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It would have been even faster if I had not been distracted by meaningful work this evening. Mostly digesting a big Christmas party feeding frenzy, but we all have our own horror stories to think of this time of year.

And yes, for a bunch of dim witted witless wits, you guessed who this guy was pretty darned quick. I guess Gaylord (no bolding for a banned miscreant, right?) is an example of why we so badly need health care reform in this country. Obviously his insurance dumped him and he's looking to self medicate again. Either that or he's an example of why criminal justice is so badly in need of reform, because he's back out on the streets again without actually being any better than when he went in. Either way it looks like he's out to waste everybody's time again.

If we use history as a yardstick this nutter will be back again. If the Justicar, or other member in (cough) good standing, sees this troubled soul here again, please email me and Moon (martin@battlefront.com) so one of us can flip the switch on him if we haven't already.



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It would have been even faster if I had not been distracted by meaningful work this evening. Mostly digesting a big Christmas party feeding frenzy, but we all have our own horror stories to think of this time of year.

And yes, for a bunch of dim witted witless wits, you guessed who this guy was pretty darned quick. I guess Gaylord (no bolding for a banned miscreant, right?) is an example of why we so badly need health care reform in this country. Obviously his insurance dumped him and he's looking to self medicate again. Either that or he's an example of why criminal justice is so badly in need of reform, because he's back out on the streets again without actually being any better than when he went in. Either way it looks like he's out to waste everybody's time again.

If we use history as a yardstick this nutter will be back again. If the Justicar, or other member in (cough) good standing, sees this troubled soul here again, please email me and Moon (martin@battlefront.com) so one of us can flip the switch on him if we haven't already.



Wait a minute, you bold Moon's name but leave my title, the title of the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread unbolded?

I demand satisfaction ... a pre-issue copy of PT Boats should do nicely, I mean it's not like I haven't already paid for it.

And why haven't I been tapped as a ... uh ... consultant or somefink on that project? I'll bet I know more about MTB/MGBs than any two of you.


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If the Justicar, or other member in (cough) good standing, sees this troubled soul here again, please email me and Moon (martin@battlefront.com) so one of us can flip the switch on him if we haven't already.

Ahhh, when I read the words "...flip the switch..." my mind turned happily to thoughts of electric chairs and massive bolts of lightning. Too bad the MBT lacks the facilities, eh?


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Wait a minute, you bold Moon's name but leave my title, the title of the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread unbolded?

I pondered if a proper title was subject to the Rules of Bold, so I erred on the side of caution. But now that I think of it, there is little distinction between the man who was once known as Joe Shaw and the MBT personality known as Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread (notice I bolded "beloved" as both a suckup move and a bit of ironic humor, depending on perspective)


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I pondered if a proper title was subject to the Rules of Bold, so I erred on the side of caution. But now that I think of it, there is little distinction between the man who was once known as Joe Shaw and the MBT personality known as Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread (notice I bolded "beloved" as both a suckup move and a bit of ironic humor, depending on perspective)


"Beloved" is not to be bolded as it was not part of the Official title betstowed opon me by the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread. It is, however, agreed upon by the vast majority of the non-jealous MBT members that I AM universally beloved and therefore I felt it only right that I include it in my title but, as it was not OFFICIALLY granted to me it could not, by rights, be bolded.

But I note with some dissatisfaction that you have not addressed the second part of my post regarding the inexplicable ommission of making me part of the PT Boats - Knights of the Sea consultant team. Who else on your team could explain the difference between, for example, S-Boats and E-Boats? (S-Boat, or more properly S-Boote, stands for Schnellboote which was the German term for their MTBs. E-Boat was a British term denoting simply Enemy Boat. And don't get me started on MAS and MS Boats ... you couldn't handle that.)

You may atone for your bolding error by immediately sending me a link to the pre-release copy of PT Boats which I have already paid for by the way ... I realize that the Consultant paperwork may take more time so I will graciously grant you until the end of the year for that task.

After all, if Rune can be part of the team for CMSF (talk about your inexplicable decisions) then surely a far more qualified individual (ME, not to put too fine a point on it) should be inducted with as little delay as possible.

Sir Joe Shaw, Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.

p.s. I deny as scurillous the rumors that I desire this Consultant position as a lowly tactic to grant me access to Svetlana of the Akella team.

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And don't get me started on MAS and MS Boats ... you couldn't handle that.)

No one wants to hear your prattling on about MFPs or the sinking of the K.U.K. Wien by MAS.9 in the Bay of Trieste when you were but a wee poncing lad. It's near Christmastime, and even the elves of drudgery and boredom should be otherwise occupied.

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..{snipped of some paltry chest thumping and outright delusion}..

After all, if Rune can be part of the team for CMSF (talk about your inexplicable decisions) then surely a far more qualified individual (ME, not to put too fine a point on it) should be abducted with as little delay as possible.

Sir Joe Shaw, Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.

I second this motion - such a deserving case should cease to be deserving.

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No one wants to hear your prattling on about MFPs or the sinking of the K.U.K. Wien by MAS.9 in the Bay of Trieste when you were but a wee poncing lad. It's near Christmastime, and even the elves of drudgery and boredom should be otherwise occupied.
Oh please ... as if you had a freaking CLUE what an MFP was before you looked it up on the Internets.

Why you probably still think there's only one flavor of a Dog Boat.


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Oh please ... as if you had a freaking CLUE what an MFP was before you looked it up on the Internets.

Why you probably still think there's only one flavor of a Dog Boat.


My Innertubes are all iced up. Of course you are the only one who's ever had an interest in naval warfare on the Black Sea, so I'll just pack up my Vifor class destroyers and head home.

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My Innertubes are all iced up. Of course you are the only one who's ever had an interest in naval warfare on the Black Sea, so I'll just pack up my Vifor class destroyers and head home.
Black Sea ... I find your ignorance appalling ... if typical.

MTB/MGB actions were uquiqutious lad, ubiqutious. Give me some Dog Boats, some F Lighters and a couple of S Boote for escort and it'll by Gawd BE the Med ... just see if it won't.

Or perhaps a flotilla of Vospers going up against some Coasters with a Voorpostenboote escort off the Hook of Holland.


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Lads, your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread is able to give a five star rating and three enthusiastic thumbs up (I borrowed one from my wife) for Avatar. A truly tremendous film, go now and then go again ... you won't be sorry.


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Black Sea ... I find your ignorance appalling ... if typical.

MTB/MGB actions were uquiqutious lad, ubiqutious. Give me some Dog Boats, some F Lighters and a couple of S Boote for escort and it'll by Gawd BE the Med ... just see if it won't.

Or perhaps a flotilla of Vospers going up against some Coasters with a Voorpostenboote escort off the Hook of Holland.


You're quite obnoxious with this stuff, aren't you? My point was merely to state where my own interest lies, you crusty poltroon. I bet you only like this stuff because you find it easy to make the sound effects as your yellow water navy weathers the porcelain maelstrom.

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Af ye got time tae be postin' ye dribble ain here, Costard [spailt, noo bolded], ye've go' time tae saind mae tha correct file - noo tha wun Ah saint yoo. Pillock.

Dribble is it? I'll give you dribble you sporran-stuffer you. Admit it - you do! With sock in jock you impress the ladies, but your clan loves you anyway.

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"Beloved" ....

But I note with some dissatisfaction that you have not addressed the second part of my post regarding the inexplicable ommission of making me part of the Les Gonads, Napoleonic Donkey consultant team. Who else on your team could explain the difference between, for example, a donkey or camel?

Sir Joe Shaw, Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Oh, deary me, I think he said something wrong there...

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Joe Shaw;1172720]"Beloved" is not to be bolded as it was not part of the Official title betstowed opon me by the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread. It is, however, agreed upon by the vast majority of the non-jealous MBT members that I AM universally beloved and therefore I felt it only right that I include it in my title but, as it was not OFFICIALLY granted to me it could not, by rights, be bolded.

Then don't fek'n capitalize it. Sheesh... I can't believe I'm the first to point out this major flaw in our beeeeehluved Justicar For Life. I'd say the rest of you are all slipping, but that's like saying the average American's standard of living has slipped a little recently. Hmmm... a connection? Perhaps.

But I note with some dissatisfaction that you have not addressed the second part of my post regarding the inexplicable ommission of making me part of the PT Boats - Knights of the Sea consultant team. Who else on your team could explain the difference between, for example, S-Boats and E-Boats? (S-Boat, or more properly S-Boote, stands for Schnellboote which was the German term for their MTBs. E-Boat was a British term denoting simply Enemy Boat. And don't get me started on MAS and MS Boats ... you couldn't handle that.)

Ooo... I know the answer to this one. Just a sec... yup...

Not My Department

Hah! Always wanted to say that in context.

You may atone for your bolding error by immediately sending me a link to the pre-release copy of PT Boats which I have already paid for by the way ... I realize that the Consultant paperwork may take more time so I will graciously grant you until the end of the year for that task.

After all, if Rune can be part of the team for CMSF (talk about your inexplicable decisions) then surely a far more qualified individual (ME, not to put too fine a point on it) should be inducted with as little delay as possible.

In our defense, when Rune first came aboard we were young and foolish. I can think of no other excuse, so that's the one I'm sticking with.

p.s. I deny as scurillous the rumors that I desire this Consultant position as a lowly tactic to grant me access to Svetlana of the Akella team.

Not like it would work. Remember, we've all seen pics of both of you.

Now, on a serious note... ah, fek it, it's late and I ain't in a serious mood anyway.


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