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Low walls, Deployed MGs and the Peng Challenge Thread

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ROIGHT! Listen up then lads, this here is the Peng Challenge Thread also known as the Mother Beautiful Thread (MBT for short), the CessPool or just the Cess.

If you don’t know that, it’s because you are an SSN (Scum Sucking Noobie, that is).

Now, as an SSN, you only have one thing to do. SOD OFF! That’s our little way of telling you to hit the road, take a hike, hie thee hence and git stoofed.

WHAT? Still here are ye? Well, aren’t you the cheeky one. If you plan on staying around, here are the rules. Read them. Learn them. Live them.

(XLV) Challenge someone! That’s why it’s called “The Peng Challenge Thread” . No, you may not challenge a Kanigget or an Olde One. Nor may you challenge a squire. You can only challenge an SSN such as yourself. If you fail to do so, you can SOD OFF! Oh, and anyone bothering any of the lovely and charming Ladies of the Pool, will have to deal with Grue, and no one wants that now do we?

(ibid.) Challenge with wit, panache and hatred. Use what wit you have not so much as a cudgel, but rather as a rapier…or a Ginsu Steak Knife. If so, you can accrue many points that can be used later in our gift shoppe. If you have no wit, you can SOD OFF!

(L.S.M.F.T.) You need to have an E-mail address and a location in your profile. Why? The better to send PBEMs and to mock you. If you have no E-mail or location in your profile, best be putting them in now or you can (Sing it with me, children!) SOD OFF!

(Ipso facto) Act as if you have a pair, but don’t go on about YOUR pair. It’s embarrassing for everybody. Also, kindly leave your prejudices and racism at the door. if you can’t do that...wait for it...you can SOD OFF!

(Yabba Dabba Do) If you have any questions, please feel free to SOD OFF!

( Ha! Weren’t expecting that one were you? Idjit!)

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Just letting all know that dad is doing ok, he had an angioplasty, and is doing well, but is very tired. He hopes to be back soon.

Chris 'Jr. Evil' Orosz

PS. Dad said to post alot of these ;):P:rolleyes: :cool: :eek:

Glad to hear it Chris.

Has the "Evil" name been a difficult one to carry?

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I owe you for hte scare I got when I heard we might be related.

Oh c'mon! Shirley there must be literally pairs of folks in the world with webbed toes, non-opposed thumbs and sloped, heavy eyebrow ridges.......ummmmm.....Boo say hi to your cousin Mr Spkr......or follow your instincts and just sniff each other's butts......your call.

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Chris, glad ye're okay. Och, an' baist wishus tae ye Da'. Costard (spailt, noo bolded), ye didnae bold "Emrys", cos at's noo a Knight o' tha Pool. Hae's a feckless non-playin' git. Wha'a ye ain Kanniget at? Oh, havin' an angioplasty. Radley!! Thas as ye fault!!

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I never thought I would say this, but, best wishes, rune.

I feel the need to go scrub with bleach.

Boo you festering carbuncle, send me a setup. Old school. CMBB or CMAK. I owe you for hte scare I got when I heard we might be related.


Rune, you thick-headed purveyor of immensely imbalanced scenarios, I'm quite glad to hear that your father is doing well after his angioplasty. Here's hoping that his recovery is speedy and he has many, many years ahead of him and I hope he spends them telling you what a waste you are.

Dear, Mr. Spkr... you call that a challenge? Maybe up in the Ozarks, where you spent your (ugh) formative years (If that's not too much of an oxymoron), perhaps it would be considered a challenge, but here in the MBT (Say it loud, say it proud), we take things a bit more seriously.

But it's good that you're back. If it's one thing the MBT (We are the POINT! We are the EDGE! We are the wolves that Hecate FED!) has been needing recently is a chinless, jug-eared, mentally imbalanced Hee-Haw reject who has all the dancing skills of a Baptist. I've often felt that people who read your posts form self-help groups, but that may not really be a bad thing. Even though your posts have all the depth and perception of a Van Halen song fully realized.

I have a better idea (But then, compared to you, Mortimer Snerd is a MENSA candidate, so it's no big surprise). Why don't YOU send ME a set up?

CMAK, if you please.

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Chris, glad ye're okay. Och, an' baist wishus tae ye Da'. Costard (spailt, noo bolded), ye didnae bold "Emrys", cos at's noo a Knight o' tha Pool. Hae's a feckless non-playin' git. Wha'a ye ain Kanniget at? Oh, havin' an angioplasty. Radley!! Thas as ye fault!!

So I take it from this post of yours that you've completely given up on typing and just stand across the room and peg oranges at the keyboard.


Next time why don't you stand in another room, with the connecting door shut and peg oranges at the keyboard that way.

We'd all appreciate it.

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Boo, you idiot, I am Rune, and doing ok but tired after the angioplasty, that was my son Jr. Evil posting to let you know. He used my account.


I was confused after reading that too. Glad you are doing okay.

How did he post all the smilies? I can't figure it out. He is Evil Jr.

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Stuka's men all run away,

Doo-Dah! Doo-Dah!

They want to fight another day

Oh, de Doo-Dah Day!

Running on the left!

Running on the right!

But they can't run fast

Cuz their bowels aint tiiiiiiiiiiight

Oh De Doo-Dah Day!

ONE HMG team...losing ONE guy.......does not a rout make.

I guess in a large hilled, wooded map where Boo has bought a bunch of armour you have to claim the small victories before the imminent defeat overtakes you.

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