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Holiday Bones, Norman Style

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3. Bocage is its own terrain type with its own terrain effects. We need to work on the graphics some more, however, so we're not ready to start showing them yet.

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Thanks for the reply and the additional mini-bones :)

The looks was not so much the reason for my question as the function of the terrain. Glad to hear that it is its own terrain with its own attributes. I didnt realize how predominant Bocage was in Normandy. I knew it was there, and that it caused problems but I had no idea that it was *everywhere*! The last couple of books I have read (thanks again for the recommendations everyone!) have really stressed how much of a bear it was to fight in the stuff too. A single German MG42 could hold up a company for hours.

Did I mention that the Sherman looked great? I was a huge fan of vanilla forces for playing competitive CM:BO. Vanilla American rifle squads. Vanilla Sherman 75's. Sure your opponent might bring cooler things, but you have 2 rifle companies against his 2 platoons. Anyways, did I mention how awesome it looked? :D

Keep up the great work!

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Holy crap, this rocks! I am so pumped. I can't wait to see the Bocage...and the various types of bunkers...and a hundred other things.

The screens are killer and I really love that Sherman. Dan and his guys are doing some beautiful work!

Are there gonna be skirted and non skirted variations of vehicles?

And anything yet on visual damage states to vehicles? (yeah, I know, this is why you guy's hate posting info!)

Thanks BFC, nice little preview, well worth waiting for, Merry Christmas.


BTW...I sure hope some of the guys that blew a gasket about the trenches will give a hardy back slap to Steve and Charles for finding a fix and adding it in.

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On top of that, the player can now purchase and place a wide array of defensive works including barbed wire, bunkers, foxholes, and even trenches.

Can both sides purchase these "defensive works"?

Anyway, this bone was a real Christmas present. Thanks and Merry Christmas to you and everyone on this forum.

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Great stuff, Steve, a thanks to you and Charles for always maintaining such high quality standards! :) Having full fog-of-war on defensive positions/works is really big, as they can be extremely difficult/semi-impossible to spot in the right terrain, or with the right terrain in between the attacker and the defensive position (like high grass). This will allow for realistically nasty surprises from prepared positions on advancing enemy forces. :) Nice looking vehicles, kwazydog! :)

CMII:WW2 is definitely going to be yet another instant BTS wargame classic! :) A perfect time for release would be about 3-4 weeks before June 6th. :)

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I feel like... well, a kid at Christmas! Some serious bones Steve. The news on trenches and FOW is more than I expected. As far as the pics- bones of Anaxos!- those are just placeholders?

God help my heart when all is said and done. You have truly outdone yourselves.

Take a break... there, did you enjoy it? Now back to work! (with apologies to Rowan Atkinson as Blackadder) ;)



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