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Low walls, Deployed MGs and the Peng Challenge Thread

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Hmm just for that, and to make the rest of the Mutha beautiful thread feel good, I will feature Boo in the next scenario, in an unarmed mg team surrounded by German MG teams which are not unarmed, and with, of course, artillery support.


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Hmm just for that, and to make the rest of the Mutha beautiful thread feel good, I will feature Boo in the next scenario, in an unarmed mg team surrounded by German MG teams which are not unarmed, and with, of course, artillery support.


In other words, a typical wildly unbalanced Rune scenario.

(This post comes to you thanks to a grant from the Department of Redundancy Department)

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Oh, and for the fun of it, I put a division of German tanks versus a single Stuart tank, and named it OGSF. It died gloriously...


Cos at were bein' commanded bah a feckless git, noo doubt. Ah slaughtered Boo's armored horrrdes wi' a single tank, Ah'd di tha same tae yoo laddie!

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And you've lost two thirds of a platoon trying to get across a river, so far. I gloat! hear me.. tra-la-la-itu!

rune, house shaw has defaulted me a great win through being too feckless to rise to a challenge.

[The legitimacy of the challenge is in the detail of whether or not a house rune exists, or nay. I await the Justicar's ruling with bated breath.]

Verily I say unto you, it was a worthy challenge, and callously and rudely ignored.

[More truth be told, Shaw was asleep, again. And his minions lack the, um, balls to lie down and take their kicking.]

So promote me before you kick off for good and leave me orphaned, you heartful bastard. Better yet, you up for a game?

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And you've lost two thirds of a platoon trying to get across a river, so far. I gloat! hear me.. tra-la-la-itu!

Ye mean tha river wi' one single bridge o'looked bah a ring o' high groond, an' noo a single ford as an alternative? An' ye calculate Ah've lost two thirrrds o' a platoon? Riddle mae thas wun, ye pillock....as two thirrrds a platoon equal tae two squads or two Brazillians?

Two Brazillians!!?? Whoa....tha's like.....a lot!!!

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Costard, you worthless *boot* wanna be squire. Firstous. Joebob dodges your challenge, *boot* and yet you remain surprised? That everyone from the fackless House Shaw fail to arise *boot* to your challenge surprises you from that Viagra bunch?

Secondous, Then you have the nerve to challenge you liege lord? *Boot* Fine, we will play my new test scenario *boot* you will play the part of OGSF. To be sporting I'll even reduce the German Division to a mere Tiger Schwere Panzer-Abteilung. *Boot* Let me know where you want your remains sent. What? You don't have CM:N [Name pending]? Well buck up lad *boot*, if i suddenly lose my mind, I'll invite you to the beta test.

All that being said, I already made you a squire. Challenge any knight, and do some with skill, wit, and without breaking any of the sacred rules, and I'll consider making you a kagniggit. *boot*


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I feel another well earned vacation coming on.......

The only thing you've ever earned is a steel-toed boot in the behind for being such an idle, useless git. You're as poor as Seanachai and not half as interesting, which puts you at about the sub-atomic level dimension-wise.


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Yeah but you cant do a turn.......seems pretty lame to me...especially when your life seems to be one great big Persian Gulf vacation.

Pah, coming from Mr "i'm off to Florida again' I think it best to ignore your scurillous accusations...but then, you get ignored alot i'm sure.

Now if your'e a good boy and can stand up on your hind legs and bark for me, i'll bring you back something nice from Jerusalem....a piece of the true cross signed by JC hisself perhaps?

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The only thing you've ever earned is a steel-toed boot in the behind for being such an idle, useless git. You're as poor as Seanachai and not half as interesting, which puts you at about the sub-atomic level dimension-wise.

Even if that were true I'd still have to peer over the abyss with a pair of Steiner 10x42 Police Binoculars to have even a hope of seeing the top of your pointy head working its way amongst the detritus you call 'home'.

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See? You can't even work yourself up to a good insult. You've gone soft, Stukes. Soft soft soft.


Well, the insultee has got to be worth an insult for a start. Tell you something sparkey? (OMG. I'm channelling Boo Radley)

As for the soft. He's always been squishey, and once a squishey, always a squishey.


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No you're not. If you were, you'd spell Sparky correctly.

He IS Australian you know ... even coming close is a victory to them.

And I remain content that OGSF has never defeated me ... pity you can't say the same.

And no, I've not played CM since I upgraded to Vista on my new computer and it wouldn't run ... hardly my fault.


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Secondous, Then you have the nerve to challenge you liege lord? *Boot* Fine, we will play my new test scenario *boot* you will play the part of OGSF. To be sporting I'll even reduce the German Division to a mere Tiger Schwere Panzer-Abteilung. *Boot* Let me know where you want your remains sent. What? You don't have CM:N [Name pending]? Well buck up lad *boot*, if i suddenly lose my mind, I'll invite you to the beta test.


Sweet! Membership hath its privileges - you scabrous, festering, ill-used denizens of the lesser Houses.

And Joe, whilst it may not be your fault ('though whose might it be?), it's still your responsibility. Pah, you're as worthy as Emrys.

Still three days of my five-day weekend to go - suffer in your jocks, merkins.

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Pah, you're as worthy as Emrys.

He should spend the remainder of his days in earnest prayer that he should become a tenth, nay a thousandth as worthy as I. Still it would not happen. Even God cannot create a miracle that so unhinges the natural order. Joe is forever and ever the most unworthy of the lowest slime that inhabits these dismal corridors. Excepting the australians, of course.


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And no, I've not played CM since I upgraded to Vista on my new computer and it wouldn't run ... hardly my fault.


Once again your crass stupidity emerges from your keyboard... or other parts we wish not to know about. Of course that is a poor excuse but coming from you we expect nothing else. Who else would blame poor old Microsoft for their own ineptitude?

Download the Vista fix, install the Vista fix even. Bingo, all your old adversaries that didn't die waiting for your turns can now play you again. Of course, they may not want to play you again but who knows... !

At least one thing positive for you will come about... you won't be cast into the same bucket as EMRYS, who doesn't even play the game. But that is not much separation I know.


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Once again your crass stupidity emerges from your keyboard... or other parts we wish not to know about. Of course that is a poor excuse but coming from you we expect nothing else. Who else would blame poor old Microsoft for their own ineptitude?

Download the Vista fix, install the Vista fix even. Bingo, all your old adversaries that didn't die waiting for your turns can now play you again. Of course, they may not want to play you again but who knows... !

At least one thing positive for you will come about... you won't be cast into the same bucket as EMRYS, who doesn't even play the game. But that is not much separation I know.


Oh please ... as if there WAS a Vista fix for CM.


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Pah, coming from Mr "i'm off to Florida again' I think it best to ignore your scurillous accusations...but then, you get ignored alot i'm sure.

Now if your'e a good boy and can stand up on your hind legs and bark for me, i'll bring you back something nice from Jerusalem....a piece of the true cross signed by JC hisself perhaps?

Thats so cool!!!!!! Could you really get that for me?

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