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US President Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

The Nobel Committee said he won it for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples".

The committee highlighted Mr Obama's efforts to support international bodies and promote nuclear disarmament.

How do I get this feeling that he got the prize just for not being GWB? I just find it a little bit premature to assess his work as a president.

Of course dropping the "we don't talk to Sauron" policy of his predecessor is an improvement, as is the detente with Russia on the missile shield, as is stopping to run United Nations down. But all of that is just returning to normal, rational politics. He hasn't brought an end to the conflict in Afghanistan, neither has he solved the crises with Iran, nor brought peace to Darfur or Palestine. Neither would I expect that, given how short time he's been in office. But shouldn't the prize money have gone to someone who's actually shown some merit? Like myself. I have restrained myself from destroying that which is called as human 'civilization', despite the temptation everytime I read newspaper or watch reality tv.

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Yup, surprised me too.

Especially surprising to me in a week Jon Stewart had a good line on him.


about 2:40 in.

"It's f-ing chow time brother!"

But Stockholm probably had to give him something in exchange for being shot down at Helsinki in regards to the Olympics. Or sumfink.

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The peace prize is given by Norwegians, not Swedes (this is because back in the time of Alfred Nobel, the nations were in a union) and the Olympic Committee gathered in Copenhagen, not... errr, nevermind. NOG (Nordic Occupation Government) sees all and decides all! All bow to NOG!!!

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Ah, just checked, every Nobel prize is given in Stockholm, except the Peace Prize which is indeed Copenhagen. That rules out Swedo-Finnish plotting, then.

Stupid Danes. *grumble*

Oslo! Stupid Norwegians! Let me spell it out for you:

De Nobelprijs voor de Vrede wordt uitgereikt in het raadhuis van Oslo en is de enige Nobelprijs die wordt toegekend door een Noors instituut. De andere Nobelprijzen worden toegekend door verschillende Zweedse universitaire commissies en uitgereikt in Stockholm, Zweden. Het Noors Nobelcomité is aangesteld om deze Nobelprijs toe te kennen. De leden van het comité, thans vijf, worden gekozen door het parlement van Noorwegen. De prijs wordt uitgereikt door de voorzitter, anno 2008 Dr. Ole Danbolt Mjøs.
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Ah, just checked, every Nobel prize is given in Stockholm, except the Peace Prize which is indeed Copenhagen. That rules out Swedo-Finnish plotting, then.

Stupid Danes. *grumble*

You checked the facts, and still manage to get it wrong. Congratulations!

... :P

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How do I get this feeling that he got the prize just for not being GWB? I just find it a little bit premature to assess his work as a president.

Of course dropping the "we don't talk to Sauron" policy of his predecessor is an improvement, as is the detente with Russia on the missile shield, as is stopping to run United Nations down. But all of that is just returning to normal, rational politics. He hasn't brought an end to the conflict in Afghanistan, neither has he solved the crises with Iran, nor brought peace to Darfur or Palestine. Neither would I expect that, given how short time he's been in office. But shouldn't the prize money have gone to someone who's actually shown some merit? Like myself. I have restrained myself from destroying that which is called as human 'civilization', despite the temptation everytime I read newspaper or watch reality tv.

I agree! ....

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There is the official nomination process. The initial nomination was probably done in September of 2008. However, let's not sell Obama short. He did manage to accomplish a few things while in office:

1. He refused to meet with the Dalai Lama

2. He gave Prime Minister Gordon Brown a DVD set of American movies for Region 1 DVD players as a state gift

3. He refused five attempts by Gordon Brown to meet with him at the UN until finally agreeing to meet with him for a brief time in the UN kitchen

4. He managed to look like such a weak appeaser on Iran that he was called out publicly by the President of France

5. He imposed sanctions on Honduras for removing their president through an order by their supreme court that was consistent with the constitution of Honduras

6. He took the same amount of time to decide on what kind of a dog he was going to get that he is taking to decide what strategy to pursue in Afghanistan (after announcing he had a new strategy in March)

7. He gave several great speeches apologizing for everything America has done BO (before Obama)

8. He named his dog after his own initials (BO)

9. He unilaterally scrapped deployment of the missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic and in Response the Russians decided that they were going to deploy offensive missiles on Poland's border anyway.

10. He managed to unite the Republican Party like no one else before him.

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Anything that pisses off the neo-cons, racists and fascists, suits me just fine.

Actually I think the neo cons (who are really old school democrats in the Truman mold), racists (like Jeremiah Wright), and fascists (who are really socialists - National socialist party) are probably proud of this award. Normal folk like me are just laughing at the absurdity of the situation because when you follow up the olympic sized egg on his face with a farce like this I find it rather amusing :). I do want to thank you for your insightful commentary though.

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Actually I think the neo cons (who are really old school democrats in the Truman mold), racists (like Jeremiah Wright), and fascists (who are really socialists - National socialist party) are probably proud of this award. Normal folk like me are just laughing at the absurdity of the situation because when you follow up the olympic sized egg on his face with a farce like this I find it rather amusing :). I do want to thank you for your insightful commentary though.

I don't concur with your analysis, but you are of course entitled to your opinion. I probably should have added your run of the mill GOP conservative to the list, but I thought I'd made my point. Apparently not.

As to the merit of the award, I do think that almost any US president with half a brain and heart would have won this award, after the catastrophic global setback that the last one was. If nothing else, this award demonstrates that the USA is back in the positive column of world opinion again, which is where it deserves to be: and that is due to the actions and attitude of the man now in the White House.

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If nothing else, this award demonstrates that the USA is back in the positive column of world opinion again, which is where it deserves to be: and that is due to the actions and attitude of the man now in the White House.

Yes, you're right on. I find it rather fascinating that some Americans are so outspoken against this. This is a good thing, don't lose eyesight of that. Anyway I'm back to lurking mode.

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But shouldn't the prize money have gone to someone who's actually shown some merit? Like myself. I have restrained myself from destroying that which is called as human 'civilization', despite the temptation everytime I read newspaper or watch reality tv.

And we know you have the power, oh Sergei.

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There is the official nomination process. The initial nomination was probably done in September of 2008. However, let's not sell Obama short. He did manage to accomplish a few things while in office:

1. He refused to meet with the Dalai Lama

2. He gave Prime Minister Gordon Brown a DVD set of American movies for Region 1 DVD players as a state gift

3. He refused five attempts by Gordon Brown to meet with him at the UN until finally agreeing to meet with him for a brief time in the UN kitchen

4. He managed to look like such a weak appeaser on Iran that he was called out publicly by the President of France

5. He imposed sanctions on Honduras for removing their president through an order by their supreme court that was consistent with the constitution of Honduras

6. He took the same amount of time to decide on what kind of a dog he was going to get that he is taking to decide what strategy to pursue in Afghanistan (after announcing he had a new strategy in March)

7. He gave several great speeches apologizing for everything America has done BO (before Obama)

8. He named his dog after his own initials (BO)

9. He unilaterally scrapped deployment of the missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic and in Response the Russians decided that they were going to deploy offensive missiles on Poland's border anyway.

10. He managed to unite the Republican Party like no one else before him.

Oh my God. It's ODS! (Obama Derangement Syndrome)

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8. He named his dog after his own initials (BO)

Quality critique, my heart warms to who ever made up the list. A more potent example of the level of political heights that the right-wing* aspires to one could not have hoped to see.

In fact its just Soooo good I almost think its inspired black propaganda.

Rather boringly the awarding committeee were looking at Obama on the stump and his preparedness ahead of election to extend hand of friendship rather than a fist.

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Maybe its just encouragement for considering a foreign policy method which isn't waging war. And when you consider that he is still waging war...

Should he have asked someone other than his kids what to name their dog?

He's such a weak appeaser as far as Iran is concerned that the UN is [possibly] going to get IAEA inspectors into their enrichment facility.

Having Russian offensive missiles on their border is hardly likely to let Poland feel comfortable with forming an alliance with Russia - I don't see how this move benefits anyone but Western Europe (and America).

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