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Normandy Bone

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As for release we've decided we're not going to rush things to get it out by Christmas as originally planned. We would rather enjoy the Holidays :D Our goal, however, is to have it mostly done before taking some time off at the end of the year. That is still our plan and we're still thinking it is possible. We'll know much better in a month.


No problems there. So sounds like things are moving along quite nicely! Thanks again for the bone! Keep em coming!

Would love the see the new infantry :)

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Okay, but what about bunkers on bridges? If we cannot have bunkers on bridges, then I think this game will be fatally flawed.

If you have bunkers on bridges planned, then I will just wait for the next bone to find something that is fatally flawed and that will doom the game to oblivion that is grog hell!!!

: )



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As for release we've decided we're not going to rush things to get it out by Christmas as originally planned. We would rather enjoy the Holidays :D Our goal, however, is to have it mostly done before taking some time off at the end of the year. That is still our plan and we're still thinking it is possible. We'll know much better in a month.


You guys deserve it as far as I'm concerned.

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I look forward to seeing how Panzergrenadiere pile out of an SdKfz 251. :D

...orrrrrrrr how GIs pile out of the back of an M3. ;)

Speaking of vehicles, can you fix the thing where a vehicle with a Target order stops firing while passengers are embarking/disembarking?

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Juicy bone that one.

I like the idea of common sense being a requisite for good play. ;)

I really like the idea of bridges collapsing under certain conditions - so that a relatively strong concrete and steel bridge might degrade over time with say, an arty barrage. Heavy equipment can get over at the beginning of the scenario but might not be able to get over further into the game. And allowances for green tank drivers to drive over the edge, poor visibility and speed constrictions... :D

thanks BattleFront

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Is Normandy going to cover the Battle of the Bulge too?

Is the LOS tool going to be put back in? (this is REALLY needed)

What about terrain info when you're hovering over something when the mouse?

Move to contact? Shoot-n-scoot?

I don't want to answer for steve, but I'm fairly certain that Normandy is going to cover Normandy, with modules adding further content.

A lot of things happened between Normandy and Bulge and there were some significant TO&E changes to almost everyone involved, except maybe the British (but I don't know). I would not expect a game being called "Normandy" to also cover something that is several campaigns in the future.

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The original Normandy release will, unsurprisingly, cover Normandy. As modules are completed the sum total for the Normandy title should bring us all the way to September/Arnhem. But not to the Ardennes, IIRC that was planned to be a separate title which deals with the late war battles along with Huertgen, Reichswald, Op Plunder etc.

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Yes, we still plan on having fords.

No soldiers to show yet. We ripped out the ones we had and are in the process of redoing them. There were some issues with some new code. That's a bone for another day ;)

Yes, CM: Normandy will extend no further than about September (including Market Garden). There will be at least three expansions for Normandy to make this happen. CM: Bulge will take the war from October through to the end.


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...CM: Bulge will take the war from October through to the end...


Then it will be broken beyond recognition, because we can not simulate the early Achen, Stolberg Corridor, Hürtgenwald battles in late September (at the time when Marked Garden was still running).

CMx2:Bulge should start latest September 13, 1944.

...When Holitzinger encountered the Siegfried Line, he and his men found that most of the pillboxes and the defenses were unmanned. General Collins, on reading this report, felt that if they attacked the Siegfried Line now, they could easily break through it, before the Germans had time to reorganize from their hasty retreat from France and adequately began to defend their homeland. General Collins requested permission from General Hodges to form a reconnaissance group to probe the defenses of the Siegfried Line. The group was not going in to scout the area; it was going to attempt to break through the Siegfried Line. Collins hoped that if he were successful, he would be given more troops and supplies to advance his attack into Germany. General Hodges agreed to allow General Collins to form a reconnaissance group to probe the defenses of the Siegfried Line. He also let General Gerow of V Corps form a similar reconnaissance group south of the Huertgen. XIX Corps was still very low on fuel and still about 20 miles away from the German border. Collins planned to move into the Stolberg Corridor, an area between the city of Aachen to its north and the Huertgen Forest to its south. The goal was to try and break the Siegfried Line before the Germans had time to man it.


During World War I, General Pershing had major problems with German troops attacking his flanks out of the Argonne Forest. Well aware of Pershing’s problem, Collins was adamant on making sure his flanks were protected. To secure his flank Collins decided to move troops to the north and take the hills surrounding Aachen. He briefly flirted with the idea of invading the city but decided that it would be better just to surround it and wait for the XIX Corps to catch up. Aachen held no real significant military importance, but it was where Charlemagne was born and had once been the capital of the Holy Roman Empire, the first Reich. Losing the birthplace of the First Reich would be a demoralizing blow to Hitler and the Nazis. To protect his right flank Collins would move troops into the northern part of the Huertgen Forest. The goals would be to capture some of the northern towns and keep the Germans in the forest. Collins could then be sure that his flanks would be protected. This is how the battle of the Huertgen Forest began.


Because of low fuel, General Collins ordered his troops to stop west of the Roer River until more supplies could arrive. That was assuming his troops were able to make it that far, which they did not. Had his troops had enough gas, it would have been a disaster to cross the Roer River without controlling the Roer River dams, especially the Schwammenauel and the Urft. If Collin’s troops crossed the Roer and the Germans destroyed the dams, the Americans on the east bank would have been completely cut off and could have been wiped out by the Germans. The dams were a crucial factor that was overlooked, not just by Collins, but by just about everybody involved in the process. It was just like the hedgerows of Normandy. No one considered them in the planning of the attack.


The Germans sent in the 7th Army Group to stop the attack. On 17 September the 12th Division of the 7th German Army group counterattacked the American 3rd Armored Division in the town of Stolberg, where the Americans took heavy losses and were halted in their tracks. On September 18, Collins had the 3rd Armored Division retreat. The Germans laid an all out attack on the Americans and the fighting was brutal. The Americans had managed to gain a foothold in the northern part of the Huertgen Forest and the hills around Aachen, but the main objective had failed. The Americans’ initial success was due to the fact that the Germans believed the main American attack would focus on Aachen and had left the Stolberg Corridor and the Huertgen with minimal defenses. When the Germans realized their mistake they were able to counterattack and throw the Americans off base. By 13 September more German reinforcements had also begun arriving in the forest to further improve the defense.

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As for release we've decided we're not going to rush things to get it out by Christmas as originally planned. We would rather enjoy the Holidays :D Our goal, however, is to have it mostly done before taking some time off at the end of the year. That is still our plan and we're still thinking it is possible. We'll know much better in a month.


Wait what? You'll finish it before the end of the year and then wait to release because you want *holidays*?! I hate you Steve :P

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Thanks for the bone, graphics looks good, (more than enought for the next 10 years, at least for me).

If it comes with "the blue bar", WEGO, & PBEM... it will be a great family of games.

If it also comes with all the previous, plus a good QuickBattle design... it will be greater than CMx1.

If it also comes with something like 2vs2 player support over TCP/IP (wego)... it will be the greatest family of games ever published by Battlefront by a wide margin!.

... Is better to wait more months past 2010, if they consider to improve and increase some of those features.

P.S: I'm just dreaming with the year that Battlefront anounces the full feature list posted here, and some "Record Track" feature, to save the whole battle as a interactive track, like in IL2 Sturmovik, or Company of Heroes. :)

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