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Who Goes with Fergus, Then, to the Peng Challenge Thread?


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And, indeed, I have, on certain occasions, been mistaken for an Australian. It's the drinking, you see. Wine is a mocker, strong drink is ragin', as they say...

When I was waiting for a train at the Seattle train station, some 'yank' mistook me for a pom.

He never made that mistake again.

Btw do you think they fished out his body by now, it has been 3 years?

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When I was waiting for a train at the Seattle train station, some 'yank' mistook me for a pom.

He never made that mistake again.

Btw do you think they fished out his body by now, it has been 3 years?

It was the tweeds, plus-fours and deerstalker. That and your Woodend-not-a-common-oik-at-all accent. Now if you'd been wearing a bluey and swigging from a can....

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Why, Boo, you are, and remain, my large, thuggish henchman. And, dare I say it, a good man, and a good friend.

I particularly liked the 'ambrosial vintage' remark. But the long, drawn out 'bastard' reference was...bad accent. It was like you were trying to roll your 'r's. Bad form.

I would never roll my 'R's in your direction. Too much of a temptation for you.

And it's good to see you stumble in here occasionally. It causes us to remember... something... not quite sure what. But it's important, I'm sure. Or not.

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When I was waiting for a train at the Seattle train station, some 'yank' mistook me for a pom.

Must have been a New Yorker tourist. We get a lot of Ozzies and Kiwis—Pacific Rim and all that, you know—and most of us are familiar with the accents. But, say, a New Englander wouldn't have a clue. And a Mid-Westerner would be even worse off.

Btw do you think they fished out his body by now, it has been 3 years?

Probably just left him to feed the crabs and mudsharks. You do remember the song by Zappa and the crew, don't you?


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I have to come out from injury and resting to move this up from page 2. Doctor's tomorrow to see if surgery needed on right torn Achilles tendon. Damn poison arrows, can't trust anyone.


Achilles tendon tears are quite painful. Does it hurt a lot? I hope so.

I spent 8 weeks in a cast and two months in a brace, but no surgery. Unless you are a running back for the Bears and depend on your feet for a livelihood, avoid the surgery if possible.

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Surgery went fine, I am in a large boot for the next month at the quickest, more likely 2 months. Crutches for next 4 weeks minimum. seanachai, hook youself up to the wagon [there is a sentence I thought I would never read] and be my sled dog. No worries, I won't spare the whip.


Bah! Tylenol with codine doesn't do a thing....

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Bah! Tylenol with codine doesn't do a thing....

Ask for Vicodon. It's the same stuff but probably in bigger doses. Hey, if it worked for House it should work for you. The fun part will be watching you try to kick the habit. Take up smoking in the meantime so you can go cold turkey on both at the same time.


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Hard to referee soccer without the surgery, so I got it done. I got to referee DePaul vs Wisconsin before the injury, so the season was not a total loss, like you playing Boo.


Like I said if you need to be back in action right away get the surgery.

I'm sure the soccer teams are thriled not to have you on the field blowing the calls.

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I witness quite a lot of carrots...

[propping a couple of suitable limp and scraggy examples, root-side up]

... take for example, the Emrys Daucus carota... not especially very appetizing..

[... addressing the first one with a slobbering snout..]

... rather mundane and somewhat rubbery...

[... drawing back both lips...]

... but one must trust in a robust digestive tract when a little hunger pang takes seize...

[... and with dental precision and dexterity each carrot is diced and sucked up to the gentle incisor and guttural buzz of vegetative Emrys carrot dismemberment]

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Where the hell is OGSF ... the man does a drive by posting and then disappears ... I suppose we can hope that he's been picked up by Immigration for falsifying his documentation but more likely he's just forgotten the link again.

In other news ... well there isn't a lot of other news actually. I've been playing other stuff lately but I won't mention a certain flight sim since it seems to put Boo Radley into another of his states.

Instead I'll just mention that I'm playing Arma2 which, in case you don't know, is also a very realistic sim.

So there.


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In other news ... well there isn't a lot of other news actually.

It was great not having you here. Hope you go away again soon. How about a nice canoe trip up the Amazon during flood season? I hear it's beautiful then with lots of places to explore and many opportunities for a refreshing swim.


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