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Will we be able to move waypoints in CMN?

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I know this has been brought up before, and if it's been addressed I apologize. But PLEASE at some point in the future, put the ability to move waypoints around like before back in(where you can just click on a waypoint and drag it, without even having to click on the unit). It's little things like that that make the game easier and more fun to play.

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It's certainly desirable.

Not just handy in adjusting already given waypoints, but I use it often for giving new orders to multiple units. For instance if I want an infantry platoon to go some place I select the lot of them, group move them and fine tune the destinations up close.

Because it's such a basic control method, CMSF really confronts you with this inability frequently.

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I've asked about/for this a few times and my recollection is that Steve has said that moveable waypoints is/was relatively high on their list of priorities. Given that this was some time ago and that they haven't made it into a CMSF patch yet I would surmise that they have been busy putting in things that were much higher on their list. It is the first thing I look for in patch notes...

I really want moveable waypoints but when I realize they've added things to CM:N like FoW fortifications, improved bridges, water, improved buildings, and now revamped unit seletion options I can't really complain about their priorities. Those things are important to almost everyone while something like moveable waypoints is most likely viewed as a waste time by RT players and perhaps some WEGO players as well.

I just hope they make it in as they really make the game more enjoyable for someone like me - not having them makes large scale explicit movement orders excruciatingly mundane (and yes, I would rather micromanage the movement orders than have to ask for pathfinding AI that can do as good of a job). In a world of entertainment - gaming is entertainment after all - mundane is a very bad thing...

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Also when using the shift-left click and drag box to highlight multiple units and give a group move order. All the units move waypoints get clumped together. They don't maintain their spacing like in CMx1 games. It defeats the purpose of using group orders, especially with the inability change/edit waypoints. As it is now I end up giving waypoints for each unit separately, very annoying.

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It's certainly desirable.

Not just handy in adjusting already given waypoints, but I use it often for giving new orders to multiple units. For instance if I want an infantry platoon to go some place I select the lot of them, group move them and fine tune the destinations up close.

Because it's such a basic control method, CMSF really confronts you with this inability frequently.

Yes I do this all the time too. Very very useful tool. Can't believe it was removed.

To Battlefront's credit, I love how you can now issue fire orders off multiple move orders "dots", and how you can change a move order (from fast to quick for example) without having to actually reissue it. Now once we can get this back in, we'll be set!

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Also when using the shift-left click and drag box to highlight multiple units and give a group move order. All the units move waypoints get clumped together. They don't maintain their spacing like in CMx1 games. It defeats the purpose of using group orders, especially with the inability change/edit waypoints. As it is now I end up giving waypoints for each unit separately, very annoying.

Again very true. I find this suprising especially since Battlefront seems to be wanting to move more towards real time (as much as many prefer wego). If you want decent realtime play, you need a good interface! Giving orders to every unit individually is not cool. Sure we can get around it in singleplayer with pause, but we shouldn't have to. Not asking for the moon here just basic things that were in games released a decade ago ;)

@sfhand I can't understand what you mean. Having a good interface should be of paramount interest to real time players! Many wargames I've played in the past had terrible interfaces, but it never really mattered because it was all turn based. Real time is a different story. See Achtung Panzer: Kharkov for example. Good game, but very seriously hampered by an inept interface (real time too so it's much more serious).

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I got the notion from posts like this one:


2nd to last sentence.

Since I don't play RT I can only imagine that were I to go that route part of the reason for doing so would eliminate using the pause feature (otherwise why bother?) so I don't imagine that I would be issuing lots of complex movement orders or taking much time analyzing the terrain for advantages once the fighting starts.

This is occurring only in my imagination. But because this is how I imagine it, it is very easy for me to accept when a RT player, in this case Steve, says that moveable waypoints aren't that important for that style of gameplay.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone say that having a good user interface wasn't important...

I've been toying with the thought of getting AP since the price is so low.

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... something like moveable waypoints is most likely viewed as a waste time by RT players and perhaps some WEGO players as well. ...

I suspect there is a word missing from this sentence.

... something like moveable waypoints is most likely viewed as a waste time except by RT players and perhaps some WEGO players as well. ...


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Becomes more important if command delays finds it's way back.

I thought the idea of command delays based on the number of way points had been killed off. It never was a good solution to a marginal (in game terms) problem, but coupled with the inability to order road or convoy moves, it was ghastly and wrecked many a carefully thought-out plan. Bringing that idea back would be a horrible and backward step.

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