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Who Goes with Fergus, Then, to the Peng Challenge Thread?


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It was great not having you here. Hope you go away again soon. How about a nice canoe trip up the Amazon during flood season? I hear it's beautiful then with lots of places to explore and many opportunities for a refreshing swim.


Bah. Piranhas are vastly overrated ... of course there are the anacondas ... and the caimans ... and some kind of nasty little fish that swims up the ... well, in any case I think I'll stay here.


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There are few things in life as annoying as shoveling snow off a boat in the water.

A truck alternator on the fritz also qualifies, since it's needed to get the above boat out of the water before it freezes.

But at least I still have my health. Oh wait, been sick for the last week, so bugger that.

On the bright side, fixing the truck and pulling the boat out in the snow/rain mix that's still coming should finish me off.

Get me outta six months of winter, that.

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I would never roll my 'R's in your direction. Too much of a temptation for you.

And it's good to see you stumble in here occasionally. It causes us to remember... something... not quite sure what. But it's important, I'm sure. Or not.

It's true, I haven't been around that much this summer, at least. There is, of course, always the Kayak Season. But I haven't been paddling that much this late summer. Sometime in late July something went...funny. I don't know how else to put it. I woke up and there was a 'krick' in my back/shoulder area. It didn't affect paddling, nor stop me from lifting, carrying, doing anything I'd normally do. It was just awkward, mildly painful, but made my whole left arm go...all funny.

I think it might have been the result of playing 'Big Jump' with Small Friends, where I helped them leap up into the air; or perhaps simply catching, picking up Small Friends.

But in late July, my left arm went all strange. I couldn't lie flat on my back, or even propped up, because that made my left arm go 'all strange'. It went numb, and got that 'pins and needles' feel like you just hit your funny bone, or like the arm was coming back from 'falling asleep'. I could still paddle, and did. Didn't seem to affect anything.

Then, in mid-August, it got a bit weirder. My arm was going 'pins and needles' all the time. And my index finger in that hand went largely numb, and always felt strange. I quit paddling, just because I didn't want to make anything worse. But I didn't go to the doctor, because I'm living on sufferance and didn't have any insurance.

It got very annoying. Typing was hard to do. The index finger on my left hand (my dominant hand, worse the luck) was either 'partially functional', or so sensitive that touching anything made it go all awkward and feel unpleasant. I lost almost six weeks of prime paddling weather, trying to let things get better. I also suffered from weird, 'phantom' pain in that fore-arm, and even doing something as simple as opening a bottle became awkward.

I lost the best part of the Kayaking season.

Now, that arm has come back quite a bit. The index finger on that hand is doing a lot better, but it still is partially numb, and feels really odd when touched. I figure it for a pinched nerve, but I don't know. I'm just glad I can type again, however awkwardly.

And so, I am once again amongst you.

Ain't Life grand?

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Lars, you have snow but it isn't winter? Move somewhere else and leave the Arctic to the Eskimo. Or rig yourself a firefighting pump and wash the snow off next time.

Lars is one of Ours. He knows about the Northland.

Most of you lot are too weak to live here. And you have our pity.

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But I didn't go to the doctor, because I'm living on sufferance and didn't have any insurance.

And because you are so goddamned stubbornly dumb! Listen you old fool, your spine is probably out of alignment. Chances are that with early treatment the problem would have gone away. If you continue to ignore it you may end up paralyzed (not that wouldn't have some entertainment value for the rest of us). No more paddling. No more playing with Small Friends. No more able to wipe your own ass even. Think of it: are you ready for that?


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I have been re-reading 'Heimskringla' and 'Orkneyinga Saga' lately. Perhaps I should do a review of them. Anyone interested?

No, but do it anyhow.

And I disagree with Emrys (The audience sits stunned), I think it sounds like a pinched nerve.

But then, my body hasn't been falling apart as long as Michael's, so who knows?

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or a flesh eating virus.

I would hope that viruses were smart enough to know he's indigestible.

"Look! Up in the sky! it's a bird! it's a plane!



Yes, it's Indigestible Man; strange visitor from another planet who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.

Indigestible man, who can change the aroma of mighty rivers, crush styrofoam cups in his bare hands and who, disguised as Seanachai, odd smelling small lawn gnome from Mannyappleless, Mannysodas, fights a never ending battle for booze, verbosity, and the Armenian way!

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Well? Why DON'T they have kangaroos at the airport? Are they too BUSY??? Are they too important with their fine, fine kangaroo homes and their oh so very important kangaroo lives? Is greeting people at the airport too bloody far beneath them? Well, just where the FECK do they get off then, eh?

Bloody, self involved, arrogant, I-don't-give-a-good-fig-about-yours-mate-I-got-mine, sodding marsupial bastarrrrrrds!

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Well? Well, just where the FECK do they get off then, eh?

Nah, they just pile the bodies on the sides of the road. Then the crows get a population explosion picking over the carcasses.

But, It's good to have a WRX all wheel drive when the pesky buggers jump out onto the road. Gives you the opportunity to swerve to hit, or miss.. adds so much fun to the trip to work. Panel Beaters love them.


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