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Command Points in MultiPlayer

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Has anyone figured out how to increase the Command Points in MultiPlayer maps?

I don't much care about the Balance between teams but need to alter (increase)

command points per side on each map.

Is there a maximum command points that cannot be exceeded?

What is the most robust and fastest way to increase command Points?

For example, in the map "Farmsteads", German team has 6400 while Russiam team has 3400 Command Points. How do I change both these to be 10,000 instead?

Your guidence is greatly appreciated.


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Correction! I know how to increase command points now. For some reason the other players were not getting enough command points but now it works!!

My question is now how to enable artillery and air support from the beginning rather than waiting for the victory points or some other trigger to enable it in MP? It is rather unrealistic to have to trigger these rather than having them available to each side to be used at will when needed most.

I tried mision editor but couldn't find any place to set the arty and air support to be available from the start of the MP mission.

Any help is appreciated.


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OOps. Spoke too soon. It appears that other players do get extra Command Points but they cannot select any units because the Balance is 0! Why is the Balance "0" when they haven't selected a single unit but their command point is still at 10,000??!!

Arzok, sneaksie, anyone?

Is there anybody out there?

So close, but yet so far away to have a decent MP going. This is for a LAN game and we have followed all the instructions on these forums but still no go!!


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Hi Arzok,

I actually am able to change the command points and both MP players have extra points now (15,000). I am hosting the game and I can select all units (30 tanks!!) but the other player who connects to my server also sees 15,000 command points but when tries to select units, the Balance is shown as "0" therefore he is not able to select any units.

Are you having the same problem?

I don't think there is a connectivity problem (playing LAN and not Internet) and the other player connects fine and sees the server and the map and everything seems fine but the Balance is "0" so no units can be selected.

Is there something I missed in mission editor?

Are you having the exact same problem?


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Please respond! All we are asking is for a little support on MP.

This is very easy to setup and reproduce. All you need is a couple of local PCs

to test this in a 2 player MP scenario and you will see the problem that many of us are running into.

Please invest the slightest amount of support in your games. The community will not forget the level of support and specially with MP which is the secret sauce for this genre of games.

A simple MP problem has gone unanswered and unsupported for months!

Does anyone support TOW or is it just sell and work on next version philosophy?

Please advise.


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+Same mods, it was the case (in fact, no mods).

+Same prices unit costs : It is not possible to modify these values (unless by a mod), from what I know

+Same prices in MP mission : In case of a new mission (new name, new folder), does it imply that the two (or more) players have to install the new MP mission ?

It was not the case with TOW 1 (only the hoster)

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If you modify anything related to MP (unit costs, MP missions) and host an MP game you should give modified files to clients as well. Tons of stuff were added to MP since ToW1, so old method of having modified files only at hoster side may not work anymore (i guess it is a side-effect of anti-cheat checks). In ToW1 you could set price for a Tiger to, say, 1 point and connect to host who has normal prices.

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Happy to report that it worked!! We can now play with higher command points. In fact, we had a blast with 30 tanks each side! No problems to report. Path finding was no worse than usual and no lockups or slowness at all. Everything went smooth all the way.

I really recommend the option to increase the command point be present in the MP menu inside the game instead of forcing users to do it via mission editor. Hopefully, this will be considered in TOW Korea.

One last remaining enigma for me is to set the arty and air support points to ZERO so that they are available to both players in MP without the need to collect victory points. I used the mission editor (NOT Simple Editor) to modify the command points and army composition but I cannot find the place where you set the Arty and Air support points to "0". If anyone can point me to the variable and location in the mission editor where I can do that, I will be much obliged.

Again, Thanks Sneaksie and Arzok for your help in getting this working for me. I must say this game is so much more of a blast with more command points and bigger armies. Only if we could have bigger map sizes, this game would be perfect!


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I set the cost to "0" and it worked just fine! I have all support available from the beginning.

Now, only if I could set the X and Y coordinates of the map and double the size of this map, the game would become ideal. With the range of Arty and tanks well in excess of 1km, a map size of 2km x 2km feels too tiny and takes away the scouting and unit manuver and movement excitement. But I am very happy about the extra units we can have in the battle now.

Over and out.

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