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Nupremal World War Mod AAR

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AAR 1 Colin Axis.

Something of a breakthrough turn in North Africa - Italy loses a sub but Axis ground and air forces destroy Wavell HQ - its unlikely he can get another HQ there fast so as the Axis ground already had the edge its a good opportunity. Axis bring in Italian AA unit.

In Russia he attacks, destroys Axis army (but in supply) but has lost 3 armies in return. Leningrad will fall next turn. Partisans appear.

Axis stormtroopers assault the Rock - should fall soon.

UK pick off a damaged U-boat in a Spanish harbour with a carrier - nice move.

Japan quiet.

AAR 2 Colin Allies.

Russians lose Leningrad but ambush his Special Forces and destroy it. Some partisan activity. He is very strong in Russia.

UK takes Sardinia from Italy.

Japan advances on India though quite some UK opposition deployed and has a foothold on the Philipines in several locations.

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Games are really heating up.....

AAR 1 Colin Axis.

Second big Axis turn in Med as the Rock falls to German stormtroopers and both a British armour and air dies in the desert. Italian navy keeps hitting the British ships and more troops are brought in (yet more air and an Italian corps). Situation in the Middle East is critical for the UK. Some naval skirmishes off Spain and in the Baltic.

Leningrad falls. Some signs of russian couterattacks in the South.

Japanese finally launch Pearl Harbour.

AAR 2 Colin Allies.

Conflict in lots of locations - its quite hard remembering everything.

Fighting all along the line in the USSR - both sides take significant casualties. Axis suffer in front of Russia - perhaps spreading themselves a bit thinly?

US helps UK harass Italy, the latter using Malta and Sardinia and aircraft carriers as airbases.

UK and US make a stand near Rangoon - think we will lose but should be enough to keep India safe.

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Know what you mean.

There have been a few cases where I forgot to move ships on after transfer arrow use, in the few cases where they ended up on the reverse arrow and they have jumped back to the start.

Gibraltar was probably a lost cause, I had more forces moving in.

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Man do I hear you guys, you've really got to be disciplined to play competitively. Many times I run out of MPPs and am not able to complete some crucial actions in other theaters, concentrating instead on the most critical areas, ie USSR.

Off hand, how long would y'all say it takes to complete a turn? When all the majors are active, it usually takes me 30 to 45 minutes as Axis.

What about you Rambo, Colin, Nupremal? Do the Allies take longer?

Ha! Remember the old SC1 days, one turn, 15 minutes max.

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It takes me 45 min too - usually I replay the previous turn then walk away, think then play. I'll certainly plunder my tech if I get the MPP wrong.

I would appreciate slightly lower complexity of units and lower density for faster play and more thought to strategy and less on tactical combinations.

I would appreciate an autoreinforce option - flag a unit and it gets reinforced max at start of turn until I countermand the order.

I would appreciate naval transfers nopt arriving on return arrows for reasons discussed with Nupremal.

The side that has the strategic initiative takes longest to play.

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AAR 1 Colin Axis.

Axis sieze the Suez canal sealing various Allied cruisers and destroyers in the Med - but looks like he got his carrier and battleships out in time.

Russia continues.

Japan lands in the Philipines.

UK ambush an Axis sub off Spain.

AAR 2 Colin Allies.

Russia has very intense fighting in front of Moscow.

Italy under pressure with US fleet added to the mix.

Major fighting around Rangoon and Philipines in the Far East.

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Game 1 Colin Axis

Suez and Cairo falls, that is the Middle East in Axis hands with a few stray RN vessels trapped and harassed by Axis air and a Spanish cruiser and 2 Italian submarines, maybe the residue including 2 UK battleships but not sure if they can escape or not (Nupremal, do transfer arrows still work when Suez has fallen?).

Russia keeps rolling - we are shaping up for a big battle or two.

UK harasses around Spain and Norway.

Japan rather slow but staring to get moving but the Dutch East Indies declares for the UK.

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Yep, turns take some thought & time. Far as spending MMPs, once major battles start, the cash goes quick. Reinforce an Army can cost nearly 100 MMPs. Throw in a couple more units & an operand.....there ain't much left. Better get a good feel for the map. I hate forgeting a key move, can be really costly.

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AAR 1 Colin Axis.

He did not get all his big ships out from Suez, sink a battleship and there is a carrier and battleship to go - fish in a barrel! RN must really be short of ships but US is coming.

Russia continues - some progress up North.

Japan taking Philipinnes but slow in SE Asia.

UK launches harassment raids in Norway, Low Countries, France and Spain.

AAR 2 Colin Allies.

Russia calms down a bit, Russians still hold Moscow.

British land in Nice and continue pounding Italy.

UK holds on in Burma but is taking losses.

I'm starting to think Axis have it tough in this mod (both games) but lets see.

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Is there any way to increase the number of mpps I can get per turn? or to disable the necessity of having HQ's that there are ridiculously few of and too expensive to buy? I have played this game many times and the entertainment value is pretty low when all of the units are so expensive, the supply of my units is almost always 0-5 and therefore totally ineffective. I am playing Nupremal's global mod and if I can destroy even one enemy unit during a turn then it is cause for celebration. And this is in the pacific and in Russia combined. I never have enough MPP's to purchase new units or to invest in research, that's another thing I'd like to turn off because I can't keep up with the AI. I have never used the editor. Is there a setting in it so I can get enough mpp's per turn to actually fight a war?

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Darn it! Yolo, welcome to SC and let me be the first to help you graduate. You need to learn to use the SC HQ if you ever want to be successful in SC. That's the reason your units have low supply(also morale and efficiency), SC HQs coordinate logistics and enhance combat abilities.

Make sure they are in range of a supply source(ss), cities and ports. If the ss has a supply of 5, make sure your HQ is only 4 APs away from it and the HQ will display 8 supply, if ss > 5 and the APs are less than the supply value to your HQ, HQ will have 10 supply to pass on to your units which will have the appropriate supply based on APs away from HQ (HQ supply - APs to unit = unit supply).

Make sure your attacking or defending units are attached to your HQ, green border around unit when HQ selected, make sure HQ mode is auto-assist, or manual. Blue illuminated border around unit means unit is elligible for attachment, but you are limited in the number of attachments.

There are plenty of MPPs to follow a reasonable strategy, just be selective with their use, you don't always need to reinforce units to max strength, allow your units to build experience. A unit with 3 experience and 6 strength is as good if not better than a full strength unit with no experience.

There's a lot more, but this should get you started.

Oh yeah .....research IT and PT and you'll have more MPPs and builds will be cheaper.

And don't forget.....a unit that is eliminated but has a supply of 5 or greater can be rebuilt at reduced MPPs, it'll have an asterisk by it in the build selection screen.

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Hi SeaMonkey,

I appreciate the detailed reply. I have been playing this game since SSC came out. I bought WAW and this pacific game. I skipped The Eastern Front one because I thought it might just be a rehash of the other Battlefront games. I still have problems with supply. It is always inadequate. But anyway, I will keep trying.

By the way, if you are the same SeaMonkey that posts at Matrixgames, I really liked the thread you had in WW2 Time of Wrath. About how that particular game was several generations behind Strategic Command and that nothing that is painfully learned seems to ever be passed on to another game. That we constantly reinvent the wheel.

My moniker is MemoryLeak at matrixgames. I joined them back in 2000.

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I thought better yolo, seems like I'd seen your name before, but I didn't want to assume anything especially in light of your low number of posts.

I think many of us are sick of the unpolished releases coming out of Matrix but I do like what the Wasteland guys are doing, their land combat model is spot on. Still they have a long way to go before they get the grand strategy down. Hubert is the leader in that department.

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I agree with your post at WW2 Wrath of Time, it seems like every time a new game is released we start all over again with a wish list. By now, after 20+ years, you would think the near-perfect war game would have been developed with all the experience that is floating around out there. But each game is two steps forward and one step back.

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AAR 1 Colin Axis.

Russia - Germany attacks in the South with some good weather. Partisan problems in Poland/USSR border. Western allies reinforce their raids. Some critical fights coming soon.

Far East rather slow moving.

AAR 2 Colin Allies.

Russia holds fast around Moscow - holding back on attacks except for harassing a low supply German paratrooper. Think I will hold through the winter now.

Yugoslavian partisans active again.

British with US naval support active in Italy - around Nice and destroying an Italian fighter based near Rome with carriers (Nupremal - carriers seem too effective vs land based air - I was surprised when 2 carrier groups destroyed 2 level 3 British land-based fighters in India).

China and communist China weigh in - hard to see how Japan will do much now despite the low troop quality of the Chinese.

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I agree with your post at WW2 Wrath of Time, it seems like every time a new game is released we start all over again with a wish list. By now, after 20+ years, you would think the near-perfect war game would have been developed with all the experience that is floating around out there. But each game is two steps forward and one step back.

I often wonder about that too.

It seems to me that all a game designer needs to do is combine the best aspects of three or four games to produce the perfect wargame, but the challenge seems beyond them.:(

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I'm wondering why my Balikpan, Tarakan and Brunei oil tiles all show a supply level of 5 but my occupying units don't get that supply. In fact the oil doesn't provide any supply, although it designates supply 5 in the info screen, it is only the ports that are inconjuction with the oil tile that deliver supply.

Doesn't it make sense that a coastal oil tile should have a port connected to it, as how is the oil loaded and moved? This is my business and I've been to some of the most remotest spots for oil shipments and there is always a dock.

So why doesn't the Tarakan oil field not have one, 0 supply for occupying units?:confused:

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AAR 1 Colin Axis.

Some moderate gains in Russia (though he is poised for counter-play) and have the need to deal with Allied forces in France.

Japanese started to get to work on Allied air - still think carriers are too effective against land-based air - anyhow two allied air units destroyed in carrier strikes or land-based activity.

China not yet active.

AAR 2 Colin Allies.

Allies defend solidly - in Russia the Soviets hold their ground around Stalingrad and Moscow. India is under serious threat from the sea though Allied air destroy the Japanese armour in Burma. Amazingly, the Phillipines holds out.

China is active - hopefully an attrition factor for Japan.

British battle Italian ground and German air around Nice.

If I was to guess I'd say in both games the Allies have the edge. Its really hard to use Japan effectively - that is a good thing, unlike in PTO you have a lot of decisions that are completely open (you are not at war with China, you have time to deploy Amphibious units where you want, you can decide if Pearl Harbor happens) but it takes a lot more planning and foresight.

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I'm about ready to give up on this game. At least Nupremal mod. Russian front is going okay but with only three HQ's for Japan to fight an entire war it just doesn't work out for me. Is there an editor that I can beef up the number of HQ so that I can fight someplace beside just China? I don't have any units with a supply over 5 ANYWHERE on the map except in Japan's main island. Can HQ's or supply be beefed-up to where you can have a little fun?

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There are other options too - the link with the west is one, so options on concentrating on the UK so it cannot defend in Europe and the Colonies. Or Russia.

But you can tread softly too - I am using Japan less aggressively to slow US entry and both China's are not yet in. Furthermore, Japanese diplomacy is pretty useless in PTO but in my game I used Japanese diplomats to help convince Spain to enter allowing German MPP to be spent on tanks.

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Winter 1942/1943

Game 1 Colin Axis

Russia - kill a couple of adventurous Russian units in the South.

Low Countries - British raid now stressed with loss of its strongest unit, UK armour. Germans deploy strongly against this threat. But he is also in other locations.

Operation Fish-in-a-Barrel continues with destruction of a UK battleship in the Axis pond some people call the Med ;-)

Japan takes Singapore and starts to roll in SE Asia.

Game 2 Colin Allies

Russian counter attack around Moscow kills an armoured unit, an Axis minor army dies near Stalingrad.

British battle Axis around Nice.

Japan very threatening in India but struggling with Phillipines.

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