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I am playing the medina mission on hill1 i have heavly armed troops with 4 heavy machine guns fireing down on the german troops adnancing up the hill the thing that frustrates me is the enemy troops stand there in the open fireing at my entrenched troops picking them off one by one in reality these troops would be cut to ribbons by the heavy machine guns i like the game i completed tow1. I find being out gunned very frustrating the enemys weapons always seem to far superior I know that there is a mission editor but i have never used one before so i would not know where to start

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One other thing I noticed: The trenches on the maps provided with the game don't protect infantry all that well because they're not deep enough. Entrenched soldiers' heads are still pretty vulnerable. On the El Guettar map I made (you can download and try it), I put a row of sandbags on top of foxholes, and they seem to give the troops a bit more protection and staying power.

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