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UFC #4 Crispy (Axis) vs Rambo (Allies)

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November 1942


Germans soften up Rostov and send German Panther Group in for the kill, Paratroopers walk in by foot and take the city. We attack near town North of Moscow (forget the name) killing a corps.

{Middle East}

Afrika Corps tank group destroyed by a rather large commitment of Allied air and Russian Tanks finish the job. The Afrika Korps were trying to get across the Suez Canal but time ran out. The Sudan port is recaptured, and the Blackshirts in Addis Abba have a corps knocking on the door. There are allied DD's lurking around near Alexandria as well.


Some minor shots along the front lines. I am just so happy that I have lines drawn in the sand again.


Indian SF approaching Burmases capital. Some more pings on the defender.

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December 1942

[Russia] I'm facing Level 5 King Tigers, not pretty. They blast a unit by themselves with those 2-attacks. Russian Tanks spending winter East of the Volga. We build a cash of ground cheaply, but they will die under the treads of the Nazis. Not time yet...

[Egypt] Russian Tanks +4 here do nicely with RAF support. We are in the Suez, everybody attacks Italian-HQ, get the kill. I've shown 2-DD, 1-CA for bombardment support. The terror training camp is bypassed for now, more important target of Cairo is what we want. So do the Nazis, they are sporting 3 Fighters, (2 aces from Germans), Tactical & Strategic Bombers.

[burma] Indians land via the port with Tank. Couple SF marching slowly thru the jungles. Battle at the capital.

[Chinese] With 3-US fighters, we feel more comfortable with some air support. Lines are held by both sides.

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December 1942


German Tanks with some infantry support kill Russian Army and Special Forces in deep snow in the North. German and Italian Bombers pull the plug on Russian Convoy's from the USA. We kill a corps near Rostov (I think).

{Middle East}

Big mistake on my part leaving Grazzini where he was. I did not know that there were 2 hexes that could be attacked from across the Suez canal. Live and let learn I guess. 2 Italian Army's stand in the way of the crazy Russian tanks and their air support. We knock the one in the rear down to 5, the lead tank is still strong.


Another routine swim near Azores finds the Rodney battleship. I think it's made of Kryptonite as 3 subs and an Italian Battleship barely dent the ship.


Still mapping out my next move.


The Indian Army has come to the rescue of Burma. The Japanese troops back off and will dig in the dirt in Thailand.

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[China] We focus attack against Special Forces in the North....with Tactical, Fighter, & Ground....we get the kill. Extra US-Fighters strafe Jap-HQ. Where are the Zeroes? Guessing he's hiding them for a special ocassion. Further pings in the Middle & South.

[burma] WiPro Indians move forward towards Thailand. New line is drawn. We don't have any punch at this moment.

[Guadalcanal] Captured

[Timor] Captured, we find Jap sub sitting in port, he gets a pop.

[Middle East] Russian Tank kills Italian Army. Instead of moving forward or staying in the defenseless Suez Canal we retreat. The Nazis brought in fresh HQ & lots of experienced looking Tactical Bombers. 2-DD, 1-CA rotate pings against an Air unit, he looks 4-star, ouch. RAF refuels this turn off Arab oil. Israel held solid. Other Commie Russian Tank reinforced.

[Atlantic Ocean] American Subs return fire on Axis navies. We screwed up, moved for DOW semantics, costs me a shot. We outnumber them 2 to 1, hope he stays. Heavily damaged BB & Sub, forced it to dive.

[ireland] Some AV-Nazi transport sits beside my port. RN-Battleship hits him strong for 8hits, I think.

[Russia] Snow is flying. We attack in the middle V-city with Tanks. We work down to strength-2 some Corp. Panzers are in the North, we should be okay, or cause to get his attention. End of turn the Russian Winter script hits him, nice.

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January 1943


Russian Winter 1943? Gimme a break. We have no choice but to revamp our units this turn across the board, but muster a counter offensive against one of the Russian Tanks attacking in Central Russia. We send one of our Crack Tank units for an 8-1 trade off in deep snow. Russian infantry is advancing from Stalingrad.

{Middle East}

Air assaults from Egypt cripple one of the Russian Tanks on the assault, Italian surface ships finish the job and I don't even have to use my 4 star Tac bomber so they move away from the coast. Italian DD smacks one of the British fighters fighting out of Syria. We discover Zhukov is behind the bloodly attack on Egypt.


Near Azores we get the hell out of there. No Axis navy sunk in the middle of the Atlantic so far. The British Battleship near Ireland is sunk by 2 submarines.


A couple pings, but this is my fight to lose. After playing two UFC's China is not to be taken lightly if they are played right.

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Jan. 1943

[MiddleEast] Top flying Nazis are tough, not going to make a Suez crossing. Certainly not this turn. We reinforce, do a few naval pings, and back off.

[Atlantic] Axis wisely back off, my monster Armada looking for them.

[China] Winter weather, small pings....Lines are drawn until weather breaks.

[burma] Japs holding Bangcock against greeen Indian forces.

[Pacific] Americans doing spotting manuevers on the Islands. He's got subs & bombers looking for Legend's Carriers. The Zeroes aren't in China :) He's got LR & strong IJN, has too. Never put much MMPs into ground battle in China.

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The Russians look like they are positioning themselves infront of Stalingrad for an offensive. We move a German Panther into Rostov as a deterent. We kill a Russian tank in the snow in central Russia, while working down to Red Army's in the North.

{Middle East}

That is no fresh face HQ in Egypt, that is Rommel's return to Egypt. His work is not done yet. We back the Italian surface ships away as the DD gets beat up a bit. Italian bomber strikes minor corps in Sudan.


Some pings nice Pings in the North. We reinforce the weak South with some more units.

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Feb. 1943

[Russia] yes, the Russians have built a parking lot of units in front of Stalingrad. With the bad weather, I keep my Armor behind the Volga in mini-fortresses. No combat worth mentioning because it's a snowfest. In the North, East of Axis held Moscow is a line of crap Corps. We decide to move-up to be cannon fodder, he can't kill us all. In doubt when playing the Reds, just frickin' charge.

[ireland] British turn over the port, we DOW on the Irish. American's pour in, smash Ulster or whatever that only city is. They are plundered. Meanwhile, Yankee Subs go on a hunt after intelligence reports that the Bismarck is parked in London. We send 2-subs, do like 3-damage, nothing major in the snowing seas.

[Africa] The training camp for the BlackShirts is under attack. Yanks land Corp, already have HQ, Canadian Bomber, British Fighter, couple blocking Corps for the North. Just a matter of time before the terror camp is cleared. You're either with us, or against us.

[israel/Iraq] Allied planes await further orders, regroup after fighting the Nazi aces located in Egypt. Russian tanks backs off, he sees the grave of his buddy on the shores of Gaza.

[China] Snowy weather + Jap strengthen, we chill. American Fighters fly sorties against Jap-HQs, we are intercepted by Carrier....there's one of them.

[burma] WiPro Indians do what they do best. Find holes & do nothing. No punch. One Indian gets some scouting from American surface ships, we land amphi-corp into Northern Dutch East Indies. We bump into Jap sub, send a Destroyer for a pop. Neither of us have tech worth bragging about.

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February 1943


The Americans are in Ireland with ships all around. We assumed this was in Rambo's playbook but too many distractions to keep it from happening. We have no choice but to counter attack at sea head on sending a lead cruiser and a trio of uboats to attack the Allied navy North of Ireland. We take alot of damage and give alot of damage but nothing is sunk. We attack the American subs near London with our DD and port hopping Battleships, we do 4damage to one of them before it dives.


German Tanks stationed in the North choose to cripple advancing Army's and not go for the kill. Only a handful of corps are in any shape for counter attack. We still destroy one Army with Infantry follow up.

The continued bad weather means a cautious approach in Central and South, we ping a bit but not willing to over do it. Both sides have tanks ready in the rear.

{Middle East}

It's gotten quiter near Egypt. We reinforce the Blackshirts. The most stubborn unit in SC Global Conflict.


Not much I can do it seems. The Chinese are dug in deep.


Japanese Carrier shows itself south of Indochina to sink an American cruiser scouting out Penang port.

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March 1943


The Allied and Axis fleets go at it all around Britain. Tonnes of damage but few kills. The allies lose a DD, the Germans a u-boat. An American HQ is spotted entering Ireland.


Rambo moved a corps from Archangel to reopen the rail to Leningrad, and 4 Army's pop up South of the city. We divert a heavy Tank back from the North to lay -6 and -7 damage to 2 of them. A second tank stays in the North, attacks with an Army to kill a Red Army damage another to 2. His Infantry backs off from Kharkov and Rostov back to Stalingrad. We don't chase, and stay dug in behind the river, the Tank in Rostov nearly kills Rocket truck nearby.

{Middle East}

The blackshirts are goners soon. The Americans are pounding away. We do another Tac-Air attack on no name corps in Sudan, and ping empty Amman with super jets to draw a British fighter into x2 intercepts from Iraq.


We kill a Chinese corps in the central lines. Back off a bit in the south, can't handle the bad supply.


This is turning into a hot spot. American tank spotted in Rangoon, while the Indians are on the charge. We swap a better armed garrison into Indochina. More units land in western end of DEI. Some island hopping near the Solomons.

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April 1943

[Russia] Rain, no offensive

[ireland] Send in reinforcements, regroup the Naval attack group

[Africa] Terror Camp destroyed, Blackshirts KIA

[burma] Air forces attack Jap-SF, need to soften this area

[Hanoi] Indian forces marched thru Jungle, pinging the Hotel Hanoi]

[China] Some pinging & Air sorties. US-Fighters tangle with Carrier. US-Bomber begins bombing of key rail city.

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*** NOTE ***

Only the probably positions of Two Jap Carriers are know. One is safe in the Chinese Harbor doing intercepts. Another is safe within striking range of Burma (but to the East of the Islands).

Japs didn't invest in much obvious hardware. So I have no idea what Crispy has in store.....

On the flip.....where on the American Carriers?

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The RN has sailed away it seems, so the Axis Navy strikes American uboats south of Britain that won't retreat. They dive alot, but we manage to kill one of them. The Germans have stationed some air on Britain to ward off any possible invasion, we bomb Ireland back to supply 0 and use Tirpitz to smash the port.


Axis DOW Norway, and I overplanned it seemed as a half strength parartrooper took Oslo all on it's own.


The Germans are playing cautious around Stalingrad, we kill the annoying Rocket truck near Rostov though. We bomb Leningrad to 0, and kill 2 Army's that were sent there. Another Red Army and SF are out of supply and left for dead. The Russians seem to be coming from everywhere marching from every Northern town. They are cannon fodder, we smack another bunch of Infantry troops down to 4,2,1. There are still lots around, we send a 3rd tank group North to help clean them up.

{Middle East}

Air strike kills unknown corps in the Sudan. We drag the Iraqi stationed British fighters into another air battle.


There is an insane experienced Chinese Army in the South East doing good damage. We do some hits but no kills.


Jap Carriers show themselves near Indochina killing an advancing Indian SF. We just strengthen our Thailand front lines.

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June 1943


Axis surface ships kill a strength 6 American sub retreating back to it's coast in the Mid Atlantic. Ireland has become useless as the port is bombed to 0, the capital is at 1.


Stalin and Churchill are working together in the Middle East. Russian Tanks lead the charge with British Air for support as they invade the country. The Turkish HQ in the capital barely surrives and is sacked in favour of a strength 8 Turkish Army. It is not yet known which of the 2 nations will resume control of the country when it surely falls next turn.


Russian troops are attacking the Finnish forts head on. It is a fool's errand but a distraction nonetheless. German Tanks with some infantry support mop up about 4-5 Army's in the North and around Leningrad. There is still a Russian Army making the jounrey towards Riga. Near Stalingrad the Russians are moving up towards Rostov and Kharkov. We nail a couple of the front runners killing an Army, and damaging some others while our Tanks mostly remain still. There are a few paratroops in the rear, not sure if they have orders or not.


Japanese units pull out of the hot spots in the south. Super Army + Tank is bad news. The Japanese are solid in the North and Nanning is well guarded. I can't say the same about Foochow.

{West Pacific Theatre}

A few carrier strikes muster not enough, just 1 hit on Indian Tank in Indochina. We just dig in elsewhere and garrison a town in the West DEI as allied minor corps journeys too close.

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July 1943


The combined force of the German and Italian Navy scour the Atlantic. We find a British Destroyer and Aussie Cruiser guarding the USA/USSR convoy lane South of Greenland. Italian Battleships lead the attack and kill the Destroyer, and damage the Cruiser.

German Bomber sets Ireland's supply back to double 0's. No threat here this summer.


The Russians killed an Italian corps near Rostov last turn, as they advanced from Stalingrad once again. We kill Tank+Army+Army, while taking minimal damage. German Tanks take the turn off in the North, we use Infantry to kill a Russian corps. Lone ranger Red Army near Riga gets pinged a bit.

{Turkey/Middle East}

Russian Tanks x2 threatens Istanbul, we have a log jam of corps blocking the way from the surrendered capital. British Bombers are reducing our supply. We use Axis fighters from the Middle East to draw Brits into another air battle to hopefully ligthen their air support.

{Pacific Theatre}

Japanese Chill in China. Chinese offensive has split the Japanese forces in Nanning from our Eastern lines. Our defensive positions in the East are very sound, but Nanning and Hong Kong will to fend for themselves. We have a few Army's, HQ, SF to guard the cities. A Chinese corps dies in the North, but is irrelevant, Rambo is making his drive elsewhere.

Combined Allied forces are trying to free Indochina accepting American air support from Burma when the weather allows. The Americans are showing glimpses of their Navy near from the outside of Thailand.

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July 1943

Russians are tired of feeding the treads of the Panzers. We back-off, stay behind the Volga. Meanwhile, our offensive is in Turkey, we start the push towards Constantinople. Russian Tanks KIA one Corp, damage another. British RAF continue to hang out & sortie from Israel & Iraq.

Burma, rain.

Hanoi, offensive. Multiple light air groups soften Hanoi, while Indians try in vain to take the city. American Bomber levels the city, but the port is still open for business. Chinese do some pinging on the Eastern sector.

Behind that....rather quiet.

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August 1943


With the Russians back behind the Volga the road to Stalingrad is clear. German and Finnish fighters ping random units to draw Russian intercepts away from our main air assault on Stalingrad. We follow up with Figheters x2 and Tac Air x3 to soften up the defending Army within the city. German Panther group and an Army attack across the river and get the kill. We send one of our most decorated Panthers (3 Stars) in to hold the city. Axis infantry move side by side along the stretch of the Southern Volga to hold defensive positions as we stare the Reds in the eye. 3 German Tank Groups in the North tread southward to deter any flanking maneveours. Also the lone ranger near Riga is nearly dead.


We send an Italian Army to Turkey to help defend the backdoor to Europe. German Fighters hit British Tac Bomber that is wandering to close. Those Russian tanks would look pretty good around Stalingrad right now.


Heavy commitment to the South is paying off for the Chinese. We have to send in another SF to stretch our lines to defend against Hong Kong losing HQ support.


We swap defenders again via port to try to hold the tattered city as long as we can.

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August 1943


The summer offensive continues: In the North German Army's attack the small town (name I forget) while Tanks diverted from the North attack the entrenchements around Gorki in Central Russia, we kill an Army and bang HQ down to 1. Along the Volga River just North of Stalingrad we take some go all in to kill the long entrenched Red Tank Group and kill an adjacent Army. We are creating a spearhead to split Russia in two. The lone ranger is dead near Riga.


Russian Tanks x2 are just mulching at the corps I put infront of them, we abandon the Turkish city and retreat across the strait. With Greece neutral there is very thin choke point en route to Sofia.


No signs of the Allies in the ocean. Is London forgotten? We bomb Ireland back to the dark ages once again.


There is no commitment from the Chinese to fight for the Eastern chores. They are all down south and have recaptured Foochow. Hong Kong, and Nanning are surrouned by the Chinese, but we will fight on.


Another swap of garrison units. It is only a matter before we lose Hanoi to the Indians and their air support.


Holding strong.


Japan is on high alert after emergency garissons are deployed on the Northern end of the Island. Someone must have saw something out at sea..

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September 1943


In the North Germany uses Tank Group and Army to take Voldga. We ping Russian Army between us and Archangel. German Panthers take Gorki in the Central, lots of Red Infantry still around the city and Kubyaskhev (sp). The Russians have really concentraded in the south behind the Volga and around Stalingrad. Not an easy task to move behind the river.


Some air attacks from Bulgaria on the Tank Group in the city but just one hit.

{Middle East}

Had to do some maneuvering around Alexandria I hadn't noticed the Allied minors in Amman had reopened the Suez. We strike the corps with a few fighter strikes and tangle with more British fighters from Iraq.

{Pacific Theatre}

Very quiet. Still wondering what set off the Northern garrisons in Japan.

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Rain lifts in Burma, Allied forces attack. Shore bombardments loosen up Jap-SF on the coast in Thailand. British Carriers show their face, do some damage, American CV finish things up. Large about of Air now attacks HQ just North of Bangkock, he's destroyed. Bomber from China pops the port of Hanoi, then the city.

Russians dig & build. I could use some Infantry power better than +1. Could use some snow too.

Turkey, we hold the whole country, no movement.

Allies conduct small air missions into Egypt from Sudan, nothing major.

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October 1943


Winter will be coming soon, the bad weather is creeping into Russia and Turkey. It looks like the Germans and Russians will each have to set up camp at opposite sides of the Volga. A large attack force x3 Armys and Tank group was sent to defend Archangel. We nearly kill an Army in our retreat back to Voldga, we'll let them come to us. Near Gorki we kill a corps, and an Army in fortress.

{Middle East}

Americans are approaching Cairo from Sudan. A couple allied minors are on the other side of the Suez. We move an Italian Army to permently hold the canal. No air fights this turn.


No HQ, plus the entire allied navy it seems knocking at the door means bad news. We pull back to the capital and send one of the defenders home. A Japanese carrier sinks American Battleship scoping out Penang.


Allies took the turn off last time. I won't be so lucky again.


We just dig in. It's all Rambo in the South.


Another garrison deployed in Japan, this time in the South. Too easy to figure out there location this time, we send a Destroyer to check it out, it's 2 measily American Subs. Carrier, and a few ships looking for refitting clear them out.

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Russian front is divided at Volga, but he owns Stalingrad & Moscow, not cool. But hopefully the winter weather will shake it up a little bit.

Egypt. USAAF starts popping more sorites on the capital city. American Army lands in Israel. RAF giving some support.

Offensive towards Bangkock, US ground forces get one kill, will take the city next turn. Hanoi is hit by ground & air, we KIA the SF+2 unit, but do not take the city, no worries, we walk in next turn. Captured a couple small islands. Shore bombardment on the DutchEast Indies oil well.

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November 1943


The snow holds back and the Germans take advantage. One last major assault before the winter, and our target is the last major city near the Ural Mountains, Kubyashev (spelling). Finnish figthers ping the city, we follow up with Army+Tank and move another German tank in to hold the city. Russian Fighters adjacent to the city get messed up a bit too. We kill another Army in the North, while pinging across the Volga river.


x3 Tac Bombers hit Russian Tank in city. Sometimes you really wish you could see what type of damage is being done.

{Middle East}

Lots of allied Air in the region, they are trying to overrun Rommel's defenses. Rommel has some superfighters though, we shoot down British Tac Bomber near Amman, and target an American one in the Sudan.


They are mine as of this turn. That's about the best I can say about it.


More of the same, the Allies are sticking to their plan.

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December 1943


Nothing major. We kill an Army in the North, and the pesky an Engineer and corps in Central Russia. Russian Tanks are seen coming out of the Kaukaus approaching Rostov.


Tac Bombers strike and kill Tank Group in Turkey. We move a tank group across the channel and into the city and strike an Indian corps who is supply 6? I thought Russia was set to non-cooperative?

{Middle East}

The Afrika Corps Army from Cairo stirkes an attacking American corps. Rommel's elite fighters ward off british intecepters to kill an American Tac Bomber near Amman.

There are Allied planes everwhere.


Both gone.


Hong Kong and Nanning can't move an inch we are totally surrounded. We make on attack 4-0 on advancing Indian SF.


Must be on the Allied radar by now. German Sub stationed in the Pacific tries to ping a carrier but of course a nasty American sub is in the way. What a waste.


It's January 1944 now. My prediction is a stalemate. Rambo's is going all in to destory Japan while Germany is supreme master of all of Europe. Which raises a question about victory conditions. If Japan is gone, but Germany controls London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Warsaw, Moscow, Stalingrad, and Cairo could this not be a victory? Not saying I will hold all that but it's something to think about. On the flipside if Germany is gone and Japan held the entire Pacific including Canberra or Delhi could this not be considered victorious? It should be the Allies game to lose, after all Germany and Japan could care less how each other are doing.

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