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Guess it's time to start a new Peng Challenge thread

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I am the love-child of Emrys and the Great and Powerful Dorosh.

Tremble 'neath my near-potent potential, you festering anal wart!

Now listen young BoogerBites ... you are an SSN, the lowliest of the low, the whale ****e at the bottom of the Marianas Trench, the scum on the feet of the scum that are on the bottom of our shoes.

You are here ... well I'm not really sure why you're here unless you're a troll or some previously banned and/or Coventried soul who's snuck back in under an assumed assumed name.

We don't really care ... you're an SSN and you can either contribute to the thread by following the rules and challenging some lowlife like yourself or you can Sod Off ... we'd prefer the later but if, and it's a big if, you show some moxie and amuse us with your banter and AARs ... then you might have a place here.

I find that prospect vanishingly remote in your case but the forms must be followed.

Did I mention that you can always just SOD OFF?


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Eh, always takes me a few days to find the New Year. Happy New Year to you shower of fools. You've got all my love and affection that isn't currently directed to the old clothes and cast off shoes that I just dropped off for the use of the homeless. Mind, I'm seriously going to miss some of that flannel and wool that I haven't fit into for 10 years.

Irritated me that they wouldn't take the bloody shoes. When did the homeless become so concerned about the mere possibility of foot disease? By all the gods, in the next few months when I become homeless, I'm not going to kick up a row about 'pre-owned shoes'.

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I am the love-child of Emrys and the Great and Powerful Dorosh.

Tremble 'neath my near-potent potential, you festering anal wart!

Annoying little tosser. The names 'Emrys' and 'Dorosh' shouldn't even be sullied by passing over your lips. If there are two bigger bastards wandering around looking for a pint of cherry brandy and a 50 gallon drum with a fire in it to warm themselves by, they've yet to be born.

You? I wouldn't let either of them piss on you if you were on fire.

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At the end of January, I am going to southern Florida, gulf coast side, and doing day trips to paddle Big Cypress Swamp and the Everglades. Not to mention such places as Rookery Bay, just north of Marco Island.

While I am there, I will think about all of you every day. I will think: They are not me, and they are not enjoying delights like this.

About bloody time I got to go somewhere exceptionally cool to kayak.

I will also find a portion of swamp/beach and build a small, but significantly weird shrine to Berli and MrPeng.

The Justicar will be represented by a half rotted coconut...

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At the end of January, I am going to southern Florida, gulf coast side, and doing day trips to paddle Big Cypress Swamp and the Everglades. Not to mention such places as Rookery Bay, just north of Marco Island.

While I am there, I will think about all of you every day. I will think: They are not me, and they are not enjoying delights like this.

About bloody time I got to go somewhere exceptionally cool to kayak.

I will also find a portion of swamp/beach and build a small, but significantly weird shrine to Berli and MrPeng.

The Justicar will be represented by a half rotted coconut...

Represent ... that's what I like to see ... you have to use what's available, I understand that.

And I'm encouraged by the change of venue ... I understand there are large alligators, venomous snakes and even the odd large python down there. Surely a kayak might look like a suitable prey animal.


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Represent ... that's what I like to see ... you have to use what's available, I understand that.

And I'm encouraged by the change of venue ... I understand there are large alligators, venomous snakes and even the odd large python down there. Surely a kayak might look like a suitable prey animal.


A Gnome in the swamp?


How . . . apropos.

One can only hope it is feeding time for the gators.


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Eh, always takes me a few days to find the New Year. Happy New Year to you shower of fools. You've got all my love and affection that isn't currently directed to the old clothes and cast off shoes that I just dropped off for the use of the homeless. Mind, I'm seriously going to miss some of that flannel and wool that I haven't fit into for 10 years.

Irritated me that they wouldn't take the bloody shoes. When did the homeless become so concerned about the mere possibility of foot disease? By all the gods, in the next few months when I become homeless, I'm not going to kick up a row about 'pre-owned shoes'.

Wouldn't take your shoes?

Maybe they didn't like the upturned toes with the bells on the ends.

Ever think about that?

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And panthers too ... not very many left in that part of the country to be sure but who knows ... maybe we'll get lucky.

I think they do call them panthers thereabouts but actually they are cougars. Or pumas if you prefer. In some states they are called mountain lions, but if there are any mountains in the Everglades they have thus far escaped my attention.


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And panthers too ... not very many left in that part of the country to be sure but who knows ... maybe we'll get lucky.


Gentlemen: Any animal, reptile or insect that decides to feed on me will not only suffer the shock of immediate drunkenness, but will unquestionably die from it, as well. Flesh can only take so much.

Now, in the best traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread, you should probably put together some kind of a 'pool' (notice the pun on words) on whether I'll actually return alive, as well as betting on whether I will be poisoned, chomped, savaged, crushed or otherwise fecked with by the local wildlife. Also drowned. Wind and waves can be an issue.

In a kayak, you basically end up on pretty much the same level as the wildlife. So, make sure you vote for, and get a bet on your favourite Seanachai render today! Whether it be alligator, salt-water crocodile, shark, or even the normally gentle and passive manatee, be sure to get a bet down with the Justicar.

I will be... or rather, my intention is to return on January 28th. If unable to post myself, I will make sure my heirs and assigns post here to let you know what became of me, so as not to upset the settlement of bets.

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{snipped} Whether it be alligator, salt-water crocodile, shark, or even the normally gentle and passive manatee, be sure to get a bet down with the Justicar.


Oh ... uh, right, absolutely, CERTAINLY get your bets in today, lots and lots of bets with the cash included in small, unmarked bills and I'll uh, hold them ... yeah, that's it, I'll hold them and determine who the winner was.

GET YOUR BETS IN TODAY ... by all means ... good idea Seanachai.


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And panthers too ... not very many left in that part of the country to be sure but who knows ... maybe we'll get lucky.


Yup, the old Amurikan Panther (Panthera onca), quite elusive in the wild these days...but you keep looking Emrys, you'll be sure to spot one sooner or later.


Better take your reading glasses....

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Oh ... uh, right, absolutely, CERTAINLY get your bets in today, lots and lots of bets with the cash included in small, unmarked bills and I'll uh, hold them ... yeah, that's it, I'll hold them and determine who the winner was.

GET YOUR BETS IN TODAY ... by all means ... good idea Seanachai.


That's what I'm after saying, Emrys.

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Maybe I need to paddle Northern Illinois, some time...

Just paddle down the Mississippi and then up the Illinois river to the Fox River and then paddle upstream to Fox River Grove. Watch out for all the dams!

Illinois has the most northern cypress swamp in southern Illinois, the Cache river runs through it. I paddled it with my sister this past October. It was very cool.

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Gentlemen: Any animal, reptile or insect that decides to feed on me will not only suffer the shock of immediate drunkenness, but will unquestionably die from it, as well. Flesh can only take so much.

See my expression of heartfelt sympathy for the hypothesized large reptile upthread.

...your favourite Seanachai render today! Whether it be alligator, salt-water crocodile, shark, or even the normally gentle and passive manatee...

I think it would be fun to watch you being attacked by a giant centipede. They hang out in trees overhanging the water and drop onto any warm body that passes beneath. You really should invite someone along to film the moment when one lands on your face. You'd have just about a tenth of a second to get it off before it injects its venom, so I imagine there would be quite a hilarious scramble before you finally collapse.



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