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Nice name change features!


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One nice improvment from Africa to Kursk is the new ease to change names of all units by just clicking on name bar. This was pointed out to me by Tatari in another post. Upon playing around more with the demo I found that this is not just limited to indivuduals, but one can name tanks, guns, and even formations. Give sqaud names, or #'s as you wish to keep things better organized. Nice, easy, and flexible system 1c! Been having fun with it, but it is also very practicle for easy recognition. I pick a theme for each sqaud, and group names accordigly. Stuff like Band of Brother's squad (Winters, Speers ect..), The Kelly's Heroes squad (Oddball, Crapgame ect..), the Sopranos squad (Tony, Paulie, Bigpussy ect..). I like this improvement over Africa a lot. Great fun, and useful in a practicle way! Keep up the good work!

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