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How realistic is this game?


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Which specific Harpoon incarnation do you want to compare PT Boats to ? The Strategic layer has some elements in common with some titles in the Harpoon series. However there is a limited number of combatants, so you're not going to be able to simulate a lot of WWII surface warfare.

The game manual is viewable online (not as a download), so looking through that should give you an idea of the scale and play of the game. A demo will probably be released sometime close to the full version's release (approximately before the end of the year).

This game has been previously released internationally and Battlefront is releasing version 1.1 of the game. I don't have the original to compare differences, but I have heard mixed reviews of the original release.

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The game manual is viewable online (not as a download), so looking through that should give you an idea of the scale and play of the game.

As an aside... the online manual is technically speaking not the full manual. The game will ship with two "manuals". The one that is up online (fully printed of course if you order mail or download&mail delivery), and there is also a 56 page Encyclopedia as a second printed booklet that is included, which basically contains the unit and ship data as available in the Online Museum (plus a few extras that will be available in the South Gambit expansion).


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As an aside... the online manual is technically speaking not the full manual. The game will ship with two "manuals". The one that is up online (fully printed of course if you order mail or download&mail delivery), and there is also a 56 page Encyclopedia as a second printed booklet that is included, which basically contains the unit and ship data as available in the Online Museum (plus a few extras that will be available in the South Gambit expansion).


Wait a minute ... the South Gambit Expansion? Will that be included in the game shipped?


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No, South Gambit is a separate standalone expansion pack that will be released ... uhhhh...separately. :)
Okay Moon, ya had me going on that one ... drat.

By the way, I've got my pre-order in and as a loyal BFC and BTS customer lo these ten years plus I expect to get mine FIRST!.

Talk to Steve, he'll confirm ... maybe.


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Does this game cater for the German S-boote in an English Channel environment. Anybody know...? Also, looking through the Aircraft Museum file I see the He115 is missing. Shall this be added...?
The German S-boote is certainly included as are the British Vosper and Fairmile Dog Boats. I'm not certain of the locations or "maps" that are contained in the game but sea is sea after all.

It also has all the "usual suspects", Vospers, Dog Boats, Armed Trawlers (Voorpostenboote), R-Boote, Lighters and various coasters.

So you should be able to simulate a Channel fight even if it's not technically in the English Channel.


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The German S-boote is certainly included as are the British Vosper and Fairmile Dog Boats. I'm not certain of the locations or "maps" that are contained in the game but sea is sea after all.

It also has all the "usual suspects", Vospers, Dog Boats, Armed Trawlers (Voorpostenboote), R-Boote, Lighters and various coasters.

So you should be able to simulate a Channel fight even if it's not technically in the English Channel.


Thank you, Joe - I found the S-boote in the museum section. Has there been any mention of a mission editor...? Sorry about the stupid questions.....I just got here....

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Thank you, Joe - I found the S-boote in the museum section. Has there been any mention of a mission editor...? Sorry about the stupid questions.....I just got here....

No problem at all and welcome.

There isn't a mission editor at this point, however ... there is an ability (apparently, I don't have the game yet) to set multiplayer fights between various numbers and types of user chosen ships on both sides. I'm hoping this means I can set up a mission where you have a couple of coasters escorted by 6 Voorpostenboote who are attacked by three Vospers ... for example.

In addition I've heard that the game architecture is quite open so I'm hoping that the more talented among us can provide some guidance on mission creation ... I have my fingers crossed because the stock missions are going to get pretty old pretty quickly.


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i have still some mixed feelings about this game. at first the question that started this thread, "how realistic is it?"

i think this question is not all too important, i mean look up vids on youtube and you will get a good feeling of how realistic it is. however the important part is that i learned, after reading the dev diarys, that a crafty person can make the ships behave like they should or like he wants too. maybe you can even make the see more than "flat" and get in some actual rough see. judged by the sceenshots there is only flat right now, and if they would have rough see they would surely show it off at some point but they didnt so this tells me enough. anyways, thing is this is all fixable it seems.

now the part that is not fixable in my view. well i start by saying that i am no naval pro and my expirience with naval games is very limited. the only naval game i really play and love is Jutland(Jütland!) that got a large variety of ships. i mean there is not everything WWI had to offer but i say a LOT of it. i know you cant compare jutland to PT boats directly but for what i want to say you can very well do that.

now while i can create almost any scenario one can imagine with jutland becouse it got almost(!) all the destroyers, light cruisers, battle cruisers and pre dreadnoughts and the new dreadnoughts and on british side the armored cruisers that where involved in WW1, in 1916, on the british and german side(well there is a US ship pack too but i dont got that), belive it or not it still gets somewhat old after some time.

now when i compare it to PT boats that comes with a light cruiser as the biggest boat, you will get pretty tired of playing the same tiny boats over and over again and see nothing but see. as joe said, see is see, sure you can set a mission anywhere you can imagine but you end up with a map of endless blue no matter what.

when i play a tactical ground combat game, it got a whole new element for a change, namely terrain, you can shape the map to represent the location you want the mission to play in. imagine playing CM on a absolutely flat map thats that big you can see each other befor you can engage each other, every time. this wouldnt make for a fun combat mission game for the time spawn CM games are normaly played, speak years.

so again you cant compare jutland to PT boats directly as i see jutland more like the CM style game where you can zoom in and out from see level to birds eye view with a big selection of boats that focuses more on the combined arms at see(unfortunatley no planes :( ) with partly huge naval battles(far more then 100 boats per side at times) to PT boats that i consider more as a naval FPS as you can man many stations of the ships and can "drive" a ship yourself and i guess they want you to do exactly that.

i am skeptic about the depth of the strategic layer, it seems more bolted on so one can say its in while the game focuses on the graphical part and the representation of the small boats with more fidelity. but neither of these two aspects make for a expectable long therm enjoyment of the game in my point of view.

so, i still dont know what to make with PT boats. i will surely check it out possibly some month after release if some decent mods surface but by the lack of "buzz" here in the forums i guess this one will end like "T72 balkans on fire" wich wasnt all that bad too.


a question, was it mentioned what the "map size" is? what happens when you come to the border? this is a tricky aspect to handle in a naval game.

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The only thing I wonder about when I see the PT boat videos is how there can be a lot of gameplay when any ship with some kind of auto-cannon should be able to shoot the little boats into pieces. But maybe this is a misconception on my behalf.

Best regards,


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The only thing I wonder about when I see the PT boat videos is how there can be a lot of gameplay when any ship with some kind of auto-cannon should be able to shoot the little boats into pieces. But maybe this is a misconception on my behalf.

Best regards,


They had the same questions in real life I imagine. First ... they had to see them ... and then they had to hit them.

Most MTB MGB actions were at night with the obvious difficulties involved with that. In fact two of the most useful possessions were a good set of night binoculars and night adapted vision (or Radar ... the US PTs teamed up with the British MTBs because the Brits had the firepower and the PTs had the radar). But even if they saw them they still had to hit them, at night (and tracers absolutely destroy night vision) in the smoke and confusion of battle and probably with the damned things dancing around like water bugs at high knots.

But if they did get hit it usually did dramatic damage.

We'll see how well the game models that.


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It's harder than you'd think to hit a fast 70' boat with a light autocannon from another boat also running at high speed. Reading accounts from boat captains its amazing how often several guns would light up a boat, fill it fill of holes and not hit anybody. Or how quickly things can go horribly wrong if some gunner does get a bead on your boat.

I just wish they'd gone up to BC-sized ships, then we could recreate the Channel Dash event.

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It's harder than you'd think to hit a fast 70' boat with a light autocannon from another boat also running at high speed. Reading accounts from boat captains its amazing how often several guns would light up a boat, fill it fill of holes and not hit anybody. Or how quickly things can go horribly wrong if some gunner does get a bead on your boat.

Absolutely. Take the famous commando raid on St Nazaire. Many of the small craft were knocked out but some survived a hail of fire from other ships, infantry on the docks and coastal batteries.

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Absolutely. Take the famous commando raid on St Nazaire. Many of the small craft were knocked out but some survived a hail of fire from other ships, infantry on the docks and coastal batteries.

Merry Christmas Soddball, you old Cheery Waffle maggot!! Have you started working on your inevitable PT Boats scenarios yet? From you I'd expect something like 500 S-boats attacking the Home Fleet at Scapa Flow. As far as I know there were no small boats armed with flamethrowers so I guess there won't be a PT Inferno. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

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