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AAR: 3:10 to Yuma (spoilers)


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Heres an AAR i put up at simhq, thought it would be rude not to link it here and thanks personaly to Birdstrike for the mission. Awesome fun


Hope you all enjoy

Ps: i would have actualy posted it here but it has 73 pictures in it and this forum only allows 5 :(

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I enjoyed that a lot - lots of great screenshots!

It must be said that you seem to have played very differently to me. I managed to get all my guys into the compound safely due to the fact that I just put pedal to the metal and didn't hang around.

On the other hand, my cordon around the police station rapidly shrunk as I took a LOT of casualties from RPG teams - how did you avoid that?

Its a fun mission, I might play it again some day!

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I honestly think that it was air power alone that held the compound. i called in CAS right on top of the police station, it was danger close most of the time. On at least two occasions rounds from an aircrafts strafing run hit the roof of the two story building in the compound. Between multiple strafing runs and the F15's dropping what looked like 2000 pound bombs all over the place, i dont think the AI had a chance to must any forces.

RPG's however were always my bigest concern, so i kept all bar one unit on the ground floor and tried to minimise the angles an RPG could hit my lads from.

This time luck was with me!

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Great pictures and it seemed like a very intense situation.Glad to see you got the cut off troops out of there and back to safety. Looks like those troops who were cut off were putting up a very heroic stand,and it looked as though they even had dead enemy at their feet so that says a lot about what they faced.Good thing the RPG didn't take out the Bradley they were riding in, that would have been a serious moral blow,and those troops deserve the beers, for themselves and their fallen comrades.:)

The compound you were in didn't look to peaceful either.Seemed like a lot of up close and personal firefights broke out and everybody was constantly in danger of being over run.

I never played this scenario yet, but eventually I'll get around to it.I've falling victim to a Bradley's friendly fire also.Gotta watch out for those cross fires and firing lanes.:)

Good to see someone post an AAR.

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It certainly was intense, the problem with the terrain local to both groups was no line of sight away from thier defensive possitions. Now although that meant i was generaly safe from unseen grenades or more importantly RPG's, it did mean that all contacts happened very suddenly at close range.

The cut off units in particular had many firefights start from less then 15 meters as enemy apeared between the trees (that didnt look very dense but provided some excellent cover)

The whole situation led to a wierd 20 minutes of play, for two minutes there would be no sign of the enemy, then with NO warning all hell would break loose, sending me from almost bored (the sweating never stopped though) to sheer near uncontrollable panic.

All the while my air support seemed to be challengng each other to drop ordinance closer and closer to the compound :D

I also usualy play realtime but have made the switch recently to wego. I find my situational awareness has improved drasticly, coupled with not wanting to reload and a VERY good scenario concept this mission has given my a tiny insight into what it must be like for a real OC in the field. Not sure ive earnt my bars yet tho :D

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