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TacOps 4 as CMSF player


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i play CM games a long time now, startng with CMBB and now CMSF with both modules.

I always want to try out TacOps but never did it.

Is the game easy to understand for CM players like me ?

And is the game still supported with patches, new scenarios ect ?

I expect the game runs in window mode, but hope you can play it full screen with 1280x1024 at modern TFT's too ?

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> Is the game easy to understand for CM players like me ?

Yes, if you invest 30 minutes in doing the "Basic Training" scenario while following the Basic Training text section in the user guide. Less so if you just load a randomly selected scenario and start clicking. :)

> And is the game still supported with patches, new scenarios ect ?

The game has not needed a patch in several years. It survived Vista and I so far have no reports of any problems with Windows 7 (knock on wood). However, I still have the code and its supporting development system in reserve on an otherwise retired computer and am prepared to produce a patch should one prove necessary.

I am not currently working on any new factory provided scenarios.

> I expect the game runs in window mode, but hope you can play it full screen with 1280x1024 at modern TFT's too ?

TacOps4 does run in a cooperative window mode. In other words, it does not totally take over your computer when it runs. You can easily get to the desktop or launch or access other running programs without having to quit Tacops.

TacOps does not expect nor force your computer to switch to a different monitor resolution and maps do not automatically zoom so as to take over your entire screen. TacOps uses a standard scale of one screen pixel per ten meters of terrain. That means that a map smaller than your current screen setting is going to reveal some of your desktop. If a map is larger than your screen then scroll bars will appear in the map window so that you can move the map around as necessary in its window. You can resize a TacOps map window but you can not "zoom" a map.

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I was thinking about getting TacOps 4 too, so I´ve playing the demo on a Windows 7 64bits PC, no problems after two full runs trough each avaiable scenario. So I can confirm it has aged well enough.

And then I had an idea, because I wish I could have it with me all the time, why not a TacOps for the iPhone?!?!:D

Thas´s my new year´s wish!;)


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> If i see this correct there are no KIA, WIA or MIA statistics ?

Select the Reports/Game Status menu item. This will show the current order of battle situation expressed in numbers of vehicles, complete infantry teams, and or complete infantry squads/sections.

Vehicle casualties will be shown in this report as they occur, on a one for one basis. Infantry personnel casualties are not listed until such time as a particular infantry team, squad, or section unit marker is completely eliminated.

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Today i finished my first TacOps battle ! :D

It was "Task Force Frolik 2", here my results:

Time Left: 35 minutes

Mission results:

Blue - Mission accomplished

Red - Mission failure

Red exit % - 0

Point results:

Blue Attrition Points - 16905

Red Attrition Points - 4439


Blue Status:


Tank M1A1D...................... 14 0 14 0

APC AAVP7....................... 12 12 0 0

Inf Squad....................... 36 29 7 0

Inf MG 7.62mm Team.............. 24 17 7 0

Inf SMAW Team................... 24 15 9 0

Mortar 60mm..................... 12 5 7 0

ATGM Javelin Team............... 32 14 18 0

SAM Stinger Team................ 8 7 1 0

ATGMV HMMWV AT TOW.............. 18 0 18 0

LUV HMMWV....................... 6 1 5 0

LUV HMMWV + LMG................. 10 0 10 0

LUV HMMWV + AGL MK19............ 8 0 8 0

Mortar Carrier 81mm HMMWV....... 8 0 8 0

Force Lethality Value, Start: 7818

Force Lethality Value, Now: 3379

Casualty percentage: 56

Force Lethality Ratio, Start: 1:2.7

Force Lethality Ratio, Now: 1:1.3


Red Status:


APC BRDM2....................... 8 0 8 0

Inf Team........................ 20 6 14 0

APC BMP2 IFV.................... 4 0 4 0

Inf Squad....................... 85 31 54 0

Tank T80U....................... 31 7 24 0

APC BTR80....................... 144 22 122 0

Inf MG 7.62mm PKM Team.......... 27 6 21 0

ATGM AT7 Saxhorn Team........... 27 12 15 0

SAM SA16 Gimlet................. 30 12 18 0

Inf AGL AGS17 Team.............. 18 5 13 0

ATGM AT4 Spigot Team............ 12 1 11 0

Mortar SP 120mm 2S23............ 18 0 18 0

Inf SPG9 Team................... 6 0 6 0

ATGMV BRDM2 Spandrel............ 9 3 6 0

AAA SP 23mm ZSU-23-4............ 4 0 4 0

Howitzer SP 122mm 2S1........... 18 2 16 0

Force Lethality Value, Start: 21298

Force Lethality Value, Now: 4393

Casualty percentage: 79

Force Lethality Ratio, Start: 2.7:1

Force Lethality Ratio, Now: 1.3:1

I always liked to see the casualty count after the battles in Combat Mission or Close Combat.

Now if i took 56% casualtys (i think that means KIA, WIA and MIA) and the enemy 80%...thats was a really bloody battle.

I know that in such games the casualtys are generally to high but a regiment taking 80% casualtys and lose 122 of its 144 BTR80 in a 1.5 hour battle...wow.

Maybe i just dont know enough about such kind of battles and someone can tell me if iam wrong.

I also would like to know if there are troops giving up or running away are represent in the game.

...ah and Happy new year !


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> I know that in such games the casualtys are generally to high but a regiment

> taking 80% casualtys and lose 122 of its 144 BTR80 in a 1.5 hour battle...wow.

In real life a lot of the casualties shown in a one or two hour TacOps battle would not be permanently lost. Much damaged equipment would be recovered and repaired. Many slightly wounded, or dazed, or demoralized troops, etc., would recover and be returned to duty fairly rapidly.

> I also would like to know if there are troops giving up or running away are represent in the game.

The infantry combat results tables are a bit liberal to reflect some troops conceptually choosing to stop firing or to otherwise remove themselves from harm's way. Most of the infantry casualties typically shown in TacOps would not be permanent losses in the real world. Many of the vehicle and equipment losses in TacOps would also not be permanent losses. The casualties reported in TacOps represent units losing their combat effectiveness - for whatever reason - for the duration of the given scenario. Some of the TacOps casualties are certainly attributable to KIA/WIA/catastrophic destruction but probably not the majority.

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Ok, i think now i understand it.

80 % casualty percentage would mean (a bit simplified) that at this point of the battle the regiment has only 20 % manpower and material left that is not negativ affected by the previous combat in some way.

If i (my english is bad) understand this correct:

The infantry combat results tables are a bit liberal to reflect some troops conceptually choosing to stop firing or to otherwise remove themselves from harm's way.

That means that TacOps represent something like giving up or running away from combat ?

Could you please explain these two things ?

Force Lethality Ratio

EXITED <- i think that means units who reached the border of the map ?

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