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Nupremal World War Mod AAR

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Colin, have you noticed any anomalies in your Axis units' supply in USSR?

Presently I have a German HQ on the connecting road 6 tiles east of a 10 supply Konigsberg. I can't understand why that HQ has an 8 supply instead of a 10.

What am I missing here? Hubert? Nupremal? Bill? Anyone with an explanantion would be appreciated.

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No, not spotted that.

Though whilst we are asking questions of Nupremal, why is von Manstein Leadership 9, Guderian 8, Bock 6 and Rommel 5 (If I remember right). Its the last one that seems wrong. I'm not a Rommel worshipper but he did quite a lot with very limited resources and pulled off some good ambushes even in retreat/defeat and this makes him barely superior to some of the worst HQs. Would have said 7 to 8 as fair.

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Rommel was actually a much better tactical officer than a strategic one.

He was excellent at the division level. But lacked better judgement using an army.

Take for example in Africa he was told not to advance but he did so anyways with short supplies. The correct strategic decision was to invade Malta, clear the supply lines, then attack Egypt. If I remember that was the plan and when Hitler saw he made such good progress he decided no malta Rommel is doing just fine. Also at the time I believe the English pulled out all their best troops to place them in Greece and Crete leaving poor troops defending the pushed back Italians.

Manstein and Guderian were strategic commanders. Perhaps tactically Rommel was better but if I was to choose someone to command on the Russian front I would not choose Rommel for large scale operations.

But just from what I read. Who knows maybe he woulda done just fine.

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Rambo --I'd like to buy several more HQ's but it takes every MPP that I get each turn just to stay even. THe supply in Chinna is so low that I can not kill any enemy unit. I do make a little progress but it is the middle of 1943 and I haven't even thought about occupying islands or heading into Burma. I did manage to paradrop a unit into Kunming. As I understand it that should cut us supply to China, I hope.

What seems to me to be a big waste of time is that as Japan I have to sit there for two whole years(1939-1941) with my thumb up my nose doing nothing. I can't invade and transporting single units to various islands is counter-productive because I don't have HQ's to back them up and when December 1941 finally rolls around I won't have enough troops to keep China off my back or to invade the Philipines. Am I missing something?

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Rambo --I'd like to buy several more HQ's but it takes every MPP that I get each turn just to stay even. THe supply in Chinna is so low that I can not kill any enemy unit. I do make a little progress but it is the middle of 1943 and I haven't even thought about occupying islands or heading into Burma. I did manage to paradrop a unit into Kunming. As I understand it that should cut us supply to China, I hope.

What seems to me to be a big waste of time is that as Japan I have to sit there for two whole years(1939-1941) with my thumb up my nose doing nothing. I can't invade and transporting single units to various islands is counter-productive because I don't have HQ's to back them up and when December 1941 finally rolls around I won't have enough troops to keep China off my back or to invade the Philipines. Am I missing something?

@yolo911 --- Let me get on the same page as you. First, you're talking about the Nupremal World Mod? That's what I'm assuming since you cannot attack China until Japan at War. This is okay, because you're given quite a bit historical units when war starts. If Japan was allowed full tilt on China, it would be a wipe out.

Now, far as killing Chinese units......I need to know more specifics, what area, etc. If you really wanna kick China's ass, you can. You must go for the Head & Throat areas, that is the Capital(s). Use the Western port & bring in the kitchen sink. 2-Tanks, some air & couple HQ's......and a paratroop to take key cities after a kill. The Chinese can be killed.

If you decide against full-tilt against China, then you must decide what you're willing to bring in & what your goal is. I've been putting in at least one Engineer for stalling purposes.

Singapore, Bangkok, & the Phillipines are not hard to take. Just take HQ & a couple power units (Army/Tank)........mix in a carrier & ship to protect, no worries. Now, going into Burma, India, or Austrialia is an entirely different situation & is tough.

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AAR 1 Colin Axis.

Russia is still gearing up for the Spring but one more Soviet City falls. The allied raid on the low countries is fading and the Axis kill a lead US unit in France and strongly defend Paris. Axis bombers try and interdict the French ports held by Allies.

In the Med another Allied Naval unit is lost.

But the real excitement is in the Far East......

Japan gets a little further in SE Asia but the big news is diplomatic. Communist China declares for the Allies BUT Nationalist China swings away from war thanks to strong Axis diplomacy. That is a big weight off my mind in the Far East.

As mentioned before - do not underestimate diplomacy in this Mod. This game Axis used it to get Spain in and keep Nationalist China out - both really valuable.

Game 2 - Colin Allied

Same hot spots as before (India, Nice, Russia, Nationalist China, Phillipines) plus New Guinea.

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AAR 1 Colin Axis.

Japanese continue to build strength and advance in SE Asia. Communists in, Nationalists reduced to slightly over 50% with 3 Japanese chits and some Italian help [for Seamonkey].

Germans hit a battleship off Belgium with a V1 Rocket and Battle for France is immanent, US landing in strength.

Germans continue a slow advance in Russia.

Italians keep sinking UK residue of Navy in Med though this turn rather incompetently - losing more than they destroy.

Russian navy caught in ice and eliminated in the Baltic.

In the Med another Allied Naval unit is lost.

Game 2 - Colin Allied

US Navy attacks around Marinas to try and take the pressue off the Phillipines and sinks 2 IJN Battleships.

Nationalist Chinese actually eliminate a Japanese unit!

India hangs on for grim death - Japanese reinforcing a lot though they do lose a second armour unit to air attacks.

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AAR 1 Colin Axis.

Japanese invade Communist China.

Germans counter-attack very strongly in France taking out 2 Allied units, isolating 2 more and shipping in some heavy combat power. Think Allies went into France too soon.

Russia is quiet for the most part.

UK Battleship sunk near Suez (hopefully only a trapped carrier to go).

Axis navy caught in in the Baltic by ice.

Game 2 - Colin Allied

US Navy retreats as L3 Japanese Subs appear.

India still hangs on for grim death - but Chindits nail a Japanese units though Allied air is taking a pounding. I think we have to do something here with the rules - there is too much long-range operating in of Air to hold positions in India in PTO and this Mod. The problem is for Allies it CAN be worth operating air to hold a city. This should not be possible.

Battle of Moscow really heats up - he kills 2 entrenched Corps, I get 2 armies and Bock HQ in counter but he will nail more on his turn - getting very bloody.

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How about we just make them use a loop arrow to operate into the region, taking something like 3 to 4 turns.

That would be inconjuction to the MPP operating expense.

I might add that the weather would need to be clear(at the arrival arrows) for them to finish the redeployment and land or face additional turn delays.

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Just AAR1 Colin Axis

Very bloody - Germans drive on the French beachead and are involved in destroying 3 Russian armies and 1 paratrooper at the cost of a corps and Balkans fighter (so far, I expect this to escalate).

There STILL seem to be Allied ships in the Med, well it can't continue forever - Axis bomb the trapped carrier some more.

Japan is starting to gear up, expect events to start moving in the Far East soon.

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Just AAR1 Colin Axis

Very bloody - Germans drive on the French beachead and are involved in destroying 3 Russian armies and 1 paratrooper at the cost of a corps and Balkans fighter (so far, I expect this to escalate).

There STILL seem to be Allied ships in the Med, well it can't continue forever - Axis bomb the trapped carrier some more.

Japan is starting to gear up, expect events to start moving in the Far East soon.

Ehhhh, Russians on the French beaches? Man, I'm out of touch with the new strategies.

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Game 1 AAR Colin Axis

Very bloody in Rrance AND Russia.

UK Carrier finally eliminated near Suez.

Japan still trying for decisive advantage in SE Asia and Communist China.

Game 2 AAR Colin Allies

British hold out well in nice but Vichy France may weigh in.

Nationalist china adopt human wave attacks, Russians similar.

Think British will hold in India.

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Game 1 AAR Colin Axis

Russians attacking in force and doing lots of damage in Russia. Germans doing a bit better in the West and sink another residual British naval unit in the Med.

Japan getting to grips with Communist China and sinks a UK battleship and cruiser off Burma. really, how many more ships can the UK lose? Kill a British army in Burma and a US fighter in india.

Game 2 AAR Colin Allies

Russians hold near Moscow but he takes Stalingrad, Axis air sinks US carrier off Italy, British in Nice brace themselves.

Far East and Japan is getting human wave attacks from China and losing units in India - British are holding and countering well.

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Game 1 AAR Colin Axis

Russian rampage continues and fierce fighting in France.

On a better note for axis Japan is doing better - getting to grips with Communist China in the absence of the nationalists and making progress in Burma.

Game 2 AAR Colin Allies

Russians continue to hold Moscow. British battered near Nice but not defeated. Japan is suffering, Nationalist human wave attacks are biting (though a Chinese amphibious invasion failed) and India is turning the UK way.

I have two suggestions. I think there is a slight Allied bias and perhaps it can be corrected by the Russians purging their leadership more (less HQ - force them to build more). Also, UK has too many MPP, despite having wordwide commitments it can cover quite a proportion of its defensive needs - UK should be more stressed early on. Secondly, the US can wage attrition simply by pumping MPP into China and this makes like VERY hard for the Japanese. Perhaps not give China US units, assume US support is enough already. Historically I think US did not turn things around with support for China. I've spent a lot of MPP on Chinese units and I think that is hard to deal with.

I predict 2 Allied wins at this stage. My Axis game I have Med and no Nationalist China and Spain allied in advantages but Russia will kill me. Russia is less awful for his Axis but he had Med vulnerability and Japan will grind to a halt soon.

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I know what you mean Rambo, but in this case China can never collapse unless the US abandons it. In PTO Chinese MPP are limited so its vulnerable to strategic bombing etc. and you can interrupt US aid by invading India.

In Nupremal's game I see diplomacy as a better option to keep Chinese out whilst getting on with other work.

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Game 1: Colin Axis

Getting wiped in Russia, doing better in France and Japan is downright interesting. Here made progress in SE Asia, Dutch East Indies and Communist China will fall next turn unless he has builds coming. USA Navy moving forwards though.

Game 2: Colin Allies

Nice falls to Axis. Russia is under stress but I think I will hold until the Winter - destroyed Axis armour near Moscow this turn. He is putting pressure on Archangel but Finnish supply is too low to be effective.

Japan is in real trouble in India, British armies move forwards and an attempt to reinforce Japanese troops in Calcutta is sunk.

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Autumn 1943

Game 1: Colin Axis

Germans getting killed in Russia and losing momentum in France. Japan is doing rather better, now in control of SE Asia and sinks 3 US Carriers in a pitched battle off Borneo. Also very strong advance to India. Communists have second capital - did not expect that so its going to be tough in China. Losing this one.

Game 2: Colin Allies

Big Western allies move invading Greece in strength with some Russian support on Black Sea. Coupled with a bloody stand-off around Moscow between Red Army and Axis there is big pressure on European front. Coupled with Japan being finished in India this one goes my way (maybe!).

Overall - still feel Allies have the edge in this Mod. Something really has to be done about air op move - at times in India one or other forces there have been largely air units. Western Allies were killing a ground unit a turn from the air at one point and now Japanese forces in Burma seem all air and HQs. One option is to limit op move, maybe a better one is to increase morale/readiness damage and decrease strength point reduction from air attacks. Its been talked about a lot but really feel its needed, would shift the balance and force more ground unit deployment and make combat more realistic.

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