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1938 Calm before the storm

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Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.0


Changes in v3.0

Increased UK, US and USSR heavy bomber research

Increased Italian heavy bombers research to level 1

Increased Italian strategic bombers strength from 1 to 5

Increased build pool of strategic bombers with 1 for Italy, UK and US

Increased build pool of German militia from 6 to 7

Added 1 figther to UK production queue for 1939

Removed German carrier Z-force form build pool

Added 1 mobilization_2 script

Changed date on one mobilization_3 script

Increased German 6 and 12th armies in production queue from 2 to 6 in strength and full research

Changed triggers and dates on 4 Mobilization_3 scripts concerning Italys annexation of albania

Fixed one faulty decision link

Fixed name of unit in German unit script

Fixed conditions in decision script

Increased German armies tank defense from 2 to 3

Increased US HQ´s from 3 to 6 in the build pool

Added German and Italian unit scripts representing chetniks, Slovenian militia, Serbian stateguard and Serbian freiwiligenkorps

Added partisans to Croatian build pool and production queue 1942

Added militia to Montenegros production queue 1942

Changed war entry script for Finland to default

Fixed spelling in strength and decision scripts

Added pictures and also links to these in different scripts

Added pop-up scripts for Axis capturing Athens and Warzaw

Added decision script and matching territory script for Germany to add eastern Poland to general government

Added some UK, French and Axis unit scripts

Added belligerence script for USSR/Ukraine

Added resource scripts for Canada and British Africa

Added decision script and matching territory script for Germany to annex Albania after Italy surrendered

Added US decision and matching French partisan script for Operation Overlord

Added Finnish decision script and matching strength script

Added decision script and matching Mobilization_3 scripts for Germany to pressure Ireland towards Axis

Added decision script and matching Mobilization_3 scripts for Germany to pressure Turkey towards Axis

Added 2 decision scripts and matching strength and supply scripts for Germany to attack Northern Ireland

Added decision script and matching strength and supply scripts for Germany to attack Egypt

Added Mobilization_1 scripts for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to mobilize towards Axis if Axis attack USSR

Changed a few decision scripts

Changed German unit script panzer to become corps

Removed 1 pop-up script

Added some decision scripts and matching supply and strength scripts for German Abwehr operations

Added decision script and matching unit/strength script for Kriegsmarine to from marineinfantry

Added decision script and matching unit script and srength script for Kriegsmarine to form Marineinfanterie

Changed many decision scripts: added MPP costs

Changed country spot Sudan to Italian Social Republic

Changed country spot Egypt to Anglo Egypt-Sudan

Added 2 tiles to Reichskommiseriat Ukraine

Added war entry script for Italy to DOw British Africa

Added war entry script for Sweden to join Axis alliance

Added war entry script for Ireland to join Axis alliance

Added war entry script for Iran to join Axis alliance

Added war entry script for Syria to join Axis alliance

Added war entry script for Netherlands to join Axis alliance

Added two war entry scripts for Spain to join Axis alliance

Added two war entry scripts for Portugal to join Axis alliance

Added war entry script for Vichy France to join Axis alliance

Added war entry script for Sweden to join Allies

Added war entry script for Netherlands to join Allies

Added war entry script for Spain to join Allies

Added two war entry scripts for Portugal to join Allies

Added two decision scripts and matching Mobilization_3 scripts for Uruguay to lean to Axis alliance

Added two strength scripts for Decima MAS

Added pop-up script for Axis to capture Tobruk

Changed War entry scripts

Changed some unit scripts

Changed some decision scripts

Removed picture link in decison script to plunder Paris

I also updated the Media file to v1.1

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Yes, now finally the Reichskommisariat Ukraine script works!

Was it your intent for all of the Axis forces currently in the Ukraine to surrender and disappear? The remaining units are now doomed due to lack of support (air, artillery and HQs are all gone) and minimal supply. :( Luckily, I did save the turn not too long ago and won't have to throw in the towel just yet.:D

If this was not your intent it should be a relatively easy fix.:)


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Maybe it is a function of time. Mine happened in the beginning of September 1941.

I checked the production queue and none of the units which surrendered are scheduled to reappear; they all seem to be in the "dead pile".:confused:

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I disabled the script for the Ukraine long enough to get the Axis units out. When I re-enabled it the same events occurred. This time no Axis units were lost but the Axis still cannot trace any supply through the Ukraine. In my game I did not invade Poland so the only supply getting to the Axis troops now is coming from captured cities.

Another interesting thing is the Sudan did not declare war on Germany or Italy even though Egypt did. I suspect the territory of the Sudan is still under it's original ownership. This was confirmed when I looked at the war map and saw it was identified as the "Italian Social Republic".

By the way, the other changes and improvements are great. This mod is definitely more fun and challenging than the previous iterations.:D

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The Sudan is not linked to Egypt in the mod and I suspect that Egypt is still Egypt and not part of the greater entity of "Anglo-Egyptian Sudan"

Haven't any time to look much further but I'll post when I have something to say.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.1


Changes in v3.1

Changed variable condition in decision script for German USSR non-agression pact

Changed victory conditions

Fixed some faulty Mobilization_1 scripts

Changed Vichy France Surrender_2 script

Changed trigger in Mobilization_2 script for Iraq to lean to Axis

Added Mobilization_2 script for Vichy France to join Allies

Added Mobilization_3 script for German USSR non-agression pact

Fixed strength script

Fixed spelling in strength script

Added link between decision scripts for USSR-German non aggression pact and splitting Poland

Added Mobilization_3 script for German USSR non-agression pact

Changed type of one strength script

Added strength script for Polish partisans

Changed dates in some Variant unit scripts

Changed name in UK & German unit scripts

Added picture links to UK & French unit scripts

Added text to UK unit script

Increased strength and experience of German unit script for panzer division

Changed failsafe date on US selective service unit script

Changed country from Germany to Ukraine for unit script Vlasov

Changed Canadian unit script from 3 divisions to 1 division, 1 corps and 1 army

Added variable condition and changed trigger in unit script for Free Greek and Polish forces to form Crete garrison

Added minor city of Cagliari

Added Italian territorial militia unit scripts

Added strength script for Operation Weserubung

Added three strength scripts for Baltic partisans

Increased cost to create Reichskommiseriat Ukraine

Changed variable conditions in decision scripts for dividing Poland

Changed variable conditions in decision scripts for unconditional submarine war

Changed text in decision script for Fall Gelb

Changed variable condition in pop-up script

Changed type on some pop-up scripts

Added war entry script for Denmark

Changed variable conditions for some fleet scripts

Fixed faulty research scripts for USA and USSR

Fixed one faulty diplomacy script for USSR

Added media links to UK partisan script

Removed 1 map position in UK partisan script

Added three decisiuon scripts and matching strength and supply script for Amerika rakete

Added decision script and matching unit scripts for volksturm

Removed 1 pop-up script

Changed date on pop-up script for Copenhagen to fall

Added two decision scripts for Fall Weserubung and matching war entry and strength scripts

Increased defense bonus values for fortifications and fortresses

Lowered cost in Brandenburgers decision script

Increased strength on one german strategic bomber

Added decision script and matching unit and mobilization_3 script and also removed one pop-up script for German polish non-aggression pact

Added 2 more map positions to hold to activate Ukraine reichskommiseriat decision

Added decision script and changed surrender_1 scripts for Axis to split Yugoslavia after surrender

Fixed falty Canadian unit script

Added decison script and matching unit script for Candian draft

Changed Vichy French free unit scripts

Increased strength on German bomber in production queue

Changed name on Italian unit script to garrison Albania to Zara division

Added 2 mines to Sweden

Added 1 pop-up and mobilization_2 script for Germany to garrison Siegfried line

Added 4 USSR unit scripts

Added decision script to plan Reichskommisariat Ukraine

Added deciusion scripts and matching territory scripts and unit scripts for the baltic countries to become Axis puppet states after liberation and then for USSR to reintegrate them again

Added 6 mobilization_3 scripts for the baltic countries

Increased German research maximum to 4050 and added 1 chit at AA

Made Estionia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Italian Social Republic and Finland upgradeable

Changed some Ukraine and baltic unit scripts to full research

Changed one German unit script from corps to division and also the date.

Added Mobilization_3 scripts for the Baltic countries to following their neighbours if they are Axis

Changed dates on some garrison scripts

Fixed faulty war entry script

Increased strength on German units (1 army and 2 divisons) in production queue

Changed some strength scripts

Many changes in decision scripts

Small changes in unit scripts

Added 6 pictures

Small changes in some convoy scripts

Added decision script and matching unit script for Graf zeppelin to be ready earlier

Removed German ships Gneisenau, Scharnhorst, Admiral Hipper and Blucher, they will appear as scripts instead

Switched pop-up to Mobilization_3 script for Turkey and Germany to sign non-aggression pact 1941

Added more decision scripts for Fall Schweden and matching pop-up, war entry, unit and strength scripts

Added more decision scripts for Unternehmen Isabella and matching pop-up, war entry, unit and strength scripts

Incerased strength on some ships

Added some ships to UK production queue

Added 2 Italian unit scripts linked to one existing decison scripts

Switched Italina HQ in Italy

Increased strength on some Italian units

Added 2 more decision scripts for surface ships or u boats inlcuding matching unit scripts

Fixed faulty link between decision scripts and unit scipts

Added surrender_2 script for Ukraine

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.2


Changes in v3.2

Fixed faulty link in decision script

Added three decision scripts and matching unit, war entry and strength scripts related to Fall Weiss

Changed a few report bitmaps

Removed 1 double decision and changed the remaining one for Molotov-Ribbentrop pact

Fixed faulty mobilization_3 script (wrong country)

Added some decison scripts for Reichskommiseriat Ostland and other matching scripts

Added militia unit scripts for Germany

Fixed spelling in decision scripts

Changed map for Denmark

Changed localization for Free Portugal to become Reichskommiseriat Ostland

Fixed faulty Mobilization_3 script

Added 1 artillery to France build limits and to the production queue

Changed trigger for strength script Polish partisans

Changed size of Croatia in Surrender_1 script

Changed Tactical bombers to two strikes

Added 1 chit for UK amphibious warfare

Increased cost to create Reichskommiseriat Ukraine

Changed Ethiopias major from US to UK

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Hello, one quick upgrade to 3.3, since i discovered one big fault.

Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.3


Changes in v3.3

Fixed faulty links for two italian unit scripts

Added german unit sciript for luftflotte 5 in Norway

Moved Egypt capital to Cairo and also changed matching surrender_1 script

Added roads

Changed map of Norway

Added partisan script

Changed partisan script

Changed strength script

Changed range of paratroopers and airplanes

Changed combat target data for German Anti air (1 strike, 1 anti tank and 1 soft attack), remember the 88´s

Increased German build limits for AA with one more

Fixed faulty country Id in unit and surrender_1 scripts for Italian Social Republic

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  • 1 month later...

Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.4


Changes in v3.4

Added fort to Karlskrona in Sweden

Added name to Luleå town in Sweden

Changed Luleå and Gothenburg to cities

Added 2 more capitals to Sweden

Lowered strike range to 1 for German AA

Lowered Militia production delay from 4 to 2 months

Changed a few dates in unit scripts

Changed a few weather tiles

Corrected road in Germany

Two strikes for artillery

Adjusted UK reserach limit to 3600MPP and added one more chit for Advanced Aircraft

Removed two strikes for attack bombers

Added one decision script for Germany to plan Reichskommiseriat Ostland

Renamed German division in unit script

Changed tiles at Crimea and added mountains there

Fixed name of one media link

Removed double unit script for Italy HQ in Africa

Added decision scripts and linked territory scripts USSR and Baltic events 1939

Added town of Ignalina for Lithuania

Added town of Ventspils for Latvia

Added town of Rovaniemi for Finland

Increased build limits for Italian North Africa with one cruiser and one destroyer

Added one level Naval Warfare for Italy

Added some more islands for Greece

Added surrender_1 script for Italy to get some Greek islands

Added unit script for Swedish Finland volunteers

Increased build limits for Uk with one more BB and one more carrier

Increased build limits for Italy with one more BB

Increased build limits for Greece with one more BB

Added and removed names of naval units

Minor changes of tiles and terrain

Changed Reichskommiseriat Ostland and Ukraine so that they are surrendered at the beginning of the game and can be awakaned by the germans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.5


Changes in v3.5

Added text

Added Spanish militia to Tangier

Changes to terrain, rail and road

Some changes of tiles in North Africa

Added fort Mechili, Capuzzo and towna Sidi Barrini, Jalta and Sotji

Moved some units

Added engineers to build limits for Sweden, Spain and Yugoslavia

Lowered strength on Bulgarian fighter

Lowered research progression per chit down to 1% at level 2

Changed German anti tank max level to 5

Addewd names of ships

Moved Italian battlehsip Littorio from map to production que

Added Italian attack bomber, one cruiser, one submarine and one divison to the map

Added one UK battleship, one cruiser and one destroyer to the map

Addec port Åbo and Tripoli (in Syria)

Added unit script, Italian sub flotilla BETASOM

Added Swedish guns

Changed flag to 1 and lowered trigger to 50 for Italian Greek war in war entry script

Removed pop-up script for channel islands

Added german unit script for division moved to Romania

Small changes to Polish forces (strength, name and position)

Added fleet script for US to patrol Denmark Strait

Fixed one war entry script

Changed flag settings and trigger on a few war entry scripts

Added name Jachymov to Checz uranium mine

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Hi Cantona,

FYI, not a big deal but when placing the 3.5 into the campaign section of the game all is fine. However, when starting the game while looking for the campaign it still says 3.4 as the version number. This is what happened in my game

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  • 2 weeks later...

Global conflict: 1938 Calm before the storm v3.6


Changes in v3.6

Changed trigger and Mobilization percentage for Baltic countries in some Mobilization_3 scripts

Added partisan scripts for Syria, Iraq, Persia, Algeria, Morroco and Tunisia

Added city Casablanca

Fixed some faults in German atomic bomb decision scripts

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