germans were there waiting for me. Perhaps I telegraphed my intentions and Jon set up a trap for me in the woods. Or maybe he was still in the process of moving men into position to deal with my advance. I can think of no other reason he would have such a strong presence in the middle of this patch of woods.

It appears that this guy is part of the unit that threw the hand grenade.


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Retaliation is quick.


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Another squad is spotted in the trees. He takes a hit as well.


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Although I am dealing out some pain I am receiving much more. This overhead shot with the trees turned off gives a idea on the amount of casualties that have been taken by my forces. It is also easy to see the arc the German platoon was set up in. I walked right into the heart of it. Little bit of my legendary "RUN AWAY" tactic can be seen here. Truth be told though it is the TacAI making them run away....it just looks like my tactic. (Now that I look at it as I am posting I probably should have circled the 3 German units...2 seen and one ?)


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And look…here’s this guy again!!! Makes you wonder doesn’t it?


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Now I look back down the hill and notice that artillery fire is raining down on the launch position of my advance. I guess it’s good that I got out of there but it also confirms that he was aware of my preparations and probably had plenty of time to set up defenses in the woods.


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On my right flank more good news. I move 3rd squad 2nd Platoon G Company up to support 2nd squad in trying to knock out the sniper team and HQ unit on the hill. Not long after arriving they are hit with mortar fire tearing both squads to pieces.


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Back on the hill of my left flank (still in denial of what is going on to my right) all the Shermans have made it to the top. Lost its main gun and optics but the other 3 are fine. Also, both trucks along with their 57mm guns have made it to the top. However, now that they are up here I am regretting the decision because of what I am encountering in the woods. This hill is not a safe place and now that they are here I am feeling like they are trapped in a spot where they can’t help and can’t safely get out.


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To give you an idea of how intense the fighting in the woods has gotten , here is another screen shot of the area with the trees “turned off”. I count in this shot the smoke remnants of 8 hand grenades. It is not a pretty sight. It is still too early to tell if this assault was a failure or not but one thing is certain, it came a very high price.


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In an effort to give myself comfort and possibly cheer up my mood I took a screen shot of the sniper team I eliminated on turn 1. It brings a melancholy smile to my face……


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These trees are gonna get angry now. I love the desnity of woods and the big trunks. Seems like they can provide very good cover/concealment.

They do. I should probably talk more about why I post some of the shots I post. For instance, to your point about cover and the thick trees. Look at the German behind the tree in the screen shot below where I wrote "Retaliation is quick." He moved right behind that tree when he saw the threat of my squad coming at him. Some of my screen shots intentionally show that type of thing and perhaps I should point it out more. I haven't because I am primarily trying to show the battle more than how the game itself functions. I had a couple of an HQ calling in indirect fire from an on map mortar and showing his C2 link that allowed him to do it but thought the pictures were dull and it didn't really have anything to do with the battle itself.

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Thanks for all the screenshots, real nice to see 'the action' this way.

And good to see the scrap in the woods is bloody and chaotic like I would imagine it should. Make the Krauts pay more though :P

And look…here’s this guy again!!! Makes you wonder doesn’t it?


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OH ... MY .... GOD. It's Tube Guy again.

That's it, I am calling Fox Mulder. :D

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Thanks for all the screenshots, real nice to see 'the action' this way.

And good to see the scrap in the woods is bloody and chaotic like I would imagine it should. Make the Krauts pay more though :P

OH ... MY .... GOD. It's Tube Guy again.

That's it, I am calling Fox Mulder. :D

This is why i think being able to name your individual squadies is a good idea. Just look at the entertainment factor we get at following this one chap around ! .... now deployed that into an operation and watch the progress and increasing kill stats. i.e whats his name, squad, platoon , what battles has he been involved in , what has he knocked out.

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Coming right up.

There are a LOT of pictures so I will have to spread it over a few posts. It may help continuity if comments were held until I finished. It takes a little time to set up all the screen shot links....

:) thanks again , this is really good fun to follow.

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These trees are gonna get angry now. I love the desnity of woods and the big trunks. Seems like they can provide very good cover/concealment.

In one of the screenshots you can see past 10 - 12 layers of trees to the edge of the wood (not sure how to post the image again but you can clearly see a path direct to the edge). Does this mean a tank in the field at the end of the wood can see right down the row ? i,e so a unit would need to hide behind a tree in the wood to block the LOS ? (i.e a base this on Steves comment somewhere that if you look like you are in cover chances are you are , if not you anit in cover) Apply this logic would suggest LOS to the end of the wood. (hope that makes sense).

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