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Back on issue with ww2-generation, and how they were so tough when they carried their uber 4kg rifles. Managed to gain my hands on genuine ww2-material from one of the famous LRRP-guys. His cellphone (personal belonging, not used in communicating with HQ) was found just last year from Murmansk-railtrack, packed into minigrip-packing.

Steering car (which has lost it's brakes and is, apparently, going rocky downhill) back to topic at hand... Or atleast almost:

Steiner14's post gave me something to think about. I don't know does it hold true also for Germany. What is current progress in Europe at the moment with it's military? Yes. Operations on global scale are getting more attention, more resources, more dedication. Conscripts getting tossed out and professional troops taken into their place, because they suit better for such use.

I've heard rumors that this is taking large effects on actual defending capabilities of militaries. Amount of units, weapons, men are shrinking by large. I've even heard that that progress has it's effect on teachings and focus of military academies also. Even to degree that defending home-land is in very minor part of education program, while global stuff is taking unhealthily big amount of time and focus... Sounds pretty harsh, and i personally believe it isn't true, but still not missing it's mark completely... And is somewhat unpleasant thing to think of.

I've heard speculations that pretty much only nations which military's main goal is not "whoring" on global scale are Finland, Greece and Switzerland. They do send their units to places but they don't dedicate too much resources on it.

I admit that i base this mostly on vague impressions i've having about it. So my knowledge with this issue might be pretty much from arse. But it's pretty interesting thing.


Wasn't this hot topic in Nato few years ago?

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I've heard speculations that pretty much only nations which military's main goal is not "whoring" on global scale are Finland, Greece and Switzerland. They do send their units to places but they don't dedicate too much resources on it.

You forgot Russian Federation's armed forces. There you do work with a purpose (the purpose is to piss in NATO's cereals in Kosovo and be the acting Judge Dredd in Caucasus region).

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Dietrich wrote: "Mehr Fotos von deutschen Söldner, bitteschön!"

Only for Dietrich! ;)

Vielen Dank, mein Herr! :D Great photos!

to the mercenaries/söldner talk. if he really meant mercenaries i need to add here that between the word "soldier" and "mercenarie", there is a close relation in german language. called "Söldner"(the merc) and "Soldat"(the soldier).

I understand the difference between "Soldat" and "Söldner". I was making fun of a certain someone's baseless accusation that Bundeswehr soldiers are mercenaries. Hence the raspberry emoticon. :D

Thanks for the more great photos! :)

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I've heard speculations that pretty much only nations which military's main goal is not "whoring" on global scale are Finland, Greece and Switzerland.

lol, i just imagine "us", austria, to be a european nation whoring on the global scene. if we choose to send troops somewhere for XX days it will cost XXXXX meals for the recruits at home...or something like that :D

we have guys with UN in golan and cosovo at least and the last two years or so we had a handfull of guys in the tschad, no idea what we where looking for over there, surley no "insurgents" ;)

thats about it.

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Well call me a neo nazi but the photos cant compare with the visual coolness of WW2 Wehrmacht :D These guys look like a clone of the US army. Good thing nazis were beaten but so bad that Europe became so americanized.

And Steiner is right. Most europeans share his opinions, its an extremist logic to call them neonazis for stating the obvious.

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And Steiner is right. Most europeans share his opinions, its an extremist logic to call them neonazis for stating the obvious.

Either you don't know Steiner14's posting background or you don't know how most Europeans feel. This is his insights after the subject of CMSF was announced:

Big disappointment.

1. US-centric view. Maybe i could live with the modern-warfare setting, if it is fun and really works.

But what i can't stand, is the US-propaganda-view. Everytime i switch on the TV, i could go mad, about all the lies, US, the West and the NATO.

Don't want to go into detail. I will definately not buy such a setting.

2. The story: sorry, but Syria is one of the most hatred countries by Israel. The jews will do everything, to throw it down. And that means, USrael will fight and bleed for it...

So to me this setting, that the ZOGs (US, NATO) would fight for one of the last really free and independent countries, is simply ridiculous.

An invasion in Syria to install a ZOG, that could be a realistic setting.

3. For the second game, it is only mentioned, that the campaign could be played from US-side.

I guess BFC underestimates the attractivity of the german side and overestimates the attractivity of the US-side by far.

BTW: BFC should NOT calculate, a module with British and German troops, in a near-east-setting will sell well. The oposition in Europe against the US is big and in Germany it is HUGE.

i.e.: everyone i know is happy, that the US are bleeding that much in Iraq. Most people i know, have big respect for the Iraqi freedom fighters. All people i know were happy that hurricane Katrina hit the USA and not another country (me included).

Only to give BFC a feeling about the potential attractivity of such a setting...

ZOG = Zionist Occupation Government. You know, the same entity that controls USrael - the hook nosed Jewish bankers...

Anyway, enough of this derail. Concentrate on German forces in Afghanistan.

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i.e.: everyone i know is happy, that the US are bleeding that much in Iraq. Most people i know, have big respect for the Iraqi freedom fighters. All people i know were happy that hurricane Katrina hit the USA and not another country (me included).

Apparently, he is not living in the same Germany that I spent the last six months in. :)

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well "hooknosed jewish bankers" sounds pretty bad... But there is the issue of wealthy organizations having (large?) influence on US government. Which in turn knows how to use their allies (Nato) to help fix problems the US has created.

Given the US support for Israel in the middle east, both political, military and economic, is very large and kind of strange, you could say that Pro Israelic individuals have a large powerbase in the US. However not all actions the US undertake are per definition zionist connected though, at least in my eyes.

It could theoretically be part of some larger strategic plan (scheme :)) for the middle east. For example the dodgy thing called the invasion of Iraq, et cetera. However I guess that is thinking one bridge too far.

Nonetheless, imo, US and EU should force Israel into actually negotiating with Hamas and stop the building of settlements in gaza and westbanks (which is technically colonization). Not that Hamas is so amiable, but it is the democratic goverment of the Palestines.

Sort of conclusion is that "The West" is acting because of the power of the $ (and keeping that power where it is), instead of the proclaimed love for democracy and human rights. Our soldiers are not always fighting a "just" war.

anyhow, i'm far from agreeing with Steiner14 but it isn't all roses either, as some others here seem to be portraying.

To partially go back on topic; At least the Dutch war effort in Iraq & Afghanistan give us their availability in the NATO module :D

At least thats is 1 positive result ;)

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Either you don't know Steiner14's posting background or you don't know how most Europeans feel. This is his insights after the subject of CMSF was announced:

I dont know about the germans but the majority of greeks almost celebrated silently on 9/11. I know its sad but its true. Most ppl I talked to felt "they deserved it". A cab driver even gave my ride for free that day. There is huge anti americanism here, to the point that right wing parties have risen to record standards partly because they bash the americans even more than extreme left wingers. And lets not talk about Israel and what happens on the streets and media every time it steps on Gaza strip and bombs palestinians. Of course about..5% of the population still support even that tiny greek army participation in Afghanistan.

If you count in the French in- the first line of european anti americanism- the scandinavians with their state models that seem almost communist to americans, what Steiner says isnt far from the truth. Still I dont share his absolute viewpoints and especially the Katrina thing there.

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I dont know about the germans but the majority of greeks almost celebrated silently on 9/11. I know its sad but its true. Most ppl I talked to felt "they deserved it". A cab driver even gave my ride for free that day.

That's pretty disgusting. I don't wish harm on any general group of people simply because of where they live.

ETA: That wasn't an accusation of you, sorry if it came across that way.

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Well call me a neo nazi but the photos cant compare with the visual coolness of WW2 Wehrmacht :D These guys look like a clone of the US army.

Um, don't soldiers in pretty much all Western armies look at least mostly like US troops? How different-looking could they really be?

I, for one, like the Bundeswehr infantry garb. And they have the successor to the MG-42. :D

As regards the other train of conversation in this thread: Let's state it outright and then move on -- for numerous and complicated reasons, the rest of the world has something of a love/hate relationship with the US and with Americans. Are that fact and its component aspects relevant to CMSF? I say no. That being the case, what say we talk about what pertains to the game, eh? :D

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That's pretty disgusting. I don't wish harm on any general group of people simply because of where they live.

ETA: That wasn't an accusation of you, sorry if it came across that way.

Well it is disgusting. But the symbolic nature of the event far surpassed the actual tragedy that day, which being remote and shown on the television seemed almost a distant special effects hollywood movie. Most didnt grasp that lives of common people were lost in a terrible way, the TV image was too overwhelming and appeared to most like a "blow to the face of the arrogant superpower"

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I, along with most canadians were deeply saddened by the events of 9/11.

You have to be pretty disturbed to celebrate the death of almost 3,000 innocent people.

I went to the WTC on business in may 2001, do you think I deserve to die too?

Please..I didnt say that, dont distort my post. Read my response to Normal Dude.

I used this more as an example to highlight that anti americanism is or used to be pretty extreme in Europe. At least pre-Obama.

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Um, don't soldiers in pretty much all Western armies look at least mostly like US troops? How different-looking could they really be?

But, umm thats my point really. That Europe lost its indentity somehow becoming too americanized in some areas. Unifroms is the last thing I really care about actually :D

That being said, germans havent lost their touch for cool camos :cool:

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Well, you could say that the US has come to look like late-WWII Germans, rather than Europe has come to look like the US.

But anyway, once everyone started using the same helmet, and once everyone had spotty uniforms ... they all start looking the same.

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Well, you could say that the US has come to look like late-WWII Germans, rather than Europe has come to look like the US.

But anyway, once everyone started using the same helmet, and once everyone had spotty uniforms ... they all start looking the same.

Yes true. Fritz helmet and camo uniforms are a german idea. But it isnt the same thing.

I'm also talking about that distinctive professional look, the poses, the cool sunglasses, that whole trademark aura of the US "starship troopers".

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Well, I think one reason for the "similar" look has to do with body armor and advances in certain clothing technologies. The sunglasses are also quite necessary for sunny environments. Plus, they are probably ballistic "eye armor" serving a safety function as well.

The standard equipment for most soldiers now consists of:

Helmet in a "Fritz" influenced style

Torso body armor

Equipment pouches either attached directly to the body armor or worn on a light vest over the body armor

Desert camouflage uniform with pockets on the sleeves. Many are now using special tops designed to be worn under body armor

Desert colored boots

As a uniform collector I can assure you that before a few years ago this sort of uniformity of equipment wasn't as pronounced. Obviously there is some optimal designs which are being focused on after finding out much of the pre 2003/2004 equipment wasn't very good for actual combat operations. The rate of change in uniforms and equipment has kept militaria collectors like me very, very busy and often quite confused ;)


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What strikes me is how CLEAN the Germans are. I know, Teutons are nuts about clean in any case, but it's like there's a German Army law that says no dust may ever stick to a uniform.

The German infantry appears to be far more fastidious than its Anglo-Saxon counterparts, or perhaps they spruce up especially well for the photogs, or they are just maybe not walking and sweating so very often.

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You forgot Russian Federation's armed forces. There you do work with a purpose (the purpose is to piss in NATO's cereals in Kosovo and be the acting Judge Dredd in Caucasus region).

Well lets just say that as good old russo-phobic i havent' forgot them ;) But due same reason and because i'm not very smart person, i didn't count them into list.


lol, i just imagine "us", austria, to be a european nation whoring on the global scene. if we choose to send troops somewhere for XX days it will cost XXXXX meals for the recruits at home...or something like that

we have guys with UN in golan and cosovo at least and the last two years or so we had a handfull of guys in the tschad, no idea what we where looking for over there, surley no "insurgents"

I admit i don't know who exactly are "whoring" and who are not, and by that word i'm not meaning that they are fighting wars of US, but general presence in for example Africa and various hotspots in world, and that is seen as military's main priority for which it needs to reform it self. Nice to hear that there are other who haven't done that. Hopefully there are more similar examples of which i haven't been aware of.

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I admit i don't know who exactly are "whoring" and who are not, and by that word i'm not meaning that they are fighting wars of US, but general presence in for example Africa and various hotspots in world, and that is seen as military's main priority for which it needs to reform it self. Nice to hear that there are other who haven't done that. Hopefully there are more similar examples of which i haven't been aware of.

i tell you even if we would like to we couldnt do it. similar to finland, austria is a smal country with limited defens budget. i guess even more so then finland, you guys seem to have adequat gear. after all didnt we bought ouer leo2A4´s from you guys. they where sure good enough for ouer purpouses :D

anyways austria is the place where everyone comes skiing, rich people, good or bad have bank accounts like in swizerland here, and high ranking terrorists and sons of dictators come to chill out and visit good doctors and generally have a ball :D

with that in mind the danger for a terror attack in ouer country is rated verry verry verry unlikely, i guess a attack by the former WP forces would be more immnent today, so noone here had the idea to go to iraq or a-stan, to attack ppl that did nothing to us and are unlikely to ever do that, in the first place.

also even if we would like to transform the army, as "we" surely woud like since there are often heated debates about "do we need the army and why we do in modern days?".

idiots had war not 60 years ago at home and now they ask such stupid questions.

anyways, with that in mind i am sure ouer generals would like to transform the army more into a international peecekeeping force where we can sit around in some foreign country beeing out of danger and haveing plenty of fun and time to twist thumbs there while still saying, "look we do something usefull" to the nay-sayers at home.

also they reduced the mandatory civil and army service duration from 12 to 8 and from 8 to 6 month not long ago if iam not totaly wrong. so there is progress but its halted by insuficient funding :D

as a side note, the insifficient funding doesnt keep us from giving the best of the best we can scavange out of storages to the guys in the tschad for example. you see ouer recruits marching around in partly vitage WW2 time US figthing gear while the 20 to 30 guys in tschad have the creme de la creme of gear we can muster, wich is surely reasonable but is a gross difference.

so much to what is happening in this part of the world.

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