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Low walls, Deployed MGs and the Peng Challenge Thread

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Ah like tha laddy. Cuid hae returrrn on probation?

I was actually considering that ... until you gave him your stamp of approval.

That pretty much put the kibosh on that idea ...

Patchy my records are ... incomplete on the subject. I did find a reference to his having been sent to Coventry but I couldn't find the actual entry that did the deed. Regardless he IS a GooberNational and that alone should be sufficient cause to ... well ... do something.

However, absent proof positive that he was sent to Coventry and absent the link I used to have to the Official Justicariate Website (upgraded computer and Comcast wouldn't let me access the damned thing anyway ... if anyone has the link to the website please send it along) that showed those who had been sent to Coventry I suppose I have no choice but to reluctantly re-admit him.

But he IS a GooberNational ...


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Hell, instead of all this hassle, why don't we just let him back in but insist on cutting his nuts off.

Sitting down at the table and watching the rest of us snack on pecans and cashews while he doesn't get any should teach him a lesson.


What lesson ... don't get your nuts cut off?


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.. I just wanted to point out that someone cannot be Sent to Scunthorpe.. no, one is called to Scunthorpe. Constantly.

But, as we all know, Scunthorpe is not a physical point in time, rather it is a condition, a nexus amidst a revolving, swirling pattern of competing psychological conditions and emotional impulses that compete to drive one hither and thither... as such, Scunthorpe is an event horizon within the deepest crevices of the Inner Self upon which are waking lives can be sucked up and spat out.

So, its all a bit consuming.

Just thought I might like to put things into context.

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I would remind everyone that Konrad has been and is sent to Coventry long ago ... for obvious reasons.


I don't recall Konrad being sent to Coventry. I thought he was 'lena-konrad' returned, and, although I remember him as having behaved poorly, it wasn't much more or any more spectacularly poorly than any number of people who still post here. Hell, if the truth were told, there's been so many silly little sh*t*s through here in the last few years, I can barely remember who I'm supposed to hug as a long lost child of our hearts, and who's a complete fecking wanker that the gods should rain down sh*te upon.

But it's not important that I remember this sort of thing. What's the point of having created the creaking, pontificating totalitarianism of the Justicariate if I have to remember which idiot's shoes are filled with piss, as opposed to which idiot simply pisses on his shoes?

I'm a busy man. When I get up in the middle of the night, because pain and anxiety won't let me sleep, I want to have my bagel and cream cheese, washed down with a refreshing glass of rum, and look over the list of defaulters and bastards, and know who the hell I'm supposed to cut dead.

Is that too much to ask? I think not.

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The other night, I was having dinner with my good friends, and my special friend, Smaller Nora, was sitting next to me. And during dinner, she rolled her little head over on her shoulders, the way children do, and looked up at me with her blue eyes, and said: 'Grandma Steve, what is your favorite?'

I looked at her for a while, and finally said, 'My favorite what, Nora?'

And she replied, 'What is your Favorite?!'

So I told her: You and your sister Emma are my favorites!

And she told me: 'Nooooooo! What is your favorite?!'

After several minutes of work, it turned out she wanted to know what my favorite food was. There was a bit in the middle regarding my favorite maybe being 'green' and 'about this big'. Even six years of dealing with children hasn't given me certification in actually having a clue; I'm still a journeyman.

So, I told her 'Well, Nora, my favorite is spaghetti'. I make a fantastic spaghetti sauce, my own concoction, based on the spaghetti sauce my Mom made us as kids, which I loved. Strangely, we were actually eating spaghetti at Nora's that night, made by her Mom.

She considered my answer and told me 'No. What is your favorite?'

I thought, maybe, that she thought I'd said spaghetti simply because we were having it that night, so I thought about another food I loved, and remembered that it was one that she and her sister both liked, and I told her 'Well, Nora, my favorite is pot roast'.

She told me: 'No, that's not right!'

I was beginning to be confused. I was being asked to guess 'my' favorites, but I was getting them wrong. I was torn between thinking I didn't understand the game, then wondering if, because I didn't give it enough thought, I was actually not giving my REAL favorite foods.

So, figuring I wasn't understanding the game, and suddenly seeing where I might have gone wrong, I told her: 'Oh, okay, Nora, you want to know what my favorite food is! I get it! My favorite food is Ice Cream!'

And she tells me: 'No, Grandma Steve, I mean a tricky food! Not like that!'

Christ, at this point, I'm actually getting paranoid. What the heck is a 'tricky food'?

So, we spent the next several minutes with her asking, and me telling her what 'my favorite food is', and her telling me 'No, that's not right!'

As God is my witness, I have never had to try and guess what my own favorite food is.

After a few minutes her Mom became aware of our game, and the fact that I was actually losing a game to determine what my favorite food was. So she jumped in and said 'Nora, I know what Grandma Steve's favorite food is, it is lobster!'.

And I told Nora, 'Oh, that is true, I do very much love lobster!' And then Jen, Nora's Mom told her: 'And Nora, I bet Grandma Steve really loves filet mingon.'

And I told Nora, 'Yes, indeed, I really do love filet mignon. That is one of my favorite foods!'

And Nora's response was, 'No, that is not it! I mean the tricky food!'

Took the two of us another ten minutes to try and work it out. Turns out my favorite food is 'Brussel sprouts'.

This plays back into the whole 'it's green and about this big' thing that came up in the early stages of the game, when I didn't even know I was trying to work out a food item. It was a relief to me that I actually do, in fact, like brussel sprouts. And a bit of a strange thing that my sister Kat, who died, had brussel sprouts as her favorite vegetable. Every year, at Thanksgiving and Christmas, someone always made brussel sprouts, cause they were Kat's favorite.

I did not find out what made brussel sprouts a 'tricky food'. Hell, I don't even know what a 'tricky food' is. Imagine that. I've lived all these years, and I still don't know what a 'tricky food' is.

This is not surprising. I didn't even know what my 'favorite food' was. But, and this gives me hope, I am willing to learn...

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I don't recall Konrad being sent to Coventry. I thought he was 'lena-konrad' returned, and, although I remember him as having behaved poorly, it wasn't much more or any more spectacularly poorly than any number of people who still post here. Hell, if the truth were told, there's been so many silly little sh*t*s through here in the last few years, I can barely remember who I'm supposed to hug as a long lost child of our hearts, and who's a complete fecking wanker that the gods should rain down sh*te upon.

But it's not important that I remember this sort of thing. What's the point of having created the creaking, pontificating totalitarianism of the Justicariate if I have to remember which idiot's shoes are filled with piss, as opposed to which idiot simply pisses on his shoes?

I'm a busy man. When I get up in the middle of the night, because pain and anxiety won't let me sleep, I want to have my bagel and cream cheese, washed down with a refreshing glass of rum, and look over the list of defaulters and bastards, and know who the hell I'm supposed to cut dead.

Is that too much to ask? I think not.

Well I recall him being sent to Coventry ... of course I also recall Hitler being blown up in a French cinema ... oh wait that was in a movie.

Regardless I have no PROOF and without that I can't fairly enforce the glorious traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread as I'm bound to do by decree of the Olde Ones.

So we'll let it pass ... THIS TIME!


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The other night, I was having dinner with my good friends, and my special friend, Smaller Nora, was sitting next to me. And during dinner, she rolled her little head over on her shoulders, the way children do, and looked up at me with her blue eyes, and said: 'Grandma Steve, what is your favorite?'

I looked at her for a while, and finally said, 'My favorite what, Nora?'

And she replied, 'What is your Favorite?!'

So I told her: You and your sister Emma are my favorites!

And she told me: 'Nooooooo! What is your favorite?!'

After several minutes of work, it turned out she wanted to know what my favorite food was. There was a bit in the middle regarding my favorite maybe being 'green' and 'about this big'. Even six years of dealing with children hasn't given me certification in actually having a clue; I'm still a journeyman.

So, I told her 'Well, Nora, my favorite is spaghetti'. I make a fantastic spaghetti sauce, my own concoction, based on the spaghetti sauce my Mom made us as kids, which I loved. Strangely, we were actually eating spaghetti at Nora's that night, made by her Mom.

She considered my answer and told me 'No. What is your favorite?'

I thought, maybe, that she thought I'd said spaghetti simply because we were having it that night, so I thought about another food I loved, and remembered that it was one that she and her sister both liked, and I told her 'Well, Nora, my favorite is pot roast'.

She told me: 'No, that's not right!'

I was beginning to be confused. I was being asked to guess 'my' favorites, but I was getting them wrong. I was torn between thinking I didn't understand the game, then wondering if, because I didn't give it enough thought, I was actually not giving my REAL favorite foods.

So, figuring I wasn't understanding the game, and suddenly seeing where I might have gone wrong, I told her: 'Oh, okay, Nora, you want to know what my favorite food is! I get it! My favorite food is Ice Cream!'

And she tells me: 'No, Grandma Steve, I mean a tricky food! Not like that!'

Christ, at this point, I'm actually getting paranoid. What the heck is a 'tricky food'?

So, we spent the next several minutes with her asking, and me telling her what 'my favorite food is', and her telling me 'No, that's not right!'

As God is my witness, I have never had to try and guess what my own favorite food is.

After a few minutes her Mom became aware of our game, and the fact that I was actually losing a game to determine what my favorite food was. So she jumped in and said 'Nora, I know what Grandma Steve's favorite food is, it is lobster!'.

And I told Nora, 'Oh, that is true, I do very much love lobster!' And then Jen, Nora's Mom told her: 'And Nora, I bet Grandma Steve really loves filet mingon.'

And I told Nora, 'Yes, indeed, I really do love filet mignon. That is one of my favorite foods!'

And Nora's response was, 'No, that is not it! I mean the tricky food!'

Took the two of us another ten minutes to try and work it out. Turns out my favorite food is 'Brussel sprouts'.

This plays back into the whole 'it's green and about this big' thing that came up in the early stages of the game, when I didn't even know I was trying to work out a food item. It was a relief to me that I actually do, in fact, like brussel sprouts. And a bit of a strange thing that my sister Kat, who died, had brussel sprouts as her favorite vegetable. Every year, at Thanksgiving and Christmas, someone always made brussel sprouts, cause they were Kat's favorite.

I did not find out what made brussel sprouts a 'tricky food'. Hell, I don't even know what a 'tricky food' is. Imagine that. I've lived all these years, and I still don't know what a 'tricky food' is.

This is not surprising. I didn't even know what my 'favorite food' was. But, and this gives me hope, I am willing to learn...

That's a funny Small Friends story.

I thought your favorite food was lamb stew?

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.. I just wanted to point out that someone cannot be Sent to Scunthorpe.. no, one is called to Scunthorpe. Constantly.

But, as we all know, Scunthorpe is not a physical point in time, rather it is a condition, a nexus amidst a revolving, swirling pattern of competing psychological conditions and emotional impulses that compete to drive one hither and thither... as such, Scunthorpe is an event horizon within the deepest crevices of the Inner Self upon which are waking lives can be sucked up and spat out.

So, its all a bit consuming.

Just thought I might like to put things into context.

I want to go to Sunny Scunny.

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Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.....seems that not only is 'Murka the true Goobernation, you guys are even promoting the fact on your food items.


Granted that the Smuckers products stem from a certain Jerome Monroe Smucker who was a resident of Orrville, OHIO which may preclude the rest of the states from the title but i'd like to keep things simple and lump you all into the one basket.

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Posting from Dalem's computer here, but it is in fact myself, Seanachai.

I would prefer to be unconscious right now, but I must forego that dubious pleaseaure.

Because, I have died, and been reborn. I have just spent the last two hours watching the Star Wars Holiday Special, from 1978. And, on this, the morning of my 'Life Day' rebirth, all I can tell you bunch of hairy little wookie scum is...

Well, all I can say is...you don't know. And there's no way I can tell you about it. You'll simply have to wait until I decide to give you the gift of death and rebirth, by sending you a copy of the DVD.

It's no good begging me to raise you to a higher plane by destroying you and drawing you forth from the fire. You will have to wait upon my new and more perfect understanding of the this thing we call 'Life'.

You will have to prove to me that you are both worthy enough, and unworthy enough.

Only those worthy of being shattered like a cheap beer mug in dive bar will receive the blessing, so that they might be remade into the chalice from which knowledge, truth and understanding may be drunk.

And I do mean drunk. I think that none of you, including the Australians, will ever be drunk enough to pass throught that fire and come out whole...

-the Seanachai

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I always love it when Im here

Its a part of North Lincolnshire

I do love exploring around

the Industrial Garden Town

It's famous for steel industry

Coat of arms are yellow and green

Home of Danny Flynn and Liz Smith

And it lies on the Lincoln Cliff

Thats Why I Go To Scunthorpe

Its lovely and it's Up North

It used to be Escumetorp

Which I believe is Old Norse

Its Why I go to Scunthorpe

and Frodingham and Ashby

It is the best place to be

...also Brumby and Crosby

Thats Why I Go To Scunthorpe

Thats Why I Go To Scunthorpe

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