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Low walls, Deployed MGs and the Peng Challenge Thread

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Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.....seems that not only is 'Murka the true Goobernation, you guys are even promoting the fact on your food items.


Granted that the Smuckers products stem from a certain Jerome Monroe Smucker who was a resident of Orrville, OHIO which may preclude the rest of the states from the title but i'd like to keep things simple and lump you all into the one basket.

Goober peanut butter and jelly is one of my favorites!

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Posting from Dalem's computer here, but it is in fact myself, Seanachai.

I would prefer to be unconscious right now, but I must forego that dubious pleaseaure.

Because, I have died, and been reborn. I have just spent the last two hours watching the Star Wars Holiday Special, from 1978. And, on this, the morning of my 'Life Day' rebirth, all I can tell you bunch of hairy little wookie scum is...

Well, all I can say is...you don't know. And there's no way I can tell you about it. You'll simply have to wait until I decide to give you the gift of death and rebirth, by sending you a copy of the DVD.

It's no good begging me to raise you to a higher plane by destroying you and drawing you forth from the fire. You will have to wait upon my new and more perfect understanding of the this thing we call 'Life'.

You will have to prove to me that you are both worthy enough, and unworthy enough.

Only those worthy of being shattered like a cheap beer mug in dive bar will receive the blessing, so that they might be remade into the chalice from which knowledge, truth and understanding may be drunk.

And I do mean drunk. I think that none of you, including the Australians, will ever be drunk enough to pass throught that fire and come out whole...

-the Seanachai

Either the Gnome is very drunk or Dalem is imitating the Gnome being very drunk.

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Posting from Dalem's computer here, but it is in fact myself, Seanachai.

I would prefer to be unconscious right now, but I must forego that dubious pleaseaure.

Because, I have died, and been reborn. I have just spent the last two hours watching the Star Wars Holiday Special, from 1978. And, on this, the morning of my 'Life Day' rebirth, all I can tell you bunch of hairy little wookie scum is...

Well, all I can say is...you don't know. And there's no way I can tell you about it. You'll simply have to wait until I decide to give you the gift of death and rebirth, by sending you a copy of the DVD.

It's no good begging me to raise you to a higher plane by destroying you and drawing you forth from the fire. You will have to wait upon my new and more perfect understanding of the this thing we call 'Life'.

You will have to prove to me that you are both worthy enough, and unworthy enough.

Only those worthy of being shattered like a cheap beer mug in dive bar will receive the blessing, so that they might be remade into the chalice from which knowledge, truth and understanding may be drunk.

And I do mean drunk. I think that none of you, including the Australians, will ever be drunk enough to pass throught that fire and come out whole...

-the Seanachai

I saw part of that a few years ago. A very poor copy was posted somewhere on the intraweb and I watched maybe five minutes of it before I screamed in horror and ran outside to be violently ill all over the Daylillies.

Hope it affected you the same way.

Except that you were violently ill over dalem.

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Their company tag line is: "With a name like Smucker's, it has to be good", which begs the question, Why?

Because - and the mongrel character limit strikes again. I hatehatehatehatehate the ****ing simplistic ruleset which says that something worth saying needs to made up of ten characters or more, it totally changes the meaning of the post to have to explain why. Sucks be to you, denied of the pearl of brevity.

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I'm more pissed by the fact that threads automatically become marked as read after 20 minutes or so whether you've entered them or not. If you take the time to read a thread with several long posts and then come back to the main board, it's a puzzle to pick out the threads and posts that you haven't read yet, but wish to. And it's been this way since the forum software was changed. Color me grimly put off.


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I'm more pissed by the fact that threads automatically become marked as read after 20 minutes or so whether you've entered them or not. If you take the time to read a thread with several long posts and then come back to the main board, it's a puzzle to pick out the threads and posts that you haven't read yet, but wish to. And it's been this way since the forum software was changed. Color me grimly put off.


Yes, but since your short term memory is fairly well nonexistent apparently, you probably don't stay upset for very long.

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konrad is loose in the GF and spreading MBT references like a puppy piddling. Could one you lads be kind enough to police him up before the rest of the forum can't tell the difference betwixt the two and starts posting in here?

Although.....letting the unwashed in here might bring a certain je ne sais quoi to your little house party here.

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Sae Boo hae finished saindin' haes guid ol' boys intae mah Axis defences lak a hairless guinea pig aintae a dog fight, and haes bin duly slaughtered, SLAUGHTERED AH SAY, tae tha tune o' 84 - 16. He ainly did sae well due to a gamey flag rush wi' haes diapered reserves on tha second last turrrn. Ah ainly haid wun tank, WUN TANK AH SAY, tae confront haes armored horrrde. Funnily enough, at were sufficient.

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Sae Boo hae finished saindin' haes guid ol' boys intae mah Axis defences lak a hairless guinea pig aintae a dog fight, and haes bin duly slaughtered, SLAUGHTERED AH SAY, tae tha tune o' 84 - 16. He ainly did sae well due to a gamey flag rush wi' haes diapered reserves on tha second last turrrn. Ah ainly haid wun tank, WUN TANK AH SAY, tae confront haes armored horrrde. Funnily enough, at were sufficient.

Due to your spoiler, I guess I won't have to even bother opening the last turn, will I, Angus? For that I should at least thank you. But I won't.

And you neglected to mention that one tank of yours was a Tiger and that it was parked on the biggest hill on the map, playfully shooting anything of mine that chose to stick it's head up.

But we're all willing to humor you a bit, simply because you can on occasion be amusing.

A swine, certainly, but also sometimes amusing.

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Spoiler as at? Ah waited four minutes after Ah saint tha file back tae yea. As noo mah fault ye slower than a really slow person goin' really, really slowly, as at noo? Ye shuid open tha file laddie, jus' tae see where tha bulk o' mah forces were placed. Tha wuns ye ne'er e'en encoontered. At wuz gratifyin' tae observe tha' hardly a single minefield o' mine were wasted.

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And you neglected to mention that one tank of yours was a Tiger and that it was parked on the biggest hill on the map, playfully shooting anything of mine that chose to stick it's head up.

Somehow, that just never gets old.

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Spoiler as at? Ah waited four minutes after Ah saint tha file back tae yea.

Too bad you couldn't have waited a few more seconds for the ADD to really kick in and you'd become distracted by the webbing between your toes or something.

As noo mah fault ye slower than a really slow person goin' really, really slowly, as at noo?

Why yes. Yes it is.

Ye shuid open tha file laddie, jus' tae see where tha bulk o' mah forces were placed.

Don't really care where they were placed although I have my own opinion as to where they SHOULD have been placed.

Tha wuns ye ne'er e'en encoontered.

You mean the ones I would have run into had I followed your helpful advice to rush my Shermies and Valentines UP the big hill, through unknown terrain, without infantry support in order to outflank your Kitty? Yeah... Pull the other one. It has bells on it.

At wuz gratifyin' tae observe tha' hardly a single minefield o' mine were wasted.

Well, so long as you were alone and cleaned up after yourself...

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Oh for the luv of Gawd Boo Radley ... you got beat like a drum ... spanked like a three year old who got into the cookies ... hammered like you were ... well Boo Radley I suppose.

Best just to own up to it, man up and admit your failing.

Of course it WAS at the hands of OGSF ... and that is a special kind of shame isn't it. I've never been beaten by OGSF, but then I'm me and you are ... Boo Radley.


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Oh for the luv of Gawd Boo Radley ... you got beat like a drum ... spanked like a three year old who got into the cookies ... hammered like you were ... well Boo Radley I suppose.

Best just to own up to it, man up and admit your failing.

Of course it WAS at the hands of OGSF ... and that is a special kind of shame isn't it. I've never been beaten by OGSF, but then I'm me and you are ... Boo Radley.


Do you even play CM anymore there, Emrys?

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