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whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the PENG CHALLENGE of outrageous fortune

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When applied to you, it becomes oxymoronic. I expect your company has to employ extra hands to undo whatever chaos you have managed to create in ongoing projects. It quite escapes me why they haven't simply taken you out into the desert and shot you already.


Maybe they have, and he's a g-g-g-ghost!

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Bah! I tire of annoying Elvis. And, I thirst.

Dalem, it is time that we go to the Beer Store of Ultimate Quality and Expense here in the Twin Cities, and choose for my consumption the case of beer that Elvis, in his foolishness, owes you.

Elvis, I will drink deeply of the beer that you will buy for Dalem. Dark shall be the brew, and heady, and, if you're a lucky little bugger, I'll get drunk enough to set his lawn furniture on fire, or somefink, thereby reclaiming a bit of your own in this most stupid of bets.

But likely not. For one thing, it takes more than a case of even really good beer to make me set furniture, even lawn furniture, on fire.

Also, Dalem doesn't have any bloody lawn furniture.

Perhaps I could set the Latino neighbour's lawn furniture on fire? Do you want it done in your own name? I can spell out 'Elvis' using burnt patches of lawn and damaged furniture in either block letters, or a rather intriguing cursive. It's a talent I've, oddly enough, managed to acquire.

You should think about it, though. They're really very nice people. I could footnote it that it was 'from you, to them, because of Dalem'. It's not like they aren't already suffering from being his neighbour.

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When the mods reset all the forum passwords with no notice, the fact that somebody might have switched Internet providers over the last ten years, oh, say about five or sixty times, wasn't really worried about. Couldn't get the new password, couldn't re-register under the old name, couldn't fix or do somfink, so I figured, just add the title.

But, the fact that "Lars" is squirreled away somewhere in the BFC system, never to be purged and always to be an irritant to the sysops, is a comfort.

Doesn't change the fact that you're an absolute fecking git, though.

I mean, I've barely been here lately, and my account was fine.

In and of yourself, alone and unaided, you constitute a complete shower of idjiits.

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Were they Seanachai's?

No, Milady. When I consider the hideous wreckage that is Dalem, I cry quietly to myself in his spare room, which our friend Jen calls 'the chocolate room'.

I believe it's a reference to the wall colours.

Often, after an evening of contemplating Dalem's many sins, mistakes, foolishness, and even, dare I say it, crimes, I am, in fact, moved to tears.

Doesn't keep me from going back there, nor enjoying myself.

There is this about individuals who, though otherwise like minded, of a shared sense of humour, given over to reading the same novels, and enjoying discussing them, who watch the same programs and take the same delight from them, who delight in playing games, who do, in fact, enjoy each other's company, but are, ultimately, at complete logger-heads and angry with each other when it comes to something so shallow as 'politics':

Well, Milady, then we simply agree (there is a lot of cursing, in the process, and some bitterness) that 'Only Time Will Prove Either of Us Right'.

But we are ephemeral beings, subject to mortality, and neither of us have time enough to waste on 'Being Proved Ultimately Correct', especially in terms of something like 'Politics', that may take decades of dispute and analysis to resolve.

Politics in the 21st Century has become what Religion was in the 17th Century between Protestants and Catholics. A divisive issue that inflamed hatred, drew lines, brooked no discussion, and was reason to destroy one's neighbour.

I like to think that although we may vote our conscience, maintain our beliefs, ponder our national, economic, environmental and global dilemmas, and wonder about our certainties, that we will still be moved to cleave to those who are our friends, family members, and neighbours.

And that we will choose our friends from those that it turns out we have a sincere affection for, rather than those sorry individuals who dogma, prejudice and the dictates of politics cast us into bed with.

As an aging man who despises much, and despairs of much, and still hopes for much in the world that he has grown old in, I will maintain my friendships where I find them. Ultimately, we will all share the same fate.

In a time of economic crisis, political division, religious ferment and environmental disaster, it is rather more pleasant to sit by a fire-pit smoking cigars, drinking rum and singing 'The Sickbed of Cuchalainn' and discussing the works of JRR Tolkien, than it is to hate someone you actually like.

Perhaps that makes me a bad... whatever I am politically. But what am I politically? Many here would put a label to me. I would like to think I am a very bad ideologue. But I would like to think that, in exchange, I am a very good American. And, a good friend.

On the other hand, Dalem needs a good kicking. Almost daily. I am thinking of writing a short essay on him entitled "Use a Piece of Firewood to Drive Home the Lessons of Reality, Until the Blisters of Accomplishment Burst and Mingle With the Blood of the Recalcitrant".

Perhaps an Operetta...

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Well a Scotsman clad in kilt left a bar on evening fair

And one could tell by how we walked that he'd drunk more than his share

He fumbled round until he could no longer keep his feet

Then he stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street

Ring ding diddle diddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh

He stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street

About that time two young and lovely girls just happend by

And one says to the other with a twinkle in her eye

'See yon sleeping Scotsman so strong and handsome built

I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt?'

Ring ding diddle diddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh

I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt

They crept up on that sleeping Scotsman quiet as could be

Lifted up his kilt about an inch so they could see

And there behold, for them to see, beneath his Scottish skirt

Was nothing more than God had graced him with upon his birth

Ring ding diddle diddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh

Was nothing more than God had graced him with upon his birth

They marveled for a moment, then one said 'we must be gone

Let's leave a present for our friend, before we move along'

As a gift they left a blue silk ribbon, tied into a bow

Around the bonnie star, the Scots kilt did lift and show

Ring ding diddle diddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh

Around the bonnie star, the Scots kilt did lift and show

Now the Scotsman woke to nature's call and stumbled towards a tree

Behind a bush, he lift his kilt and gawks at what he sees

And in a startled voice he says to what's before his eyes.

O lad I don't know where you been but I see you won first prize

Ring ding diddle diddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh

O lad I don't know where you been but I see you won first prize

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No, Milady. When I consider the hideous wreckage that is Dalem, I cry quietly to myself in his spare room, which our friend Jen calls 'the chocolate room'.

I believe it's a reference to the wall colours.

I think you should bring a gallon of paint next time you go to Dalem's house and paint the chocolate room while he is passed out from drinking a whole bottle of rum. Pink would be a good color.

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I think you should bring a gallon of paint next time you go to Dalem's house and paint the chocolate room while he is passed out from drinking a whole bottle of rum. Pink would be a good color.

Yes, something the color of the inside of an intestine would be nice. A diseased intestine.


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8.05am flight tomorrow...surely not too early for Bloody Mary's? I think as long as it's a tomato based drink that's a good approximation to 'breakfast'.

Sure. Get drunk and then aggressively obnoxious with a stew, then led off the plane in handcuffs. That's cool.


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