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The truck can carry 10 soldiers.


In considerable discomfort, I would guess by the way they are crowded in. Probably not worse than most military vehicles though, I suppose. BTW, I notice that the "armoring" does not extend to protection for the heads. One might draw all sorts of conclusions from that.



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I like it. Small job, small vehicle.

I sure don't think it should be laughed at by taxpayers who are coughing up for a $1,000,000,000,000 defence budget this year. :D

How is that C-130 transportable Stryker working out for you guys, btw?

Shush, they've got the M-Gator:


(Here seen in alternative camo.)

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Man, I love that Tropentarn uniform. Why the hell couldn't we make a smart uniform like that?

A fellow student of history once joked to me that the side with the best uniform tends to lose any given war... :P

But seriously, the Germans have long had a talent for good uniforms - in addition to their talents for armored warfare, small unit tactics, officer training. etc.. Generally good gents to have in a fight.

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But seriously, the Germans have long had a talent for good uniforms - in addition to their talents for armored warfare, small unit tactics, officer training, etc.

All true. However, during the 20th. century they seemed to have lost the knack of actually winning wars. Most students of the subject regard that as a rather serious failing.


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That actually almost makes sense. You could take it further by pointing out that that Austrian dude really made a hash of it. And going farther south, the Italians could hardly fight at all. Seems to be a gradient in fighting ability that correlates with latitude. At least along that particular meridian. Thanks, BD, I think I have a theme for my Ph.D thesis now.



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It all comes from letting the Bavarians in. When it was just Prussians they did much better.

You really want anger here, do you? :mad:

The Bavarians in the Alpenkorps and the Gebirgdivisions did an impressive job during WWI and II. I only mention Alpen, France, Russia, Kaukasus, Kreta.

Greets from Bavaria and a former Gebirgsjäger! ;)





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All true. However, during the 20th. century they seemed to have lost the knack of actually winning wars. Most students of the subject regard that as a rather serious failing.


To be fair, they won Russia once. In part by smuggling Lenin there, but still... in 1940 they also succeeeded in occupying France, and even though it didn't end the whole war, the military victory itself was more complete than that in 1870.

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It all comes from letting the Bavarians in.

yea, the bavarians actually belong to us in the first place, if you go by the "type" of german they speak, by their traditions and folkmusic, in fact their a minority in germany, in a way. they should give it to us, well be glad, and they have a "renegade" county less :D

after that theres just the south tyrol problem left. *evil laughter*

that Austrian dude really made a hash of it

i think if we would have knowen what is to come we would have let him into the arts university and be done with it. the way it went he failed pre selection test, i think twice, and took off to germany pretty frustrated.

from that point on its the "germans" fault :D *washing hands*

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Oh, no question the Bavarians made good mountain troops. (And beer, and automobiles, and, er...Lederhosen und Bretzel...anyway)

But unfortunately the historical record makes quite clear, if the Bavarians are on the Prussians' side, the Germans lose.

There of course was the Franco-Prussian war, the Bavarians and the Prussians were on the same side, and the German-speakers won. But of course Moltke the Elder was on the German side as well, and the French had Napoleon II, so of course the Germans won - might I even say despite the Bavarians? :D

And of course there was the War of the Third Coalition, Prussia got creamed in that war, and the Bavarians actually were on the winning side. But then, the guy in charge of the winners was...wait for it...Napoleon Bonaparte, so with a commander that good it seems the Bavarian factor was overcome.

But if you look at the other wars the Prussians were involved in, well, look at the record. Prussian military performance was excellent (but not perfect) w/o Bavarians, and rotten with Bavarians.

1740 - 1741 1st Silesian War, Prussia and Bavaria are different countries. Prussians win.

1744 - 1745 2nd Silesian War. Same setup, Prussians win again.

1754 - 1763 7 Years' War. Same setup, Prussia fights almost all of Europe, survives - again without Bavarian assistance.

1806 - One exception that proves the rule, Prussians lose, no Bavarians on either side.

1812-13, War of German Liberation, Prussians and Bavarians are on opposite sides. Prussians win big, help stomp Napoleon, even stick his career in a grave at Waterloo.

1850 - 1st Schleswig War, Prussians get more or less a draw. No Bavarians

1864-65 - 2nd Schleswig War. Prussians win big. No Bavarians.

1866 - Austro-Prussian War. Prussians win big. No Bavarians.

1870 - Franco-Prussian War. The exception that proves the rule, this is the only war in which the Bavarians and Prussians actually managed to win a war fighting on the same side.

1914 - 18 - Germany is united, Bavaria and Prussia are part of the same country. We know how that came out.

1939 - 1945 - Germany is even more united, Bavaria and Prussia still are part of the same country. We know how that came out.

2005 - Whenever - Bavaria and Prussia (after a healthy rest period in different countries, both calling themselves Germany) are once again part of the same nation, and once again they are in a war.

I can't look into the future, but based on what's gone before, that doesn't make me very optimistic about the Germans being on the winning side in Afghanistan.

Probably the problem is not that Bavarians are bad fighters, but rather, the end result when you have Bavarians and Prussians fighting on the same side, is almost uniformly bad.

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lol how in earth did you find that out? ;)

I still haven't got through 'on war' although I understand it's basic concepts; for someone to find out the mere correlation between Prussians and Bavarians 'whoring' together, you must have invested quite some time in war history. I think I can guess what you do for a living ;)

Anyway; nice find!

Ahhh, now where's my Bavaria? :)

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I think your facts are o.k., but your conclusion would not withstand a scientific inspection! ;) Believe me, i studied history at University! :P

By the way, your progosis for Afghanistan is interesting. I´m also not sure, that the NATO will succeed there. Not, if they don´t change their tactics and politics radically.

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  • 3 weeks later...

LOL, priceless steve!

honestly i am pretty happy they keep their supply lines up.

next time i am in "Dam" i dont need to worry if they still have that awsome brown afghan "coffee" in the local coffee shops :D

here we see a US soldier found some good stuff and is waiting for the dutch to come pick it up.


on a seriouse note; while searching for this pick i found a lot of ugly pictures related to drugs and afghanistan, especially about the local liberate use of opium in pipes and bout heroin addicts and thier "faith" in an undeveloped country like A-Stan.

i mean i am quiet liberal towards most things you can imagine but giving a opium pipe to childen not older then maybe 4 or 5 years is a "no go" id say, but its nothing uncommon there. well, i think the saying "differnt county, different habits" fits here.

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