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Formations we might see in the initial Normandy release

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I may have missed it, but will we have a German campaign eventually in the Western Front? Please say, yes.

I seem to recall Steve saying they want to include both an Allied and German campaign in the Normandy game. If they don't, I'm sure there would soon be a fan made one.

And since we're talking about campaigns again let me bump my earlier question:

Reviving this thread, as it touches on my question somewhat. The CMSF campaigns were, of course, entirely fictional. This allowed the campaign designers to do what ever they wanted to design the most interesting campaign they could. Will the WWII game's campaigns try to be historical -which would, of course, stray from the historical results after the first battle, or will free reign be given again to the campaign designers to create a campaign that MAY have occured in the historical timeframe?
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We are planning on two smaller campaigns, to cover two perspectives, for Normandy instead of one large campaign from one perspective. They will be based on historical events. Obviously once the game is out people can make their own campaigns in any way they wish. Remember there is also the ability to have Core Units on both sides, which allows for things like a multi-part battle between two specific groups of units from each side.


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We are planning on two smaller campaigns, to cover two perspectives, for Normandy instead of one large campaign from one perspective. They will be based on historical events. Obviously once the game is out people can make their own campaigns in any way they wish. Remember there is also the ability to have Core Units on both sides, which allows for things like a multi-part battle between two specific groups of units from each side.


Thanks for the mini-bone Steve, thats the first I had heard of this. Will the 'perspectives' be from the same side, or one on each side?

Have you picked the units yet? Just finished Beyond the Beachhead and am now working through Beachhead to Brittany. 29th ID would make some very interesting battles for sure. I know (obviously) the beach would be out, but you could easily start on the bluffs above, like fighting for Vierville or somefink.

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Will we get the right runes and swastikas [TM] from the 'box' this time, or will we have to mod simulacra as usual...?

Certainly the usual. German and perhaps pan-European law forbids the casual display of Nazi emblems. So if BFC wants to sell in the EU, they have to observe all the niceties. I suppose an argument could be advanced that CM should be allowed an exception as a quasi-historical document, but I don't think that would ever fly in any EU court of law.


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Will we get the right runes and swastikas [TM] from the 'box' this time, or will we have to mod simulacra as usual...?

Certainly the usual. [...] I suppose an argument could be advanced that CM should be allowed an exception as a quasi-historical document, but I don't think that would ever fly in any EU court of law.

Meanwhile, a certain American director receives 8 million euros from German public sources for making a movie rife with runes and other such simulacra (and rife with gruesome killing of Germans).

According to German law, the display of Nazi iconography is not illegal in "works of art". Why aren't video games works of art? (Too many anti-video-game stigmas, I reckon.)

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Certainly the usual. German and perhaps pan-European law forbids the casual display of Nazi emblems. So if BFC wants to sell in the EU, they have to observe all the niceties. I suppose an argument could be advanced that CM should be allowed an exception as a quasi-historical document, but I don't think that would ever fly in any EU court of law.


How would this work? Say I want to download the game direct from BFC and live here in the UK where no such laws exist, am I forced to d/l the Swastika free version of the game?

Seems a wee bit unworkable to me.

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How would this work? Say I want to download the game direct from BFC and live here in the UK where no such laws exist, am I forced to d/l the Swastika free version of the game?

Seems a wee bit unworkable to me.

Last time around, no stock version of the game came with swastikas, not even here in the US. We all had to mod them or stick with what came out of the box. I don't recall modding was all that hard though.


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The Collector's Edition of CM Normandy will come with silk boxers emblazoned with swastikas. In the front there is a portrait of Hitler, and the fly is in his mouth.

Do you think this will be forbidden in Germany?

This will be frowned upon by the Ministry of Silly Underpants.

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Last time around, no stock version of the game came with swastikas, not even here in the US. We all had to mod them or stick with what came out of the box. I don't recall modding was all that hard though.


The versions I got had swastikas, SS and all that sort of stuff straight out of the Box. I did buy direct from BFC, rather than the CDV (based in Germany) version.

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All the European released stuff was de-Nazified because CDV is a German company. They couldn't warehouse the product in Germany if it had naughty bits in it. Therefore, it didn't matter where you bought it within CDV's European territory. I can't remember if CDV USA used the de-Nazified version or not. Probably did.

Battlefront's product, on the other hand, was brimming with full National Socialist love of evil symbols. Heck, we even put on the box "Battlefront explicitly endorses the views and policies of the NSDAP and denies the Holocaust. A portion of the sale of this product will go to help rebuilding the Chicago Nazi Party, which is still recovering from the Untermenschen Blues Brothers' cowardly attack funded by homosexual Communist Jewish bankers." In fact, it was BF.C policy that after each post on this Form that posters were supposed to say Heil Hitler or have their accounts "resettled". However our requests never caught on, like arguing about Bren Tripods, so we eventually gave up on it.

So I guess the German government is right... a correct and appropriate historical use of relevant Nazi symbols does indeed make you lose touch with reality and have an irresistable urge to invade Poland.



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Dude, don't even say that as a joke.

Seriously, you might want to edit that.

I thought about it before I wrote it. I'm confident that only a nut would not see that it is a bit of humor and irony as well as a criticism of censorship laws which have taken an acceptable concept (i.e. no "glorification") a bit too far. Symbols have meaning, but banning them sometimes gives them more meaning than they would otherwise have.

Anybody who doesn't understand this, or suspects that I'm not kidding, needs to find another place to hang out. Preferably one with a person who has diplomas on the wall in the area of psychology and charges a reasonable rate for his services.

Then again, I could just go back and edit it out because self censorship isn't always a bad thing.

Choices, choices, choices. Good thing I like beer :D


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I'm confident that only a nut would not see that it is a bit of humor and irony as well as a criticism of censorship laws which have taken an acceptable concept (i.e. no "glorification") a bit too far.

Reasonable. On the other hand, Steve, have you forgotten how many nuts are running loose on the web? I bet there are more than one who every day google "swastika" and similar terms just praying that they can find something to whine sanctimoniously about.


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Oh, I understood the spirit in which it was said as will most sane and reasonable people, which by the way isn't as large a percentage of the internet as you'd think.

But know this, if you get quoted out of context with much of the middle paragraph, no "Hey, that's out of context!" is going to make it look good


Yuk, Beer!

*pours himself some red red wine*

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Oh, I know that someone will take it out of context, eventually. Just like I know that the world will end, eventually. I just don't think I should get overly worried about things I can't control. Plus, I think there is much more real sport to have today. Like someone who thinks Al Qaeda is an exclusive gentlemen's club and that Afghanistan was invaded because Dick Cheney wasn't allowed in.

Ah yes, the Internet... somedays it's almost as fun as pounding a large spike into your own head. And for the record, no sarcasm in that sentiment. You can quote me on that :D


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I know that Al Qaeda is an exclusive gentlemen's club and that Afghanistan was invaded because Dick Cheney wasn't allowed in.

And for the record, no sarcasm in that sentiment. You can quote me on that :D


Gosh, Steve. You really should watch what you say on the Internet.

But I gotta go now - it's the day of week when I feed the babies in the basement!

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