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Game running slowly

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I am now half way into the second battle, playing as German and a few more bits of enemy kit are making their appearance. Unfortunately, the game speed has now slowed down so much, that it has become completely unplayable. I have cranked down all the graphics options to their most basic settings but it has had little effect.

For the record, I am running an Acer Aspire Desktop, with a 2.70 Gig CPU plus 3 Gig of Ram. Just how much more Ram do I need? Has anyone got any suggestions as to how I can get the game to run properly?:confused:


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I experienced slowdowns too with the latest patch in second german mission, and I was able to discover that it was caused by the crew of a SdKfz-251-1C. Here is what happened: I was running low on infantry, and needed to use the 251-1 gunner to join the survivor of an infantry squad to man a captured russian mortar. As soon as the gunner left the half-track, the game started to slow down almost to a crawl each time I was giving him an order - enter russian trench by crawling - pick-up russian weapons on a dead corpse - crew mortar... (each time, the game would freeze for up to 30s seconds to one minute, then it will resume normally untill the next order I gave). After the mortar was out of ammo, I gave the order to exit the mortar to the 251-C crew member, experiencing an other freeze of the game untill the order to get out was aknowledged. Similar pauses occured each time I gave the unit a new order, untill he was back at his post at the 251-C machine gun. That's where the game started again to behave normally, without pauses.

It looked like things started to go wrong because the halftrack was not fully crewed (kind of like the AI entering a loop testing for crew members untill the missing crew boarded the halftrack again)

Anybody noticed the same thing happening?

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Scoang, Knokke,

Thanks for this. 1) I have turned the game speed down and it has improved matters somewhat. 2) I will pay close attention to any stragglers and part crewed units to see if this makes any difference.

I hope someone from the TOW development team is reading this. It is the kind of problem that really needs sorting out via the next patch.


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@ Dakuth:

I've to be more accurate with what I've said above:

Without the latest patch 1.31, the game was running very slow after a while. Now that I've installed the patch, I'm no longer experiencing any pauses or slow-downs in any of the missions I've played so far (except the only case I mentionned above, and that I've experienced only once since I've upgraded the game with the latest patch).

So I would not like to give the false impression that the game is still unplayable. Except this single occurence, all the problems I had where definitely curred by the latest patch.

Before, the problem was very crippling for me (I'm playing on an old laptop, so it does not help), but the problem was adressed by the devellopers in the patch 1.31, and so far, I'm 99.9% happy with the way the game is running.

So if you've played the demo and liked the game, I would recommend you to buy it and enjoy it, rather than being discouraged by the former negative comments about slowdowns and pauses in the game. Peoples are more eager to report the troubles they've had with the game than report of how it runs flawlessly now - this is human :-), so one can easily be given the impression that the game still has a major problem just by reading the posts.

Just give the game a chance, it is the best in it's genre, and is a lot of fun (but also frustration sometime, because it is much more difficult to master than the average WWII game - but it has nothing to do with performance issues now).

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