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USMC Circle The Wagons AAR

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While clearing a small village that lays astride two MSR (DELTA & ALPHA) which is believed to be held by a small number of irregular forces,two M1's have become stuck in the mud. They came under heavy enemy fire from the surrounding buildings.

1st and 2nd Platoon of Alpha Company must try to defend them until the en-route vehicle recovery units arrive. Because the village is still populated, CAS and artillery is not aviable (ROE) and fire on buildings is only allowed if enemy forces are identified inside.


1st and 2nd Platoon should establish a defensive perimeter around the immobilised tanks as soon as possible...can you imagine a photo of a burning M1 with a bunch of celebrating Insurgent infront ?

1st Platoon is in the village already (mounted in AAV's), 2nd Platoon will arrive in 5-10 minutes.

The action starts, the soldiers of 1st Platoon dismount and take up positions inside of building and on roofs. The AAV's drive into save positions.

The first RPG's are exploding near the tanks, the Insurgents are attacking furiously.

They are nearly everywhere, my Marines are under heavy fire but they attack every spotted enemy with as much firepower as possible to break the spirit of the enemy.

Marines of the 1st Platoon receive heavy enemy fire...they are everywhere !


Some RPG's hit the M1's but without any effect. The M1's use their 120mm main gun to attack positions of the enemy. At this time the events went nearly out of control...nearly all Squads of the 1st Platoon are supressed and the first marines get hit.

The enemy is well equipped, that becomes clear as one of the AAV's get hit by a RPG-29 and is knocked out. The crew survives and runs into cover.

The enemy is in hand grenade range !



Just in time the 2nd Platoon arrives. The AAV's drive the Marines close to the village where they dismount. They will back up the soldiers of 1st Platoon as soons as possible and then try to establish a defensive perimeter around the tanks.

But now it is time to get the Marines into positions from where they can effectively use their superior firepower.

The soldiers of the 2nd Platoon dismount from the AAV's outside of the village.


To be continued...

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The Situation:


The Marines of 2nd Platoon move to the right flank of 1st Platoon, while the AAV's and the Company HQ take up positions outside of the village at a crossing.

More and more insurgents pop up, two more RPG's hit one of the M1 tanks (no effect).

The AAV's of 2nd Platton secure a crossing outside of the village.


A Insurgent fires his RPG at a AAV of 1st Platton. He hit the tracks and immobilise the AAV.


Soon after the AAV is hit the crew returns fire and kills 3 enemy with its 40 mm automatic grenade launcher.

More and more insurgents crossing the streets, they are danger close (70m) to the M1 tanks now...a well placed RPG-29 hit could possible knock out one of the tanks.

A Insurgent under fire from the 40 mm grenade launcher of the immobilise AAV.


Because im not able to gain controll over the situation i decide to call for a emergency mortar strike (although this is against the ROE)...nearly on my own position. But at this stage of the battle it looks like i could be overrun by the insurgents.

The leader of the 2nd Platoon calls for the 60mm Mortars. 1st Platton pulls back to not get hit by the own artillery.

3 Minutes later the first spotting rounds hit the village, a few correction later the mortars lay down heavy fire at the suspected enemy positions.

To be continued...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Under the cover of the heavy fire of the 60mm Mortars the Marines of 2nd Platoon move forward at the right flank. They are only 200m away of the incoming mortar fire...danger close.

But i have to move as long as the enemy is supressed.

The Situation:


Over the radio i hear "Rounds complete, end of fire mission".

The dust that was kicked of by the mortar shells is still in the air...and it is very quiet, not a single gunshot can be heared for nearly five minutes !

Marines of 2nd Platoon advance on the right flank.


It looks like the insurgents are still shocked and supressed. They have stopped to attack, should this be the turning point of the battle ?

The 2nd Platoon moves forward with caution...but then it happens !

As the 1st Squad enters a roof a explosion occurs, one Marine was directly hit by a enemy HE RPG round. He and two of his comerades that were close to him are killed immediately, 3 more get wounded by shrapnels.

A other squad has seen the shooter and returns fire...and kills the suspected insurgent.

The 1st Platoon is now over 1 hour in combat and some squads have to resupply at the AAV's.


Now the Insurgents start another small attack.

One Marine is badly wounded by a enemy sniper, the firefights get more intense again.

The bad guys inside a building.


The Marines look angry after loosing many guys in a short time (RPG and Sniper) and repel this last attack quickly.

Some more minutes without a single gunshot to hear later the battle is finally over. The surviving insurgents are out of ammo, mostly wounded and have a broken moral.

The mortar strike saved me (breaking the ROE was a good decision here).

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The casualtys of the Marines:



2 AAV's lost

The casualtys of the Insurgents:

71 KIA

51 WIA




I really enjoyed this scenario, like all the others from George MC. He is my favorite scenario designer. His scenarios always have this realistic feeling and a great action too.

Thanks to George MC !

(I hope he will do some scenarios for the NATO Module too :) )

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Nice fight. One I have enjoyed playing few times with equal pleasure. George MC is certainly the one, I regarded as a model and who made me open the editor to try my way in doing scenarios. I have played all his scenarios and learnt to be careful about his flanks attacks at the time you cared less. Pretty good adrenaline, for the player, in hair raising situation.

Thanks to the AAR player and to the scenario designer.


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Well after reading this AAR I decided to give it another whirl. I think I played it a few times at least a year ago. It's a great scenario, good fun no doubt, thanks for posting.

My casualties were similar, only five wounded and one man missing/routed. I lost two AAVs as well.

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