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Tank Gunnery


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A grisly story -

I had a squad of Sarandoy DRA troops supported by a T54B, moving toward a market and compound where they were taking small arms fire. The 2nd Platoon LT was hit and seriously wounded. While the XO rendered first aid, the remainder of the 9 man squad got up from the prone position to manuever toward the compound. Just as 2 of the members got up to move out, they were hit with small arms fire. One soldier was hit in the head and KIA, the other was hit in the upper body and seriously wounded.

The T54B moving up in support of the squad spotted the source of the attack; which was coming from several mujahedeen on top of a one story building in the compound. The tank fired a small burst from the 7.62 machine gun. That didn't seem to have much effect, so the crew loaded up a 100 mm HE round and fired that off. The round went right through a mujahedeen and kept on going upwards and off map due to the angle of fire from the tank. The round never exploded but it obviously KIA'd the muj. Then the tank spotted another mujahedeen on the roof and fired another 100 mm HE round. Same result, took out another muj without ever exploding and continued on its trajectory.

If a 100 mm round did actually hit a person I imagine there wouldn't be much left, but would the impact be enough to cause the round to explode? I think that the end result would be as happened in the story above, and modeled by Battlefront.

This here is the horrible reality of war, that you don't get on the nightly news.

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I've seen that happen many times in CMSF too. As to whether it would cause the HE round to detonate or not I have no idea, the human body is a relatively soft thing (compared to a wall or the ground) so it doesn't seem implausible to me that the round could go through without detonating. The human body on the other hand would very likely explode, literally, that would be very cool to see but I don't expect to see it for at least another 3 titles if we ever see it

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I've seen it before now too, and most recently in NATO as the Germans, except I was on the receiving end. A HE round from a T72 flew directly 'over' my squad. But closer inspection revealed that the single round had decimated all by one of the men, without even exploding. It was a bit of a surreal moment as it was eerily quiet. The round cut through the air without any indication of noise, and didn't explode at the other end. Yet virtually my entire squad were KIA or incapacitated as a result. They all collapsed at the time the round flew overhead. Would be cool to be able to record a moment like this.

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Where can I find FRAPS? Tis it free software?

Just tonight in CMA Ithe machine gunner in the back of a civilian truck took out one of my radio men with round exploding on wall some 4 city blocks away directly behind the poor pixel trooper. The icon turned a dark brown without much of a sound either expet for round exploding in distance some moments later. Yes Use WEGO when you really want to study the battle in its best details and great photo ops. But yeah I discovered print screen and paint program won't do it anymore??...

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