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Still no word on CM:N?

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The reason CMSF was subpar on release is because they had to release it earlier then they wanted to. This time they are able to work on the game at their own pace and will take the time necessary to get it finished. Whining about the delay won't get it done any faster or make the game any better. I don't know what is going on behind the scenes, but the last I heard they were getting ready to code the new QB system, and then the game and scenarios/campaigns needed testing. I wouldn't be surprised if they ran into a few roadblocks with the QB system and it is taking longer than expected. Plus they are juggling CMA and NATO at the same time. The great thing about BFC being their own publisher is that they can take as long as they need to get the game done correctly. The other side is the coin is that they do take a long time.

Not whining about the delay, just the total lack of info.

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Sure, but they don't have a full time PR / Marketing person on staff, paid to just focus on this.

Time spent posting "bones" and pictures is time not used for development or to fix stuff.

Unfortunately they tend to be in a "no win" situation as the same people who clamour for bones are often the same ones complaining about delays.

How often have you seen the 1st or 2nd post on a "Bone thread" to be along the lines of:

"Well that looks great, but why isn't it out yet?".

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Well, as somebody who has access to CM:Normandy I have to tell you that I'd find it quite difficult to make a suggestion to Steve about which bone should come next.

It is just so that development is processing along the whole front. This means that you can have objects looking absolutely perfect sit next to placeholders. This kind of ruins the experience for the observer.

Then there are features that are perhaps 80 % functional, with only tweaking necessary. Perhaps Steve wants to wait until something works perfectly before he posts a bone.

But the painful truth may be that they just do not have, or do not want to take, the time to post a bone at the moment.

Best regards,


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These guys are also involved (albeit to a lesser extent) with the Afghanistan product too.

Important piece of information and I think it may even be an understatement. But there is probably a little too much "talking out school" going on right now guys from the guys with their hands on something. It isn't really our place to talk about the state of the union.

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Um sorry but "the guys who made the Brits module" were BFC.

Or are you referring to some 3rd Party campaign that uses the Brit Module?


Well as far as I know there's only one team (unless the "second eleven" comment is a pun).

The same people who worked on CM:SF also worked on USMC, also worked on UK, are also working on NATO and are also working on Normandy (there is only one Charles, one Steve, one Moon, et al).

These guys are also involved (albeit to a lesser extent) with the Afghanistan product too.

Certainly some of the Beta Testers may have changed (being unpaid volunteers, something called "Life" tends to interfere from time to time).

And wrong again, I precisely asked Steve about this sometime between the Marines release and Brits release. To my surprise he replied saying an outside group is working on the Brits module.

So as to who is working or worked on what, I think it goes something like this. BF did CMSF and Marines all in-house. They helped a third party with Brits module and now another third party(Snowball) with Afghanistan.

So my question still stands, what are the guys behind the Brits module doing? I hope they're still working with BF, perhaps on NATO or CMN to some extent.

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And wrong again, I precisely asked Steve about this sometime between the Marines release and Brits release. To my surprise he replied saying an outside group is working on the Brits module.

So as to who is working or worked on what, I think it goes something like this. BF did CMSF and Marines all in-house. They helped a third party with Brits module and now another third party(Snowball) with Afghanistan.

So my question still stands, what are the guys behind the Brits module doing? I hope they're still working with BF, perhaps on NATO or CMN to some extent.

Most of the 3rd party work done on the Brit module was by Webwing and his crew (none of this is a breach of NDA as they are listed in the credits). It was mostly (but not exclusively) models and animations. It is safe to say they are working on, at least, CM:N and NATO. As I tried to imply above the Afghan 3rd party involvement is totally different than the 3rd party involvement with the Brits.

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They helped a third party with Brits module

Wrong. :)

From the CMSF Game manual:

3D Models

Dan Olding

X-trusion 3D products

and from the CMBF manual:

3D Models

Cassio Lima

Vanessa Campos

The 3-D models were made by an 'outside' team and not in-house. The same team has done the 3-D model work for NATO.

Webwing is Cassio.

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And wrong again, I precisely asked Steve about this sometime between the Marines release and Brits release. To my surprise he replied saying an outside group is working on the Brits module.

I'm afraid somewhere you've either misunderstood or mis read what you were told.

As Paper Tiger suggested, take a few moments to read the various module credits and compare the names.

But if you still reckon I'm "wrong" feel free to ignore my earlier posts (that will satisfy Elvis's concerns about tales out of school) and continue to wait for your bone. :)

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Calm down, gents, no one's entirely wrong. gibsonm is correct in that MOST of the work is done by the same people who do CM:N, CM:SF, etc., but MeatEtr is also correct in that there IS a group out there that could be regarded as a third party that does help in the development process. :)

It would be wrong, however, to imply that the third party is doing most or all of the work.

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Can't you see what's happening here people! We're becoming like the characters in Lord of the Flies or the residents of Maple Street tearing each other apart with stress and paranoia.

If there isn't any news of progress on CM:N soon BFC should be required by law to provide trauma counselling to the fragile souls of this forum.

Now where does that Thomm live, he has the game people he said so himself, I heard him, lets get him, pitchforks and burning torches optional.

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Is it down to four already? Haven't been following the story that closely...Anyway, it's really only three then, since they need one for the kids to sit in at the "Leistungsschau"...where I expect they'll be making collections for spare change this year. Every little bit helps!

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