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need help with 3. mission (german)

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there are so many guns and hidden tanks. i ve no chance. i managed to destroy most of the guns (with my arti) but have no chance to destroy the digged in tanks. before i come closer my tanks get immobilized or destroyed. infantery is useless cause they were quikly killed by mg-bunker. even if i used their transport vehicles.

any idea? somebody managed to win this one?


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It's not that hard. Choose a eastern or western route, take a Tiger(s) and KO all the digged in T-34 it sees (if it doesn't see the targets, come closer or rotate the turret in their direction). Even if they are not destroyed completely, a hit into turret most likely will disable the gun and/or kill the gunner and loader. Then advance with other forces. Artllery helps you to come closer by laying smoke screens on suspected enemy positions.

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thanks sneaksie. but i tried and tried. no chance. all of my tank were immobilized by enemy gun fire. the problem is that i only here the gund sound but doesnt see the target. so i cant fire on it. and i cant brint any unit (regardless of the spotting-value) in the near of the enemies. spotting isn working. when i thought about my old combat mission times...

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This mission was a grinder, try area fire on the dug in tanks. Got a couple that way. always keep your front armor facing enemy, use all the tigers and panthers you can get. just keep working your way forward and use attrition to ware down the enemy. once I got across the AT ditch I was able to manuver better.

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Tigers and panthers are pretty much required for this. You'll need something to take a ridiculous number of hits, considering the T34's can be very very hard to spot.

Some of the T34's will be spotted quickly, some will never be spotted unless you drive right up next to them. I ended up reloading/retrying until a reasonable number of the T34's became spottable. With tiger's/panthers, you'll generally win that engagement if you stay at long range.

Sneaksie, have the developers playtested through any of these missions without tigers? It seems like with a typical german tank force and combined arms (pzIV longs, etc), these missions are actually pretty impossible.

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By the way, try flanking FAR right (map edge far) with your tanks to start. Some of the tank spotting was easier from this direction (I even spotted a couple at 1km, before the T34s even fired, outside of their effect range but close enough for a 88mm to reach.)

Leave 1 tiger or even a 88mm flak on the left side to take care of the counterattack when it triggers.

You won't need a lot of infantry, maybe 2 squads, considering that artillerly will take care of a lot of the enemy infantry. Keep them far back or in APC's until the long scripted artillery bombardment is over (it will trigger once you pass a certain line with any unit)

Use your tanks to area fire into the MG bunkers. You don't need to "spot" them to kill them. Use mortars to take out any leftover AT guns that the scripted artillery does not destroy. (Dead bodies wil always be visible. Drop mortar rounds into gun pits until you see a bunch of dead bodies or a squashed AT gun.)

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For ambushes to work, spotting is not the same in both directions, it depends on where the obstruction is between yours and an enemy unit. If a unit is positioned close behind (several meters, this zone is different for various unit types) a vegetation cover, it sees through it. On the other hand, an enemy unit from far away can't see it behind the cover.

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For ambushes to work, spotting is not the same in both directions, it depends on where the obstruction is between yours and an enemy unit. If a unit is positioned close behind (several meters, this zone is different for various unit types) a vegetation cover, it sees through it. On the other hand, an enemy unit from far away can't see it behind the cover.

Even if it fires off it's full load of 76mm over 15 minutes or so?

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I think I need to restart ;( I've ditched the halftracks (apart from two to tow the howitzers) in favour of other AAA vehicles just in case of an air attack. But that leaves my infantry exposed. I've only got one Tiger left as well after losing the other one in missin 2. Although the crew survived. I've managed to creep a squad straight down the middle and remove the AT threat that was there, but they are being picked off one by one by high explosive rounds from what I can make out. They are sort of stuck now. I've also crept a squad up the left flank and have reached the barbed wire emplacement but they can't get through it, so I need to work out a way around it. I have two panthers in overwatch, and will probably try and advance a couple more into hull-down positions at the rear so I can cherry pick the T34s I know are there. But it's a really tough mission! Another tough mission lol..

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first of all, thanks a lot for all your nice support! Good Community!

i finally made it.

1) destroyed all possible at-gund with my arti and mortars

2) moved all of my tanks to the outer left flank covered with smoke to the 1. strongpoint

3) the came across with my infantery+vehicles (+last rounds of smoke)

4) used "aim at head" with my tanks to knock out the t34

5) infantry fought in the trenches

6) parked a view tanks in the trenches in anticipation of the counterattack

7) bingo!

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this mission is hard, did alright but then lost most of my tanks in the counter attack.

tips: the smoke is Very important in this mission. use it to cover your initial charge up the flank.

use infantry to man captured guns, and pummel the hell out of those hidden tanks. they are hard to find but not impossible.

I've traded my morters in for inf guns. I now have 4 inf guns parked behind a hill to offer indirect fire support.

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OK, it took me try 3 to make a overwhelming victory happen. You need to use 2 panthers and 3 or 4 infantry units to take out the 3 AT's in the central grove directly to your front. Use mortars, if you have them here also. After I took out these 3 AT positions I sent the remaining armor, 4 panthers and 2 tigers, plus my remaining infantry 3 or 4 squads on a far left flanking maneuver...go as fast as possible. Your AF will take out several of the enemy on the left flank hill...also use some mortar fire here also. Use your smoke barrage to blind the Soviet forces in the central fortifications and stay as far left as you can with your left flanking forces. I came up to the left soviet position with everything intact and swept through that area taking everything out. A couple of dug in tank positions were a little harder to get at as I had 2 panthers crippled but both tigers and 2 other panthers cleared the left fortification out. I then used the soviet tank dug in positions to take out the central fort tank positions. I drove 1 tiger along the trench to deal with the far right fortifications (2 dug in tanks there) but had to storm the far right position with the tiger and infantry to finally take that position. I also used 1 panther and more infantry to secure the central position. I had 5 mobile panzer s and 2 immobile panzer s to deal with the soviet counterattack. One other panther was immobilized in the first AT ditch attack and was basically out of the CA defense. But with these forces available...I was able to easily repel the soviet response. The key was going left flank (as far left as I could go) and using smoke to blind the enemy as much as possible. I was really surprised that it worked as well as it did. Victory at last in an area that looked like a real hard nut to crack unless you moved quickly and used your assets as best as possible. Wow, it was fun though!

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Now #4 "Where Iron Crosses Grow"...That seems a little harder for me. I've tried it twice and almost made it on the second try...but just too much artillery and infantry.....so far. Any ideas?

Refresh my memory.. is this the infantry-only scenario? I can pass along some info, but I don't remember that name

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