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A different CMx2 "problem"

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Hirr Leto

I have taken some time to consider your earlier post. This is not a matter of me conveying my contempt towards someone who does not share my views. This is a matter of you posting your long-winded and intellectually pretentious farts on these boards with the intention of pissing off the folks who do enjoy playing it and then scurrying back off to wherever it is that you skulk to congratulate yourself on a job well done.

That some wargamers are capable of enjoying this game while you can't offends your world view and not mine so stop trying to portray me as the unreasonable one. It is very sad that you are unable to desist from taking these shots two years+ after the game was released and that really should alert you to the fact that there is something irrational about your nature. Not only do you take a perverse pleasure in finding ways to belittle CMSF fans on these boards while making yourself appear superior to us in the process, you actually care enough about CMSF to crusade to keep it off the wargame communities that you frequent. These are not the actions of someone who is interested in participating in discussions about a game on the designer's boards but rather those of someone who takes that game far too seriously.

In conclusion, I consider you to be an unbalanced individual who may be even be potentially dangerous to continue interacting with. Since you are clearly too obsessed with CMSF to move on I have taken the step of ignoring you so that I don't have to interact with you further and you are not coming off that list.


You have continually pursued my posts in a subtle but vindictive manner from day 1 while I have dealt with your crap with light humor and a good dose of apathy. But your latest post is downright malicious and one of the most shameful reactions I have seen anywhere on the web.

I want CMN to be successful, will continue to keep lobbying for what I would like in the game and yes, I will even make an "absurd" comment in a thread that has the specific purpose of asking the question: "why I can't get into the game", by trying to respond with my own opinion from my own perspective in regard to the nexus of wargaming and realism.

Your bullying nor your attempts to cast me in your own self concocted bad light will assuage me from stating my opinions or enjoying BFC products.


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In conclusion, I consider you to be an unbalanced individual who may be even be potentially dangerous to continue interacting with. Since you are clearly too obsessed with CMSF to move on I have taken the step of ignoring you so that I don't have to interact with you further and you are not coming off that list.

hmmmm, I must be reading different posts, I certainly haven't seen any evidence that leto is "unbalanced" or "potentially dangerous". You, on the other hand, have me wondering...

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dkchapuis: I know what you mean, but I think many of those problems will go away when it's U.S. and U.K. forces versus the Germans in WWII, instead of these incompetent arabs. You'll have to be plenty careful about where you position your troops and the various tactical nuances when fighting with real armies like that. :)

Also, I recommend playing by e-mail, if you want time to think in depth about your tactics in a battle.

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Evidently a new CMx2 "problem" has arisen: The renewal of the blood feud between those whose think that only a WW2 CMx2 game can possibly as good (let alone better) than any of the CMx1 games and those who think that the CMx1-obsessed folks don't need to attack those who like CMx2 (even in its current form). :rolleyes:

My two bits (two cents adjusted for inflation): There are games, even ones made by BFC, that I don't like as much as others, but do I go to the forums of said games and complain? No. Why? Because I have better things to do.

Are there things I would like to see adjusted and/or fixed with CMx2? Yes. Do I dogmatically whine about said things? No. Why? Because others have brought up said things already and more eloquently than I.

Am I looking forward to CM:N? Very much so, even more so than the forthcoming NATO module. Do I use my keenness for CM:N as an excuse to mock those who are presently engrossed in CM:SF (even as I am)? No. Why? Because that would be a waste of time.

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So you are admitting that the only reason you are here is to troll and start fights?

It doesn't matter what I say, as it appears there are a few out there that have their own pre-concieved notions.

But for those who care to listen, an honest response to the question (as extrapolated and subjectivized by the insertion of an obvious agenda by the poster):


Looking at it from a historic context, PT has taken to responding to my posts in strong opposition to some of my viewpoints about CMSF, while ignoring others (I am looking forward to CMN). Obviously (or maybe not), this was sarcasm meant to respond to that pattern.

I'm all for closing down this thread as it appears nobody wants to to really discuss the question raised in the first post without agenda's being constantly injected and especially in my case, projected.

For what it's worth, I feel the entire last page or so is terminally tragic, including my own unfortunate part in it, and I would rather it not be tortured and twisted any further for the sake of those who would rather not witness the inevitable "packing on" and hissing that is consistent with the practice of some posters here.

But if your sensibilities demand that you must: have at it.



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For what it's worth, I feel the entire last page or so is terminally tragic, including my own unfortunate part in it, and I would rather it not be tortured and twisted any further for the sake of those who would rather not witness the inevitable "packing on" and hissing that is consistent with the practice of some posters here.

But if your sensibilities demand that you must: have at it.



Nobody's forcing me to read this stuff... I have found that some people can be reasoned with while others can't. What amazes me is how quickly most of us fit into either camp depending on the topic.

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I'm all for closing down this thread as it appears nobody wants to to really discuss the question raised in the first post without agenda's being constantly injected and especially in my case, projected.

There is an old saying, at least in US English... if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. When you come to a Forum designed to SUPPORT a game and continually try to tell people why they shouldn't like it, well... it's no surprise you're going to find some degree of resistance. And the more consistent and repetitious the criticism, the more opinion is confused with fact and vice versa, the stronger that resistance will be. And eventually there comes a point where people recognize that there really is no point in engaging in debate because the other person isn't even in the same book, not to mention the same page. Such appears to be the case here.

Honestly Leto, my advice to you is to not post in the CM:SF Forum again. Wait until CM: Normandy is out and rejoin the discussion at that point. I offer this advice because it seems that is the better use of your time. Of course you are free to choose to accept or decline this advice, however I will say that trolling for a reaction ("TBH, the one reason I post here now is because it obviously makes you so damn fretty.") is against Forum rules. Therefore, if you should choose to post here again please do so with at least some adjustment to your attitude.


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This is a pretty good example of our feelings on the matter as well:

Evidently a new CMx2 "problem" has arisen: The renewal of the blood feud between those whose think that only a WW2 CMx2 game can possibly as good (let alone better) than any of the CMx1 games and those who think that the CMx1-obsessed folks don't need to attack those who like CMx2 (even in its current form).

My two bits (two cents adjusted for inflation): There are games, even ones made by BFC, that I don't like as much as others, but do I go to the forums of said games and complain? No. Why? Because I have better things to do.

Are there things I would like to see adjusted and/or fixed with CMx2? Yes. Do I dogmatically whine about said things? No. Why? Because others have brought up said things already and more eloquently than I.

Am I looking forward to CM:N? Very much so, even more so than the forthcoming NATO module. Do I use my keenness for CM:N as an excuse to mock those who are presently engrossed in CM:SF (even as I am)? No. Why? Because that would be a waste of time.

Specifically, at this point someone either likes CM:SF, and the underlying CMx2 system, or he doesn't. If he doesn't, then he should probably find some other game to occupy his time because CM:SF isn't going to change and future CMx2 games will always resemble CMx2 more than CMx1.


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