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Best way to maximize Purchase Points

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I have been playing WaW and I always out of purchase points, for upgrades new units or research.

Can anybody give me a tip how to maximize the points and maybe I am wasting the on unessesary research.

Tried a Sealion manoever last night and got anihilated since I didnt have enough paratroopers, Trying to cross the channel with all thoose brits warships was suicide.

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One suggestion would be to invest in production tech, or industrial tech, as this will make purchases cheaper, or will give you more mpps. Also make sure you know what you’re spending you're mpps on, and then do the math out to see if you'll have enough for upgrading units. One last thing you could do would be to capture countries, or land in the USSR, as this will also boast you're mpp total.

You have to annihilate the British navy, and air force before you launch Sealion, otherwise you'll get the same result every time. I hope this helps.

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Conquer minor countries.

Minimize your own losses.

Think about what you want to buy and when it might be the best time to buy it.

Example: if you research a good production tech, than every unit you can buy gets cheaper and cheaper (every tech advance saves money).

So it might be a good idea to reserch this tech before you spend all your money on expensive units.

Think about every operational movement and / or sea transport or amphib, as they all cost some money as well. Maybe your tanks can reach the next border on their own tracks instead through OP movement?

Think about which units you reinforce. If you don't use your fleet, than the repairs might not be nescessary. A near dead corps might be still strong enough to secure a city or resource if no enemy is in sight.

And don't buy units you don't need.

As fancy a german or russian battleship or carrier might be, as long as you need an army to invade russia or germany, you might consider to buy troops first.

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I don't think that production tech is really a good investment. It doesn't seem to reduce the reinforcement cost of units, just the purchase cost. So that means you buy a 5% discount for 100 MPP. That is 2000 MPP before you have your money back, which is something like 8 upgraded armies. I never actually kept track of how much resources I spend purchasing units in my games, but I doubt it would be much more then 2000 a year for the majority of the years. So a rough estimation is that it would take about 15 turns before you start making a profit.

Compare this to industrial technology, Germany gets its money back 5 turns after researching a level of it. That means that 1 level of industrial technology is almost 3x as effective as 1 level of production technology for the Germans. You would have to purchase new units for 300 resources per turn to get the same economic benefit from production technology. In spite of this, industrial technology is cheaper to research!

Of course, this differs from country to country. For the UK it takes almost 2 years before they get their money back from 1 level of industrial technology. For them, the difference between production technology and industrial technology is a lot smaller. That is of course, if anyone is crazy enough to research any of these technologies with the UK to begin with.

Nevertheless, it really wouldn't hurt in my opinion to seriously rebalance industrial technology and production technology if another patch is made. The two solutions that come to mind for fixing production technology are reducing the chit cost or make it reduce production cost and reinforcement cost. With this done, if you would spend all your German resources on reinforcing and purchasing units, you would only need an income of 300 per turn to gain the same benefit as you would get from industrial technology. Your real income will undoubtedly be higher, but you also need money for operating units, for research etc. So production and industrial technology would provide a roughly equal benefit. Perhaps some minor increases in their chit prices in this case would prevent too many resources from entering the game.

For England and Italy industrial technology isn't very useful, boosting the effect or decreasing the cost would make this technology a serious option for them.

Back on topic, don't waste money on production technology, get industrial technology instead. And whatever you do, don't research industrial technology with the UK.

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Wushuki imho prod.tech.isnt waste for America and Russia(depends if you are playing P.D.E.or W.a.W.because of the extra time).Trust me in a long drawnout conflict Prod.tech has a HUGE effect on the game.You can really build Russians and Americans fast with enhanced Prod.level.

As far as wasting mpps on research,you have to decide what kind of war you are going to fight and try and gear your research towards it.Its also great if you can anticipate your enemys plans and gear some of your research to counter his.

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Arado, the issue is though that when you do the math behind it, production technology really can't compete with industrial technology.

I don't know the actual amount of US production, but say its 200 resources per turn, which will probably be an underestimation. Industrial tech now increases this by 20%, which is 200*0.2=40. This 40 resources can be spend on anything.

Production technology only gives a 5% boost, which means you have to spend 40*20=800 resources per turn on producing new units to get the same effect. Obviously this is impossible.

Let's approach it from a different angle for Russia. Industrial technology gives you 10% additional resources which can be spend on anything. Production tech could give you 5% additional resources if you would spend all your money on purchasing new units. If you spend less on it, you would get less resources. So even in the most ideal case, industrial technology would be far better then production technology. The reason behind this is that for countries that do not capture a lot of new terrain, the overwhelming majority of the resources is provided by sources that are affected by the industrial technology research. This means that the total increase in resources will be close to the 10% of the original income, an amount that will never be achieved by production technology.

Perhaps you think its still useful to develop production technology and that is of course a legitimate viewpoint, but you would have to admit that compared to industrial technology, production technology is very weak. When you have to make a choice which to develop, industrial technology will always come first. This seems absurd to me, why put in 2 similar technologies and then make one the far better choice? So with that in mind I think that balancing this out a bit more would make sense.

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I usually develop Prod.tech. both for Russia and America(industrial tech.is always first and foremost).If its a long battle then it will start to make a difference in the end,but if you plan on winning a quick war then its not the best way to go.Remember its 5% per tech upgrade,so at level 5 its 25% cheaper and if you are building back units destroyed in combat then they are really cheap.Also combined with maxed out ind.tech then it can really have an effect.

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